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The Storm - Episode 22



At the cabin --

The morning sun filtered through the trees and into the bedroom window, she awoke to being alone and she sat up in bed quickly. "Zander?" she called out for him with no answer.

She slipped from the bed and put on her robe and slippers before she headed out the door of the bedroom and down the stairs. She searched the down stairs and found no one, but a fresh pot of coffee that was made. She went to the front door and opened it, thinking that Zander had gone to see his brother, she wasn't expecting to find him sitting alone on the front porch.

He turned and looked towards the door when he heard it open. "Morning....." he said as he saw her standing in the doorway.

"Morning, what are you doing out here, Zander?" she asked as she stepped out onto the front porch with him.

"Just thinking." he replied as he held a cup of coffee between his hands to keep them warm. Emily sat down on the step with him and snuggled close.

"Have you told your brother yet?" she asked as she looked up at him. His arms wrapped around her as their hands wrapped around the one cup of coffee.

"Not yet." he replied and she didn't question his reasons for not calling Ric, he'd do it in his own time she guessed.

As they sat with each other on the steps, they were startled by the sound of a vehicle coming down the dirt road. Zander rushed Emily into the house and he followed closely behind, not wanting anyone to know they were there. He peered out the window from behind the curtain as the vehicle pulled up to the rustic cabin. He realized he knew the vehicle and went to open the door for their visitor.

"Hey little brother ..." Ric said as he emerged from the black SUV and then came into full view as he walked around the front of the truck. Zander handed his cup of coffee off to Emily before he stepped out onto the front porch of the cabin.

Zander came down the stairs to greet Ric with a brotherly embrace. "Hey you weren't kidding when you said it was a well hidden place." Ric chuckled as the two of them went into the cabin.

Zander explained to Emily that he had called Ric earlier that morning to come and see them. He didn't want to tell his brother all that happened in the middle of the PCPD, the cabin was more appropriate.

Zander and Ric took seats on the sofa in the living room as Emily went to get them all some coffee.

"You're call sounded urgent, so I came as soon as I could." Ric said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and made himself more comfortable on the couch.

"Yeah urgent would be a good word for it." Zander smirked.

"I hope you have some good news for me, and we can pick up Sonny again for murder." Ric replied anxiously awaiting what Zander had to tell him.

"Good news? Well, for you maybe, but not for me. What I remembered just brought on more questions for me, Ric. But I do remember that Sonny shot Frank." Ric found it strange that Zander used their names and didn't call Frank, father like he had done before.

"Is there something more, Zander? If there is, I'd like to hear it." Ric replied as Emily came into the room with a tray and she set it down on the coffee table in front of them. Zander reached for a cup of coffee and took a sip before beginning his story what had happened. Emily heard the cries of Devon from upstairs and excused herself to check on him.

"Have anything more to tell me, Zander?" Ric asked as he held the cup of coffee between his hands.

"You mean like from what I remembered last night that Frank Smith was not my father, but that Sonny is?" Zander replied.

"Sonny? .... Is your father? Are you sure, Zander?" Ric questioned surprised to hear what Zander had told him.

"As sure as I want to be right now, believe me, it was a shock to me too. But that's what I remembered about the argument between Sonny and Frank that night. Frank accused Sonny of raping my mother 8 years earlier, he had found out that I was Sonny's son, not his. He was furious with Sonny, and wanted to kill him for doing what he had done to his family and to his wife. Sonny shot Frank before Frank got a shot at him."

Ric sat and listened as Emily came down the stairs with Devon in her arms. She turned the corner with him and headed into the kitchen to feed him his breakfast.

"Well, I'm sure the statute has run out on the rape of your mother, but we certainly can arrest Sonny for killing Frank....with your testimony, Sonny should get alot of years behind bars." Ric replied.

Zander's stomach churned at the word "testimony". He didn't want to talk about that night to anyone, it was painful for him just to think about it. But if it would put Sonny in jail for what he had done, he'd have to tell his story in front of a judge.

"Are you ready for that?" Ric asked as he saw Zander went pale at the mention of testifying against Sonny.

"No, I'm not ready to testify against Sonny ... my father, but I have to, I'm the only witness you have that can put him away for this." Zander replied.

"I'm sorry for all the pain that Sonny has caused, he certainly deserves the punishment that the judge hands down on him. He's hurt alot of people over the years and it's time he pays for all he's done." Ric said trying to be sympathetic towards his brother.

"Yeah he has caused alot of pain to many people, but my only concern right now is that Sonny gets charged with murder and that he go to prison for a very long time for it. He's taken way too many years from me, Ric. I'm not going to let him get away with it!"


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