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SAM IS SEEN!! S&L: Episode 128



Secrets & Lies: Episode 128
Thursday, March 1, 2007

Monica Quartermaine doesn’t react well to being blackmailed. Tomorrow would be Saturday, and David wanted an answer: her job for his silence. For a woman who considers herself to be so smart, she definitely to be so smart, she definitely thought of herself as dumb for not seeing the warning signs regarding her illicit affair with Kevin. She immediately composed herself when she heard the door slam.

"Have you talked at all to A.J?" Alan bellowed, sitting his briefcase down. "Father has informed me that he wants A.J. to join ELQ. I seriously don't know if he would actually join, but it doesn't sit well with me that soon after his return, he's being positioned into the family business."

"No, I haven't talked to A.J. at all Alan. I've been busy," she said, shortly, trying to keep her eyes from looking at the very man who could learn of her affair. "You know how Edward is, Alan. Besides, A.J. most likely told him no, like he's always done when Edward wants him to get involved with the company."

Taking his glasses off, Alan rubbed his eyes a little. He could sense the coldness in Monica's tone and he was beyond tired of it. "Monica, what is the matter with you?" he questioned, looking at her, waiting for her response. "I know our marriage is on shaky ground, but would it kill you to at least have a conversation with me, without all of the disdain?"

Trying to keep herself from barking at him, she spoke to him in a less hostile tone. "Alan, I've just had a lot of things on my mind; mainly coming to terms with A.J. being back. Now that he's back, things are definitely different; he's different, and it is a lot to get used to."

Alan nodded in agreement, and made his way to the master bedroom to change. He couldn't, however, shake the feeling that something was up with Monica; and the return of A.J or work had nothing to do with it.

Five minutes passed when the telephone rang. Walking towards it, Monica picked up the receiver. "Hello, Dr. Quartermaine."

A chuckle from the other end sent chills down Monica's spine. "Well, it's wonderful to hear your voice, Monica," David said on the other end of the phone. "Have you had a chance to think over our little 'business' arrangement?"

Turning to make sure Alan or anyone else wasn't standing by the door, Monica hissed at him, "You have some nerve calling me here at my home. I told you I will NOT be bullied by you."

"Look, don't consider it as bullying; consider it as saving you and your lover from humiliation. As I see it, Monica, you either step down from your position; appoint me in your place, or..."he said, knowing that he got her right where he wanted her. "You don't need me to say the rest. Saturday is approaching; you had better have your answer then."

Before Monica could say anything more, the phone went dead. Slamming it down, she grabbed her coat and car keys. She needed to try to find out if David made any kind of threats to Kevin. Kevin may suffer humiliation, but it would be Monica that suffered a whole lot worse.

- "We are going to have to sit down and have a talk with Michael," Carly said, to Sonny, who was sitting on her couch that evening. "I don't know what's gotten into him these past few weeks."

Scratching his head, Sonny, looked up at Carly's worried face. "He's probably just acting out to impress his friends. It may not be all that big of a deal," he replied, not too phased by what was being explained to him. When he saw worry etched in Carly's face, he realized that it was a big deal to her. "What exactly did the teacher say on the telephone?"

Sighing a little, Carly began to explain what was said. "She said that one of the kids and he got into a little altercation in the classroom. Supposedly, this kid was poking fun at Michael and he decided to teach him a lesson……by kicking him in the face," standing up, she picked up an envelope, handing it to him. "That came in the mail yesterday. Michael is behind in some of his classes. Sonny, I talked to him about it, but he tunes me out. I thought if I got you here, maybe you could sit down with him and figure out what's going on."

Opening the letter, Sonny read it. He knew that Michael had a little rebellious streak in him, however, he didn't realize that it was getting him in some serious trouble. "When does he come home?"

"In another hour or so," she answered back, glancing at the clock. "I made sure that I was home just in case you needed me to step in."

Smirking a little, Sonny teased her, "What, no date with Prince Cassadine tonight?"

Rolling her eyes at him, Carly sat down on the recliner across from him. "Sonny, I make it a point to put my sons first, and Nikolas understands that. Besides, he's been pretty busy this week, so we haven't really spent time together."

He was tempted to make a comment, but held back. As much as he wanted Carly to be happy, a large part of him wished it would be with him again. Shaking the thoughts of past love out of his mind, Sonny put his focus on the real matter at hand. "If you want, I could head to the school and pick him up and come back here."

Relieved, Carly immediately agreed to his doing that for her. "That would be good. Once he's home, we can find out what's going on with him, set some ground rules and proceed from there. I just don't sit well with receiving not only a phone call but a letter telling me about my son's disruptive behavior."

- A day had passed since Sam's visit with Lainey, yet she kept going over her confessed feelings about Lucky in her mind. She really couldn't understand herself as to why she was feeling the way she did. Putting her hands into her coat, she walked towards a park bench and sat down, looking out over the frozen pond. Maybe her feelings for Lucky were purely based on the kindness he showed her; regardless, Sam found herself thinking about him more and more.

Without warning, Sam's thoughts flashed to the picture of the guy who was with Elizabeth. Lainey told her that his name was Jason, Her brows furrowed at the flashes of memory of Jason reaching out to Elizabeth. Quickly shaking the brief images out of her head, she stood up to walk the opposite of the park. As she walked, she made mental note of how 'close' Elizabeth and Jason seemed when she saw them together. Maybe that is the reason why Lucky seemed hurt whenever he brought her name up. She knew one thing for certain: if she were with Lucky, he would never have to worry about being hurt again.

When she reached the opposite end of the park, she stopped suddenly, seeing someone standing at a distance. She didn't know if she should proceed, mainly because whenever she was at the park, it was with Nikolas, who was ever so cautious of her being out for too long. Brushing off the nervousness, she continued to look at the person who's back was turned towards her. Maybe if she quickly walked past them, they wouldn't be interrupted from their day out in the park. Taking in a breath, she continued to walk.

The petite figured woman seemed to have a lot on her mind, so she wasn't aware of anyone else in the park…..that was until she saw someone zip by her. She would have ignored them altogether, but saw a glove fall on the snow covered ground. Bending over, she picked it up, and quickly sprinted towards them.

"Excuse me. Hey, you dropped your glove," she hollered out. When the person stopped walking and turned around, the young woman was floored by who she came face-to-face with. "It can't be...." she whispered, unable to continue her sentence. "Sam, is that you?"

Sam, who stared at the unfamiliar face, suddenly became panicked. "Do I know...." she began to say, but stopped herself from talking. Fear overcame her and she immediately did what she could only think of; she turned around and began to run. She didn't bother looking back; all she cared about was getting back to Wyndemere as soon as she could.

The petite female, glove in hand, couldn't believe her eyes; Sam McCall was alive. Immediately reaching into her coat pocket, she hurriedly dialed the phone number of the only person that came to mind. "Come on, come on , answer your phone. As if commanded, a male voice came on the other end of her phone.

"Jason, I need to see you, and I need to see you immediately. Can you meet me at the park?"

On the other end of the phone, Jason's voice had a hint of concern. "Robin? What's going on?" he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Catching her breath, she looked at the glove she held in her hand. "Just get to the park as soon as possible, Jason. Once you are here, I'll tell you everything."

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies…

-On his way to meet Robin, Jason worries when he sees Anna and Alexis together
-Maxie's plans could hit a snag when LuLu confronts her about Dillon
-Nikolas and Lucky begin to worry when Sam tells them about the park incident


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