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S&L: Episode 137



Secrets & Lies: Episode 137
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Monica was making the rounds at the hospital, thankfully glad that Alan had the day off. The more she saw him, the more she thought about possibly being exposed for her affair with Kevin. A quick frown appeared on her face, as she thought as to how Kevin suddenly kept a distance from her; she knew it was for the best, but a small part of her wanted to be with him; to make love to him to erase all the stress from her mind. Shaking her head, she made her way to the admittance desk. When she approached, she saw a bouquet of flowers there and immediately peeked at the card.

"Georgie, I was wondering if you could take these to Bobbie when you're done working," Monica asked the young girl who was standing beside her. "Since Bobbie is on vacation, it would be good for her to get these before they wilt," she said, handing her the flowers and making her way back to her office.

Once inside, she closed the door behind her. Just a few minutes of solitude is all she needed; regardless of whether it would help with her decision or not, she just needed some quiet. Closing her eyes, she thought of the taunting words David said to her. Either step down from your position as Chief Cardiologist, or I'll reveal your affair with Kevin to your husband You have till Saturday to make your decision. Either she give David exactly what he wants, trying her hardest to come up with an excuse as to why she stepped down, or face the wrath of not only Alan, but the entire Quartermaine family. Putting her head on the desk, she realized either way, she'd lose something.

"My, my, my, dear Monica, I didn't realize that this was going to be a 'tough' decision for you," David sneered, closing the door behind him. "Tomorrow is the deadline, you do realize that, right?" Sliding into a seat across from her, he was enjoying watching her sweat.

"Get the hell out of my office," she hissed, glaring at him. "I haven't decided anything, so I don't know why you insist on slinking in here like the snake that you are."

Laughing evilly, he continued on to taunt her. "Oooh, do you kiss your lover with that feisty mouth of yours?" Standing up, he put his hands in his pants pocket. "Never mind your answer to that question...all I care about is this: I want a positive answer to what I want from you. Your job for my silence."

As he let the door slam behind him, Monica did all she could not to scream or throw anything; she instead eyed the photo of her and Alan. Picking it up, she stared at the man she once loved; the man who was the father of her children; the man that would pitch a murderous fit when he learned she's leaving the very career that she loved.

Bobbie tried her best to clean up the mess she made of her home, but there was still more work to be done. Picking up the empty Smirnoff bottle, she placed it in the garbage bag along with the other things she destroyed. She couldn't get a handle of what was going on with her; and every time she thought about Lucas, the waterworks and the drinking began.

Tying the garbage bag, she proceeded to head to the door to dump it in the garbage can. As she opened the door, she saw Georgie standing on her stoop. "Georgie, what are you doing here," she asked, looking around to see if anyone else was nearby waiting for her. She suddenly noticed the floral bouquet. "Did you bring those for me?"

Smiling a little, Georgie looked at the bouquet. "Well, yes, I brought them to you, but they didn't come from me. Someone left them for you at the hospital." When Bobbie didn't move out of the way, she raised an eyebrow. "Did I come at a bad time?"

Suddenly realizing that Georgie wanted to come in, she stepped to the side. "Please forgive the mess. I had a little accident and knocked a few things over," she lied, placing the bag on the stoop and closed the door. "So, let's see who these are from?" Taking the flowers from Georgie, she read the card. "Oh, they came from Luke. He must have thought I was returning back from my vacation."

"Yeah, it felt kind of weird not seeing at the hospital. When Monica saw the flowers, she asked me to bring them to you so they wouldn't die."

Looking at the young girl, Bobbie smiled a little. "It was nice of you to bring them to me. I thought you would be out with your friends, though. You and Dillon didn't have plans?" When she saw the change in Georgie's face, she couldn't help but ask her what was wrong. "Are things not going well for Dillon and you?"

Shaking her head a little, she answered back. "No, not really. We aren't seeing each other. I opted to stay at the hospital when I found out that Dillon was going to a frat/sorority party."

"You shouldn't stop enjoying yourself just because the two of you are at odds. The two of you have been such good friends. I'm sure if you would have been there, Dillon would have enjoyed your company."

"I'm sure Dillon is having a wonderful time without me,' she said wistfully. "Besides, he's not by himself. Lucas went to the party, and so did Lulu; so, yeah, I'm sure he's in good company."

Horror flashed before Bobbie's eyes as she heard that Lucas was at the fraternity party. The flowers that she held in her hands immediately fell to the floor, the vase smashing into pieces. "Georgie, what fraternity was Lucas going to?" When Georgie gave her a puzzled look, Bobbie grabbed her by the arm. "Tell me!"

"I don't really know....Um, I think it was with Alpha Gamma Alpha and Psi Omega Tu. They're right by each other," she said, beginning to get scared. "What's wrong?"

Grabbing her car keys and jacket, Bobbie ran out the door without looking back.

Back at the party, Lucas helped Dillon onto the bed, hoping that he would be okay. "Dillon, are you feeling alright?" he asked, deeply concerned for his friend. "Man, you need to pace yourself when you're drinking at parties like this," he teased, laughing a little, but stopped immediately. "If you're going to be sick let me know so I can get you to the bathroom."

"Nah, I think I'm alright. I'm just a little dizzy. If I sit down here for a bit, I should be fine." Rubbing his head, Dillon never felt a strong hit like this from drinking beer. "I've had beer many times but not to the point where it makes me feel dizzy."

Sitting beside him, Lucas smiled a little. "Maybe it was something you at here. Sometimes food doesn't agree with you; plus, um, the sorority sisters made most of the snacks, so there's really no telling."

Downstairs, Lulu was outside giving Brandon the heads up of what happened. "Yeah, Dillon obviously can't hold his liquor," she joked, sitting on the steps beside him. "Lucas wanted me to tell you that he will be back downstairs shortly."

"Thanks, Lulu. I was so busy trying to get rid of that annoying Maxie, I didn't realize that Lucas might have needed my help." Feeling a little guilty, he decided to go back inside and check on his boyfriend and his friend. "I think I should go up and check on them."

"Let them be, Brandon. Lucas and Dillon are big boys. Besides, come sit by me and keep me company." She saw that he was still kind of worried. "Listen, if Lucas doesn't come back downstairs in fifteen minutes, then go up and check on them, but I'm telling you, I don't think there's anything really to worry about."

Taking her at her word, Brandon sat back down beside her on the steps of the sorority house.

(Back in the bedroom)

It was Lucas' turn to feel a little out of sorts. He didn't know if it was in fact food he had or if he drank something he shouldn't have. He drank beer, however, he also had a few mixed drinks added on to that. Rubbing his head, he made his way to the head of the bed to rest his head on a pillow.

"I think you jinxed me, man" he grumbled to Dillon who was beside him. Punching him in the arm, he smiled a little. "I'm just glad that you decided to come to the party, sick or not."

Rising up a little, Dillon looked at his friend. "I'm glad that you convinced me to come too. You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

He couldn't deny that he was definitely attracted to Lucas; whether it is the intoxication, or just the fact that he couldn't hide the feelings he was having.

"It's really no problem, Dillon. You and I will always be cool, you know that. You are a very close friend to me."

Without hesitation, Dillon let the following confession pour from his lips. "I wish I was much more than just your close friend, Lucas. You are the one person I think about the most; and I wish there was more."

Lucas could do nothing but look at Dillon as he said the words.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

- Lucas is floored by Dillon's confession
- Noah races to stop Bobbie
- Brandon walks in on something he wishes he hadn’t

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