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The Storm - Episode 29



The Penthouse --

Sonny stormed into the penthouse, his anger could be seen by everyone. Victoria and the officer that was assigned to Sonny followed him into the apartment.

"You have an hour Sonny, you better use the time wisely. This tantrum is not helping anything, you know that." Victoria said as Carly heard the commotion downstairs and came running down the stairs.

"What is going on down here?! There are children sleeping upstairs." she said as she saw Sonny outraged about something.

"What's going on down here is that Zander has sent me to the county jail for 3 weeks, that's what's going on!" Sonny shouted.

Carly got worried, Sonny would never last 3 weeks in a jail cell, his claustrophobia would get him first. She tried to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work. He was furious and the only thing she could do was to let him go, it was dangerous to stop him.

"So ... what? They're going to take you right away?" Carly asked when she noticed the officer standing by the door.

"Yes, Sonny has one hour, and we were lucky to get that." Victoria said as she stood holding her attache case in her hands.

"Should we call Jason or something?" Carly said as she went to the phone ready to pick it up.

"No, I'm sure Jason's heard already, it's all over the news. He knows what to do." Sonny replied as he headed for the stairs.

"Where are you going?" the officer asked when he saw Sonny heading up the stairs.

"I'm going to say goodbye to my children. Is that okay with you?" Sonny snapped back.

The office took one step back and left Sonny go up the stairs and he disappeared into the darkness. Carly excused herself and followed her husband, making sure he was alright. Victoria and the officer waited patiently in the living room for Sonny, while he and Carly said their goodbyes in private.

They emerged from upstairs and he kissed her goodbye. The officer handcuffed Sonny and opened the door to leave. Carly stood watching him go and her eyes filled with tears as Victoria looked at her with a disappointed look.

"I'm so sorry, Carly. I'm going to do everything I can to get him out." Victoria followed the officer out the door and to the elevator.

Jason stood at the door to his penthouse watching as they stepped onto the elevator and the doors closed. As soon as they did, he walked over to the penthouse to check on Carly.

When she saw Jason standing in the doorway, she ran to him and fell into his arms. "Jason ... what are we going to do?" she cried, her tears moistened his black tee shirt as he held her against him, trying to comfort her the best he could.

"We're not going to do anything. There isn't anything we can do. Sonny's attorney I'm sure has her own plans set into motion and I have mine." he replied as he stood there with her in the middle of the living room.

The PCPD Squadroom --

Victoria and the officer escorted Sonny into the squad room of the PCPD, and Ric was waiting for them. A grin came over Ric's face when he saw Sonny walk into the room in handcuffs. There was no snickering or smirking coming from him now, just a blank stare.

"Take Mr. Corinthos down to booking and get him processed. He'll have to spend a few hours in lock up till the wagon arrives to take him to the county prison." Ric instructed as the officer did what he was told.

"You know that 3 weeks in the county prison will kill him, right?" Victoria said as she approached Ric.

"And do you know, that I don't much care. What he did to my mother was inexcusable and what he did to Zander's father was unforgivable. He deserves to be punished for his crimes."

"Well, I am sorry about all of that, it must of been difficult for your brother and for you ..." her words drifted off as she noticed the extremely handsome man she was talking to.

"Thank you, but that doesn't make up for what your client did to my family, counselor."

"I know, and I'm sure this case opened up alot of old wounds for both you and your brother." she replied as she tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Yes this is a very long time coming for Zander and I ... putting Sonny away for these crimes has almost been worth the wait." he smirked.

At the cabin --

Zander and Emily arrived back at the cabin with Devon, and Marcus was given his orders before he left to drive back to town. Zander walked Emily and Devon to the front door and unlocked it with his key. He escorted her inside and took Devon from her arms as she set down the bag she had draped over her shoulder.

It was getting late and it was time for Devon to go to bed. She took him from Zander and walked up the stairs to the nursery, while Zander sat down on the couch.

Zander laid down on the couch and stretched out his entire body. His nightmare was finally over, at least for a while. He was sure he would have to testify again at the trial. He heard Emily come down the stairs and made room for her on the couch with him. She removed her shoes and laid down next to him.

He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the back of her neck. "Thank you ..." he said and she turned into him.

"For what?" she replied as her hand smoothed back his coal black hair.

"Thank you for believing in me and for being my rock through all of this." he replied.

She caressed his face with her hand and smiled. "You don't ever have to thank me, Zander ... you know I would do anything for you because I love you."

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. The kiss lingered and left her wanting more when it was released. She turned herself outward, her back laying against him and she snuggled close, her body fitting perfectly against his curves.

He leaned in and whispered to her ... "I love you too...."


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