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Marah Lewis: Character Profile




Marah Lewis


Actress History:

- Six actresses have portrayed the character of Marah Lewis.

- Most recently Lindsey McKeon played the role.

- Alexa Havins took over the role in June 2006.


- Marah was born on screen in June 1987.

- Revised to 1985 when she turned 3 in 1988.

- Revised to 1983 when she turned 16 in 1999.

- Currently Marah is 24 years old.


- Recent graduate of Springfield University

- Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing and Fashion Design

Resides At:

- Santos Mansion in Springfield

Marital Status:

- Single

Past Marriages:

- None/Never been Married


- Josh Lewis (Father)

- Reva Shayne Lewis (Mother)

- Dylan Lewis (Half-Brother; Reva's son with Billy)

- Shayne Lewis (Brother; Josh and Reva's son)

- Jonathan Randall (Half-Brother; Reva's son with the late Prince Richard)

- Harlan Billy "H.B." Lewis I (Paternal Grandfather, Deceased)

- Martha Lewis (Paternal Grandmother, Deceased)

- Hawk Shayne (Maternal Grandfather - Resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma)

- Sarah Shayne (Maternal Grandmother, Deceased)

- Susan Lemay aka Daisy Lewis (Niece)

- Billy Lewis (Paternal Unlce)

- Patricia "Trish" Lewis (Paternal Aunt - Resides in Paris)

- Rusty Shayne (Maternal Uncle - Resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma)

- Roxanne Shayne Bauer (Maternal Aunt - Resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma)

- Johnny Bauer (Uncle by Marriage through Roxanne - Resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma)

- Cassie Layne Winslow (Maternal Aunt)

- Melinda Sue "Mindy" Lewis (Cousin - Resides in Paris)

- Tammy Winslow (Cousin)

- RJ Winslow (Cousin)


- None

Flings & Affairs:

- Max Nickerson (Dated)

- Chad (Dated)

- Sam Spencer (Dated)

- Tony Santos (Long-time Lovers, Deceased)

- Ben Reade (Dated)

- Romeo Jones (One Night Stand)

- Danny Santos (Lovers)

Crimes Committed:

- Lied to an older boy, Chad, that she was 19 years old when she was only 16. (December 16, 1999)

- Attempted to secretly tape a conversation she was having with Olivia Spencer (February 29, 2000)

- Participated in the making and distributing of pirated CDs (September 25, 2000 - December 6, 2000)

- Stole a drink while underage and was arrested for drunken disorderly conduct, at Infierno. The charges were later dropped. (May 10, 2001)

- Fought with Catalina Quesada-Santos (March 28, 2002)

- Pulled Catalina's St. Anthony's medal off her neck (April 12, 2002)

Character History:

Courtesy of soapcentral.com

- Marah Lewis's life started in controversy the day she was born in 1987. Since forged tests by evil Will Jeffries made it seem as if she was the absent Kyle Sampson's daughter, she was raised alone by her mother,Reva. In 1989 the truth came out that Josh was her biological father. After being kidnapped by Willl, Marah was soon found by Josh’s ex-wife, Sonni, in the care of Will’s mother, Mrs. Anita Ebarra. Soon after, Marah was able to watch as her parents finally married. But in June 1990, months after the birth of Marah’s brother, Shayne, Reva, suffering from a severe case of postpartum depression, drove her car off a bridge during a family vacation in Florida and was assumed dead. Devastated by her mother's apparent death, Marah, who was just starting kindergarten, bonded with her nanny, Harley Cooper and when Josh moved to Italy in January 1991 to search for Reva (who was assumed alive and living there), Marah soon followed him along with Shayne and their grandmother, Sarah.

- In late 1993, Marah returned to Springfield with Josh and Shayne. In 1995, Marah was delighted to have a new mother in Josh’s fiancée, Annie Dutton. However, that same year, she had an appendectomy and a vision of Reva. After Josh's and Annie's wedding, Marah was shocked to come face to face with the real Reva and went to a therapist in order to handle the shock. Leery of getting hurt, she finally chose Annie over Reva as her mother even though Reva and Josh started becoming closer again. Shayne also followed Marah's example, so to keep from hurting her children, Reva promised to stay out of Marah’s life and married Buzz Cooper in March 1996.

