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The Storm - Episode 28



As they walked into the front door of the courthouse, Zander asked .."What are the chances we'll get the decision we want?"

"I think the chances are pretty good, Zander. With your testimony and the circumstantial evidence we submitted, I think we have a good chance of a victory." Ric replied as the four of them walked down the hallway towards the courtroom.

Ric opened the door to the courtroom and they all filed in and took their seats. Alexis and Ric at the prosecution table and Zander with Emily sat behind them in the first row. Emily latched on to Zander's hand for support and he squeezed it to thank her. She smiled and leaned into him, placing her head on his shoulder. "It's going to be alright." he said before the bailiff appeared from the side door.

Sonny and his attorney appeared in the back of the courtroom and took their seats at the opposing table. Victoria looked over at Ric and Alexis and then sat down in her seat, seemingly nervous for her client.

"All rise. Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Cooper presiding." the bailiff announced as Judge Cooper emerged from the side door and took his seat on the bench. Once he was seated everyone else sat down, and he opened up his court by the stroke of the gavel.

Zander's insides twisted and turned with worry that Sonny would get off once again for killing his father. He felt Emily's hand laced with his, and he knew that whatever happened in the courtroom that day, he would always have her love and she would always be there for him.

"We have re-conveened here in this courtroom because the Grand Jury has reached their decision in the case against Mr. Sonny Corinthos." Judge Cooper said as he unfolded the piece of paper in front of him. "The Grand Jury has found sufficient evidence for the prosecution to proceed with charges against Mr. Corinthos for murder in the first degree."

Rejoice from the prosecution side of the courtroom could be heard and they were quieted by Judge Cooper.

"Being that this case will be taking some time out of the docket calendar, we will begin this trial in 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm sure all of you will be able to make it .... and counselors, please come prepared for court." the judge continued as Victoria stood up from her chair.

"There is a matter of bail, your Honor." she stated.

"Well, why don't we skip the formalities, counselor. We will settle bail right here and now."

"Your Honor, the prosecution wishes to have on record that we are objecting to bail in this case. Mr. Corinthos certainly should be considered a flight risk, he has the means and all his assets at his disposal. The prosecution recommends no bail and he be remanded to county lockup till trial." Ric spoke up.

"Your Honor, Mr. Corinthos has family ties to the community, he has a flourishing business he is a part of and he has a family waiting at home for him. Mr. Corinthos is no more of a flight risk then you or I." Victoria argued.

"Ultimately this is my decision, counselors. And I have read over Mr. Corinthos's file and have taken notice to his means and I also do believe him to be a flight risk and if I may add a threat to his new found family." Judge Cooper replied as Ric turned and looked at Zander and Emily with a smile.

"With that said, I do concur that Mr. Corinthos should be remanded to the county lock up till trial."

"Your Honor, if I may ..... If Mr. Corinthos is to be jailed till trial, we would like to suggest he be kept at the jail in the basement of the PCPD. My client would be more comfortable close to his family then 50 miles away at the county prison." Victoria replied, still pleading Sonny's case.

Judge Cooper sat and pondered the request from the defense. "Considering Mr. Corinthos's business and his connections here in Port Charles, I have to deny your request, counselor. Mr. Corinthos will spend the next three weeks in the county prison till trial."

"Your Honor, at least give Mr. Corinthos some time to get his affairs in order before leaving." Victoria replied desperately pleading with the judge to see Sonny's side of things.

"Your Honor, the State objects to the defense's request. Giving Mr. Corinthos the time to get his affairs in order would be giving him time to plan his next move to flee this jurisdiction." Ric spoke up once again objecting to Victoria's request on behalf of her client.

"Mr. Corinthos has one hour and it will be supervised by an officer of this court. After that, he will be taken to the PCPD and processed and then taken to the county jail to serve out the 3 weeks." the judge ordered and slammed down his gavel after his ruling.

Zander exhaled a sigh of relief, at least for 3 weeks, Sonny would be off the streets and away from Emily and Devon. Though still not letting his guard down, because knowing Sonny, he had plans for Zander and his family.


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