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S&L: Episode 127



Secrets & Lies: Episode 127
ICU: Bobbie’s Intervention
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Opening Video

- Luke called Carly and Noah to inform them that he set up a 'visit' with Bobbie. He pointed out it would be at her house that the intervention would take place. Unfortunately for him, Lucas was defiant in listening to anything regarding his mother; therefore, he would not be there to help.

Ringing the doorbell, Luke waited for Bobbie to let him in. He prayed that this would not backfire on any of them. Heaven knows the last thing they needed was Bobbie lashing out or doing something that would harm her in the long run. When the door opened, Luke immediately smiled at her. "Hey, Barbara Jean, How's my favorite girl?"

Stepping to the side, she let Luke make his way into her house. "When did you get back?" she asked, giving him a quick hug.

"A couple of weeks now. I had so much to take care of, but I want you to know that I didn't for once forget about you," he didn't know how long he could keep up the facade of not knowing the truth. He hoped that Noah and Carly would get their tails over to the house pronto. "So, what have you been up to?"

Waving a hand at him, she smiled weakly. "Not much, to tell you the truth," she answered, rubbing her eyes a little. "I took some time off from the hospital. I just needed a break."

"Well, we all need that, now don't we?" Luke tried not to let out a sigh of relief when the doorbell rang. Trying to act surprised, Luke turned his head towards the door. 'Are you expecting company?"

Frowning a little, Bobbie slid off the couch to make her way towards the door. "I don't know. To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting you to be stopping by," she replied, looking through the curtain. Opening the door, she saw both Noah and Carly standing outside. Her face immediately looked puzzled by the fact that the two of them arrived at the same time. "What's going on? What brings the two of you here?”

Walking inside, Noah removed his coat, hanging it up on the coat rack. "I thought I'd come to see how you are doing, and Carly happened to be at the hospital, so she opted to join me."

Carly wasted no time in hanging up her coat and walking towards the kitchen. "Do you mind if I make some tea, Bobbie?" It was her one sure fire way of seeing if Bobbie was in fact stashing alcohol in the cabinets. Plus, Carly was curious as to how Bobbie would react to her moving towards her kitchen.

Raising an eyebrow, Bobbie shrugged her shoulders, "I suppose so, but let me help you find the tea," she offered, walking towards the kitchen as well.

"No, I think I've got it covered, Bobbie. Why don't you just sit down and relax a bit," Carly said, waving Bobbie away hastily. "I went to the hospital to look for you, but Noah said you were taking some time off. So, I figured, since he was coming this way, I'd join him."

Bobbie didn’t like the vibe she was getting. Luke, she could see coming over to pay a quick visit, and of course, Noah has been spending time with her a lot; however, Carly's presence immediately raised the red-flag. Not only that, she began to wonder when it was the last time she saw Luke and Carly both in the same room without tearing into one another.

Noah broke into her thoughts. "Bobbie, come sit down for a moment, please." He was trying all he could to not let on what their true purpose of being there was. "Please, sit down with us."

"I'll sit down when one of you tell me what is going on," she answered back, looking at each of them. "Why are you all here? Be honest with me."

Wiping her hands on a dish towel, Carly was the first to approach Bobbie. "We're worried about you, momma. Very worried, and we all want to find out if there is anything we can do to help you."

Scoffing a little, surprised at what Carly was saying to her, Bobbie, smirked at her a little. "Why should any of you be worried about me? I'm doing fine." It was far from the truth, but she wasn't going to let on that she was a complete mess.

"Are you really, Bobbie? I'm not going to lie when I say that I have watched you fall apart at the seams for months now, and it's getting worse, “Noah confessed, taking her by the shoulders. "I've seen you literally fall apart, and in the process, reaching out for the bottle to soothe all your pain."

"I had absolutely no idea that you were going through hell, Barbara," Luke spoke quietly, looking at his sister, pained by all that she was going through. "Darling, if I had known that you were going through this, I would have been by your side in a heartbeat. I'm here now."

Bobbie instantly pulled away from Noah, turning her back on them. She had every reason to lash out at all of them for coming to her in this manner. She, however, collected her anger and kept it in check as she spoke to them. "Well, I guess I should be glad that I have family that cares about me, but you don't have to worry at all. I'm doing fine," she stated. "As a matter of fact, I decided to go AA to talk to someone."

Carly was skeptical. "You're going to AA meetings?" she asked, not at all convinced, but willing to hear Bobbie out. "Is that one of the reasons why you decided to take a break form work?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, it is, Carly. Listen, I know that you are all worried about me, but I'm going to be just fine. I'm going to go to the meetings, talk out what is bothering me, and bounce back. I promise you, I'll be fine."

Bobbie walks over to her desk and takes out the pamphlets that she picked up from the hospital. She shows them to her loved ones as proof that she’s taking her disease very seriously. Carly continues to look at her mother with a skeptical gaze, but tries to take her mother at her word. Noah feels bad that he would think the worse of Bobbie, but realizes he had to be done.

Luke looked in his sister's eyes and realized that he had to take her at her word. He so desperately wanted to take her at her word, "I love you so much, don't you forget that," he said, hugging her tightly. Kissing her forehead, he scooped up his coat and proceeded to head out the door,”You know who to call if you ever need someone by your side."

Carly and Noah were the next to walk out of the door, both trying to determine if she was being completely honest with them. As Bobbie closed the door as the walked out, Carly turned and faced Noah. With complete seriousness in her voice, Carly raised an eyebrow at him, "She's lying, Noah. I may not be able to prove it, but my mother is definitely not being honest with us."

Noah watched as Carly walked towards her car. Turning his head, he looked at the door of Bobbie's house. He prayed that Carly was wrong about Bobbie. He truly wanted to believe that Bobbie was getting a handle on her problems. He continued to look at the house, when the lights suddenly dimmed. Taking that as a sign that Bobbie was heading for bed, he made his way towards his car, as well.

Back inside of the Spencer home, Bobbie headed towards her bedroom, Opening the bottom dresser drawer, she pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels. Opening it up, she looked at herself in the mirror, and immediately took a long drink.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies….

-Monica finds herself contemplating giving David what he wants
-Carly informs Sonny of Michael's behavior in school
-Someone sees Sam at the park, and a chain of events soon follow


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