- In September 1997, Marah was devastated by the death of her beloved grandfather, HB, and gave the eulogy at his funeral. By this time, Marah had lowered her defenses and let her beloved "Mama" ,Reva, into her life again and watched happily as her parents remarried in 1999. For once Marah finally had what she always wanted: a complete family. However her world was shattered when she learned that Reva had another child, Jonathan, in San Cristobel while living there with amnesia. Resentful of her mother's "other family", Marah again distanced herself from Reva when Reva refused to leave San Cristobel. Marah and Shayne went to Paris for a while and when a now sixteen Marah returned, she came to terms with the situation. Unfortunately, Josh and Reva soon separated and though not willing to accept her parents' separation at first, in time she learned to deal with it.

- When Marah was later attacked by an aggressive boy, Olivia Spencer rescued her and Marah began to confide in her. However all that changed when Olivia became the new woman in Josh's life in 2000. A resentful Marah refused to accept the situation and made no secret of her dislike of Olivia, yet all of her protests fell on deaf ears when she tried to reunite her parents. Meanwhile, a rebellious Marah was chafing under her mother’s rules and started to create bootleg CD's of concerts of the band New Ground with Susan Lemay and Sam Spencer with help from mobster Tony Santos. The friends were finally arrested by the FBI and would have even been charged if the band hadn't have dropped the charges. About this time, Marah started dating Tony to Sam's dismay and her parent’s disapproval. Defying her parents, Marah continued seeing Tony and the pair fell in love. When Josh and Olivia got engaged, Marah was horrified but Olivia blackmailed her with knowledge of her relationship with Tony. The day of Josh's and Olivia's wedding in January 2001, Marah disappeared by using Tony, hoping to stop the wedding. But the wedding went on without her while Tony left Marah. Marah then turned to Sam and when the mafia kidnapped her, Sam and Tony joined forces to rescue her. Marah and Tony then reunited and Tony started shedding his bad-boy image since he wanted Marah's family to approve of him. However this "new and improved" Tony wasn't exactly who Marah wanted. When Tony refused to make love to her, claiming that they should wait longer, she got offended and broke off the relationship. She then started dating Sam again and not long after, enrolled in Springfield University and found out her roommate was Catalina Quesada. Marah and Cat hated each other, mostly because Cat hated how Marah was playing Sam and Tony against each other. Though Marah tried to maintain a relationship with Sam, it was obvious that Tony was still under her skin. When she learned that it was Tony, and not Sam, who saved Josh from prison for bribery by revealing that the photo implicating him was a forgery, she realized she'd wronged him terribly. She left Sam and confessed to Tony she loved him but, by this time, Cat was in love with Tony and did everything in her power to hold onto him, even sending Marah's essay about virginity to the entire student body who then laughed about Marah and attacked her verbally.

