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The Storm - Episode 21



Emily steadied herself against the bed post so she wouldn't fall over from shock when Zander told her that Michael was name Sonny used when he first got into the business with Frank.

"Sonny Corinthos is your father?!" she replied in complete amazement at Zander's revelation.

Zander scratched the top of his head and really wondered to himself if what he had dreamt was the truth. "I don't know Em, I'm just telling you what I remembered. Sonny shot Frank because Frank was going to shoot him for betrayal and for sleeping with my mother."

Zander quickly got passed the tears and found himself quickly with anger building inside him as he remembered more of the conversation between Frank and Sonny.

"Wait.... " he got up from the bed and began to pace the room, like pacing would make him remember more. "Frank was furious with Sonny for sleeping with my mother, but it wasn't a mutual fling .... that son of a bitch raped her!" Zander yelled out in anger as he remembered more clearly the argument between Frank and Sonny.

His fists clenched in rage, he felt the urge to release it on something and picked up the vase and threw it against the wall. The impact shattered the vase and all that was in it on the floor. Emily jumped as the shattering vase made a loud sound as it hit the wall and broke in a million pieces. She had never seen such anger from Zander before and she was over come with fear. She knew he'd never hurt her that way, but she was afraid for him, and what he might do now knowing what he knew.

Zander realized what he had done and what he had remembered so vividly now, his knees buckled underneath him and he went down onto the floor. Tears began to fall from his eyes and Emily went to him and held him in her arms wishing she could take the pain he was feeling all away.

Zander cried out in pain as he realized what his mother had endured all those many years ago and that he was the result of the violent attack that was done to her.

Emily wrapped her arms around him and tried to comfort him the best she could. He klinged to her like he had become the small boy he once was, the small scared little boy who witnessed the murder of his father by the hands of another.

Emily sat with him on the floor of their bedroom rocking back and forth, as the tears just flowed from him, as if all 15 years of sorrow and pain was released. As she sat with him in her arms she smoothed back his hair with her hands, trying to soothe him the best she could. She just wanted to take the pain away, but she knew he was the one who was going to have to work through his knowing what had truly happened that night.

"I am so sorry ...." he whimpered under his breath over and over again.

"Shhh .. Zander this not your fault, you are not to blame for any of this." she whispered to him hoping he was listening to her on some level.

She had felt for some time that as a little boy had suffered something very traumatic but she would of never guessed something like this.

They sat a while on the floor before she tried to get him to the bed where he'd be more comfortable. He stood up with her and followed her to the bed. As he wiped away the tears that he had cried, more just fell from his eyes. He felt his chest tighten as he tried to choke back the tears, she handed him a tissue to dry his eyes with and sat down next to him on the edge of the bed.

It seemed all the emotions he had built up inside him had been released and as he tried to piece together a coherent thought.

"I'm sorry about the vase." he apologized as he glanced over to the shattered vase lying on the floor.

"Oh don't worry about the vase ... to tell you the truth, I didn't like it anyways." she replied and cracked a smile. He chuckled.

The tension in the room was broken and they both felt relief when it had dissipated from the air. Now that he remembered, it was time to take the next step.... to make sure Sonny was brought to justice for all his crimes.

Emily left Zander sleeping as she headed downstairs to make a phone call to Ric. He needed to know that Zander remembered, but she'd let Zander tell him what it was all about. She quietly picked up her cell phone and called Ric.

She listened to it repeatedly ring, Ric wasn't answering. She decided to leave a message for him on his voice mail, hoping he'd return the call as soon as he got it. She flipped the phone closed after she left Ric message to call her and laid it back down on the table before heading back upstairs to bed.

She slipped back into bed with Zander, trying not to wake him, after the night he had, he needed his rest. She laid awake listening to the silence of the night and watched over her husband laying next to her. She smoothed back his forelock wondering what was going on inside his head as he slept. She hoped now that he remembered what had happened that night Frank was shot, his nightmares about it would subside.


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