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S&L: Episodes 132-136



Secrets & Lies: Episode 132-136
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

- The television was blaring when Bobbie woke up. Completely disheveled, she looked around, not sure as to what was going on. Throwing the covers back, she managed to get out of her bed, letting a vodka bottle fall to the floor with a thud. Her fingers quickly turned off the television, as she made her way down the hall to the bathroom. She felt so out of it, that she had a hard time trying to get out of her night gown, and into the shower.

As the water hit her face, she thought about her loved ones coming to her with their concerns; Luke's concern especially hit her hard. She's lied to Luke before, but never in terms about getting 'help' for her alcoholism. Unfortunately, she didn't want or need their help; right now, all she wanted was a nice hot shower, and to be left very much alone.

- At General Hospital, Noah was going over a few charts when his mind drifted off to Bobbie. What she could be doing, he thought. Two days had passed since the intervention; two days since Carly outright told him that Bobbie was not being truthful in going to Alcoholics Anonymous. He didn't want to doubt her, but Carly could be very much correct that something is just not on the up and up.

Checking his watch, he realized that his shift was over in a few minutes. He would stop by to see how things were going for her; he needed to see for himself that she was in fact, doing okay.

- Back at the Spencer home, Bobbie, freshly showered, made her way into the kitchen. The last thing she wanted was to eat anything, but her stomach was growling. Opening up the refrigerator, she decided to eat a bowl of cereal, pulling out the carton of milk. As she sat down to eat, she thought of how everything for her had changed. Lucas was no longer talking to her or even living with her; she couldn't come to terms with the fact that her son was gay. The more she thought about his lifestyle; being with Brandon and walking away from her, the more she wanted to drink to numb the pain.

Without warning, Bobbie started to sob uncontrollably. In one clean swoop, she slammed the bowl of corn flakes up against the wall, but didn't stop there; she was soon destroying her home in a fit of anger. Not being able to get a grip of her emotions, she went to the one place that had become all to familiar to her; the ice box. Flinging the door open, she snatched the ice cold bottle of Smirnoff Vodka. Walking through the debris of chaos she created, she slumped into the couch and guzzled down as much as she could.

- Back at the party, Brandon was doing all he could not to throw up at the sight of Maxie making a fool of herself. The minute she sashayed her evil self into the pool room, everything and everyone around became tense. Looking at Lucas, Brandon shook his head as Maxie cooed in the ear of one of party-goers.

"What the hell is her problem? And somebody tell me, why is she even here to begin with?" Brandon grimaced, taking a sip of his beer.

Lulu was quick to answer, "Because she has no life, but loves to stir up trouble in everybody else's," she yelled, glaring at Maxie. "Isn't that right Maxie?!"

Ignoring her, Maxie, continued to talk to the obviously intoxicated jock that couldn't stop looking at her. "Will you help me do something special for my friend over there," she whispered, pointing in the direction of Dillon. "If you do, I'll be forever grateful."

"Sure, baby," he slurred, smiling goofy at her. "What you want me to do?"

Sighing a little, trying not to gag from the foul odor coming from him. "You just be patient and I will tell you everything when the time is right." Maxie quickly made her way over to the bar and picked up two cups of beer. She quickly pulled the vial out of her pocket and began to pour the contents in both cups.

"What the hell are gonna do?" Brandon snapped, obviously startling the troublemaker. "If you want to get wasted, do it somewhere else. Snatching her by the arm, he led her towards the door. "I'm getting about tired of you always finding ways to make trouble for my friends. It's time you left, Maxie."

Back by the pool table, Dillon was talking to Lucas. "I guess Brandon is taking out the trash," he laughed, finishing off his last beer. Placing the empty cup on the counter, he walked back to the bar and grabbed the two beers that Maxie spiked. Handing a beer to Lucas, he smiled a little. "You have a good guy there, Lucas."

Raising the cup, Lucas cheered to the compliment. "I'm glad to see you finally enjoying yourself, man. I know you had some tough times with Georgie, but hopefully this party will help you forget about all of that for the time being." Chugging down the beer quickly, Lucas wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "I know I'm making sure I don't think about all the nonsense in my life."

"You mean with your mother?" Dillon asked, looking at him. "When have you last seen her?"

Waving his hand, Lucas didn't care to bring up anything regarding his mother. "I don't know, and I really don't care. She obviously doesn't care about me or my feelings, so why should I extend anything to her?" Coughing a little, he looked around to see where Brandon went. "Man, I thought this was a party. Why are we talking about folks that should be forgotten about?"

Brandon was about to toss Maxie out the door, when the guy she was talking to appeared. "Hey, babe, I thought you wanted me to do you a favor?" he said, looking at Brandon for a quick second. Smirking a little, the jock nodded his head. "Ah, I get it, you two want to have some 'quiet' time, huh?"

"No, no, no," Maxie quickly corrected him. "He and I are definitely not going to have any 'alone' time." She quickly moved away from the door, grabbing a hold of the jock, leading him in a new direction.

Brandon tossed his hands up in the air and opted to cool off a bit, exiting the party. Unbeknown-st to him, Maxie's plan was in full affect.