- Mortified, Marah confided in her old friend, Ben Reade who had returned to town. Soon the pair started dating, however unbeknownst to Marah, Ben's intentions weren't pure: he was only using her to win a bet about whether he could deflower her. Though she liked Ben, Marah couldn't stop thinking about Tony. Marah's dislike of Cat intensified in 2002 when she learned that Cat was pregnant with Tony's baby and the couple was getting married as a result. Despite Ben's pleas to just forget about Tony, Marah couldn't and asked Tony if they could continue their friendship. But knowing he couldn't just be friends with Marah, Tony refused because he had a family to think about. Then Marah learned a startling fact: Catalina was no longer pregnant; she miscarried her baby and kept the news from everyone! Desperate to keep Tony from marrying Cat, Marah rushed to tell him the news. Moments after the couple had said their vows, Marah burst in but before she could tell Tony the truth, Cat faked labor pains and Marah was hustled out by bodyguards. Catalina and Tony planned to go on a honeymoon to Hawaii a few days later. However, Marah refused to give up, and one night when Tony’s grandmother, Maria had conveniently cleared the house of all guards, arrived at the mansion. She and Catalina bitterly argued, with Marah ripping the St. Anthony's necklace off Catalina because Tony had originally planned to buy it for her. Cat ran upstairs to her room to call the police. Marah followed her, and they struggled. Cat shoved her away, then watched in disbelief as Marah hit her head on a fireplace column. When she awoke, Cat was dead, and Tony was telling her that he'd take care of everything. Though her father (who believed that Tony killed Cat) warned her to stay away from Tony, she insisted that he was innocent and visited an oddly silent Tony in prison. Though a small part of her believed that he may have killed Cat, Marah continued to support him, despite his efforts to push her away. Tony, on the other hand, feared that the more time Marah spent with him, the more likely it would be that the police would realize she killed Catalina (which he erroneously believed). So he pushed her away, cruelly insulting her and telling her he had killed Catalina. Around this time, Ben, in an attempt to turn over a new leaf, told Marah of the bet to take her virginity from her, and Marah threw him out of her life. Feeling disillusioned by all the men she'd let herself trust, she got drunk and wandered around by the docks. Tony's friend and assistant Romeo Jones found her. Romeo, who was obsessed with having everything Tony had, played on Marah's vulnerabilities and brought her back to Infierno with him. The next morning, Marah dreamt she had spent the night with Tony. Instead, the harsh light of day showed her that her lover was a mostly clothed, slumbering Romeo. After running into Carmen, she went back to her dorm, trying to shower away the memories of losing her much-cherished virtue in a drunken one-night stand, on a pullout chair/cot, to a man she had no feelings for. Unfortunately for her, Romeo visited shortly after, expecting another tryst. Marah reacted angrily until she recognized the necklace he was wearing, which was the necklace she had in her hand the night of Catalina's murder! Seeing that he must be the killer, Marah began playing a dangerous game, cozying up to him, leading him on, and building up his ego. She tried to stay away from Tony, but love got the best of her and she went into hiding with him after he escaped from jail. Romeo tracked them down at the carousel, and Marah knocked Tony out so Romeo would take her instead. Romeo had to go see Danny and Carmen about business, and when he returned, Marah got the upper hand and tried to force the truth out of him. The situation turned ugly, with Tony arriving to stop any violence, and the police arriving to arrest both men for Catalina's murder, since both accused the other of doing it. A few days later, Romeo mysteriously confessed to the murder (Carmen had made him), and Tony was cleared of all charges. He and Marah were free to be together. What kept Marah from fully sharing in the joy was the time bomb hanging over her head about her one-nighter with Romeo, with Romeo and Carmen holding the detonator in their hands, ready to push the button at any time. Marah's life exploded, when Tony learned the truth from Romeo. In the back office at Infierno, Marah confirmed the news. Tony, livid, almost raped her before he stopped himself. Furious, she stripped down to her underwear, screamed at him to take her, and then ran out of the room in tears.

- Marah's only real source of comfort were her parents, but even this was not to last. Her aunt's husband Richard died, and Reva later told Shayne and Marah that she had pulled his plug. Though she explained that he had asked her to do this, Marah was unable to accept her mother's actions. As Reva was arrested for murder, she drew away from Reva and became very close to Cassie, because she felt Cassie needed her more than Reva. Even then, she still tried to get Reva a lawyer and defended her mother against insults from Carmen and Edmund. As summer passed, Marah began to forgive Tony for what he had done to her, as she had never stopped loving him. In late August she was trapped on a fishing boat with him, but their renewed closeness was dealt a major setback when Tony thought he saw a worker manhandling her and began beating the man up. Marah, wanting to strike out her own, moved into the Marler carriage house (Blake and Ross had moved out) with Ben, cousin Bill Lewis, and Remy Boudreau. Yet she was still weighted down by her family responsibilities. Reva plead guilty to killing Richard in order to spare Cassie any more pain, and was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Marah had to basically become Reva during her absence, and during a phone visit lit into Reva about how crushing her life had become. Fortunately, Reva was released and pardoned after a few weeks, and Marah went back to her old life. By now, Tony had managed to reign in his anger and expressed his genuine remorse and regret to Marah. She decided to forgive him they had slowly rekindled their romance. Her family were not thrilled, especially Josh, who went out of his way to express his disgust with her decision. Marah stood by Tony but when Reva was harassed by a stalker, even Marah mistakenly suspected Tony of the crime. However, Tony eventually earned the Lewis's trust enough to serve as Reva's bodyguard.

- Since the debut of the SONBC blog, "THE GUIDING LIGHT" Marah was forced to go stay with her brother Dylan in Minnesota. While on the trip Tony was shot protecting Reva. Marah soon found out the details regarding Tony's murder and vowed not to forgive her mother, this time for good. Having turned everyone against her Marah sought comfort in Danny's arms! The two began a playful relationship and because Marah could not find a job or an apartment of her own, she took Danny up on his offer to stay with him. Things progressed for the couple and when Tony's ghost appeared to both Danny and Marah, they agreed that this could be something worth persuing. On Valentine's Day 2007, the couple learned that Danny's ex-wife Michelle could be carrying his child. Despite that fact, Danny and Marah took their relationship to the next level and made love.


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