"Dillon, are you okay?" Lulu asked, coming to his side. When she noticed that he was a little disoriented, she shook her head a little. "Come on, Dillon, I think you need to lay down for a moment." she requested, trying to lead him up the stairs. Looking over her shoulder, she called out to Lucas. "Can you help me get him upstairs to lie down for awhile? I think he drank too much."

Still searching out the room for Brandon, Lucas quickly put his cup down to assist Lulu. "I think he had a little too much fun," he teased, as he got a grip of the railing to
help get Dillon up to the room. "Hey, let me take a hold of Dillon, while you go back and try to find Brandon. Tell him that I'm going to stay with him to make sure he's alright."

As Lulu ran back down the stairs, Maxie quickly fought off the advances of the guy she was with. "Will you get off of me!" she snapped, pushing the young man aside, keeping a watchful eye on Lulu as she came down. "Well, thank you, Lulu," she murmured to herself, pleased that she didn't have to get her hands dirty in the least. "You helped make my plan go off without a single hitch."

- Jason hadn't seen or talked to Elizabeth since the day that she confessed not regretting their night together. He was grateful when she agreed to meet him at Kelly's. At the moment, he just needed to talk to someone; especially with the news Robin gave him, and the situation regarding Anna and Alexis. He smiled when he saw her come into the diner.

"Thanks for meeting me, Elizabeth," he greeted, watching her sit down. "I really needed to talk to you."

When Jason called, requesting that they meet, Elizabeth was hesitant at first, however, she couldn't deny that she truly missed him. Even after he admitted that he wished their night had never occurred, she still craved being by him. "You sounded kind of upset when you called, is everything alright?"

"I don't know," he said, folding his hands. "Robin met me a day ago and told me that she saw Sam or someone that looked very much like Sam."

Furrowing her eyebrows a little, Elizabeth had a hard time hearing the words. "Are you serious? How can that even be possible? Sam died." Instinctively, she placed a hand on his. "Maybe Robin was correct in saying she 'thought' the person looked like Sam."

"That's what I told her. There is no way Sam could have survived that fire," he said, trying desperately to convince himself. "But what if she's right? Robin has never lied to me, why would she start now?"

Trying to reason with him, Liz shook her head, disagreeing with the thought of him actually taking what Robin told him into consideration. "Listen to me, Jason. We all barely got out of that explosion alive. I know you miss Sam, and wish for her to be alive, but there is no way that Robin could have seen her."

Jason glanced at Liz, taking her hand in his. "I'm glad that you came to see me," he whispered, still brushing a thumb across her hand. "About the night when you and I talked...I shouldn't have said that I regretted the night we shared."

Shushing him, Liz let her free hand brush his cheek. "Don't worry about that now."

The two of them sat in silence, not saying a word for what seemed like eons. The moment was shattered however, when Carly barged into the diner and approached Jason. Not paying attention to Liz, Carly looked at her friend, needed so desperately to talk to him.

"Jason, I really need to talk to you," she pleaded. "It's very important."

Sighing deeply, Liz, looked up at Carly. "Well, Carly, I hate to tell you this, but the sun doesn't rise and set at your command. Jason and I were in the middle of something that he considers important, as well." She was growing tired of Carly's intrusions, especially where Jason was concerned.

Carly pauses, rolls her eyes and says to Elizabeth a puzzled look on her face: “Why are you here? Shouldn’t be baking cookies, or saving puppies or smirking or something? Don’t you have a home to go to? Or someplace else to be? "I'm sure you're little rendezvous was hardly of any 'importance' Elizabeth, but what I have to tell Jason is in fact, important and takes priority," she shot back, directing her eyes once again at Jason. "Please."

Realizing how upset she was, Jason immediately thought it could be about Sonny. In business mode, Jason spoke to Elizabeth. "I know I had you come see me, but do you think we can meet up later?"

Taking her cue, Elizabeth agreed to meet Jason later on. "I'll see you later," she replied. As she walked away from the table, she glanced at Jason who was helping Carly out of her coat.

"Carly, is this about Sonny?" he asked, wondering if he sent her to find him. "Did anything happen?"

"You know what, I really can’t see why you like that girl. I mean look at…smirking like she’s a freakin piece of artwork. Ugh….she just grinds my gears.”

“Carly!” Jason yells, trying to get her back on the topic at hand.

“No, this isn't about Sonny, Jason. It's much worse than that," she said, trying her hardest to get the words out. "I just can't believe he would do something like this..."

Puzzled, Jason immediately pounced on her comment. "Who? Who did something?" When Carly couldn't muster up the words, Jason's agitation got the better of him. "Carly! Will you tell me what the hell is going on? Who did something that is hard to believe?"

Tears stinging her eyes, she immediately reached for his hand. "I heard Nikolas talking to Lucky. I still can't believe that they did this..."

"Did what! What did Nikolas and Lucky do?"

"I think that Nikolas was helping Lucky keep Sam from being discovered."

"Excuse me? What are you talking about, Sam is dead," he firmly said. "Have you been talking to Robin?"

"Do I ever? No, what does she have to do with any of this," she said frowning at the mention of her name.

"Robin said that she saw Sam at the park."

Covering her mouth with her hand, Carly sat awestruck. "Oh my god. Maybe Saint Robin did well this time by telling the truth?"

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies

-Georgie's visit sets Bobbie off into a collision course for disaster
-Dillon, while under the influence, admits his feelings to Lucas


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