Episode 42: The Mayoral Debate
The Quartermaines, including Sarah and Brenda, gathered in a waiting room off the ICU. Dr. Hayward sat down across from them, a serious look on his face. “Thank you all for coming here. I have to get back to Pine Valley but I wanted to go over the treatment for Alan. He is on his way to recovery, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have a relapse. He will be here in the hospital for a long time.”
David paused and looked around the room, “He will need speech therapy for one. He is going to need to learn how to walk again. The simple things that we take for granted, Alan will need help for.”
Edward moaned into his hand, “Noooo, not my son. I can’t bear to see this happen to my son.”
“He’s alive Father, we should be happy for that.” Tracy said, “I am just happy he’s alive.
“Dr Hayward, when can Alan come home? We can build state of the art equipment in the house to make him more comfortable. I think it will make him more comfortable to be around his things.” Monica implored.
David shook his head, “In case something goes wrong, he needs to be here. At least for the time being. We are starting physical therapy on him tomorrow and I encourage all of you to visit him as much as possible. He will need to see the whole family behind him.”
Edward looked at Tracy, “If you fight with your brother, I will bar you from this hospital!” Edward warned.
Ned piped up, “For God’s sake Grandfather, give Tracy some credit. She’s been a wreck over this whole thing.”
“Dr. Hayward?” Emily asked. “Can I go in to see him? I would really like to help with his care. I know I am only an intern, but I would like to help.”
“I have no objections. Monica?” David bounced the question over to Monica who nodded.
“Thanks, I have some time on my hands and I want to help Father out as much as possible.” Emily said, shooting an evil eye at Sarah.
David stood up, “Please, if there are any complications, don’t hesitate to call me. I left the full instructions of his recovery in his chart, but it is important that we start right away. He is fully awake, but don’t overwhelm him. Just family today and no children.” David shook everyone’s hands and said, “I am going to go have lunch with Dr Scorpio and then head back to Pine Valley. Skye, keep me posted.”
Skye came over and hugged David, “I will David. Thank you so much.”
Later that evening MetroCourt was packed. It seemed that everyone who was anyone in Port Charles turned out for the debate between Ric Lansing and Scott Baldwin. They were up on a stage, with Tiffany Hill in the middle moderating. The lights dimmed a few times, signaling for quiet. Tiffany began speaking into the camera.
“Good evening Port Charles to the debate between Ric Lansing and Scott Baldwin for Mayor of this fine city. Each candidate will have an opening remark and then I will ask questions to them. After that, we will open the floor to anyone who has a question for the candidates. We have one hour allotted for this. Mr Lansing, you have five minutes for your opening statement.” Tiffany coolly stated.
Ric gripped his podium, “Good evening Port Charles. I want to inform all of you why I would make the best Mayor of this fine city. My number one agenda is to rid this city of the crime that has befallen us. Sonny Corinithos and Jason Morgan need to be put behind bars where they can no longer use our port for illegal uses!” Ric pointed to the audience. “I have been walking the streets of Port Charles and that is what they have told me that they want to see. No more crime!”
Scott broke in, “Hogwash!”
“I don’t believe my five minutes were up Counselor.” Ric said smoothly.
“Close enough.” Scott said.
Tiffany broke in, “Mr Baldwin is right, your five minutes is up. Mr Baldwin, please proceed.”
Scott walked away from the podium and catered to the audience, a twinkle in his eye, “It’s funny, because when I have talked to the fine people of Port Charles, they tell me a different story. They want less taxes. They want the roads fixed. People want more jobs and better benefits. Not one person mentioned the names Jason Morgan or Sonny Corinthos to me. Mr Lansing, I think you are running for Mayor to carry out your personal vendetta against your brother and his associates.”
“Times up.” Tiffany said.
“Mr Baldwin, that is simply not true. I don’t have anything against my brother. This vendetta you speak of is false.” Ric said hotly.
“Rightttt...and I have nothing against Luke Spencer.” Scott retorted.
“Gentleman, please.” Tiffany interrupted. “A question for Mr Lansing. How to you propose we stop crime in the city?”
Ric grasped the podium and spoke in a clear, strong voice. “I propose that we hire five more police officers to the PCPD. I propose creating a task force to look into mob activity in this city. In doing so, we will end the mob factions in this city.”
“How do you intend to pay for this Counselor?” Scott asked. “Raise taxes?”
“We may have to raise funds in some manner to clean our streets Mr Baldwin.” Ric answered, never losing his cool.
Tiffany asked, “Mr Baldwin, how to you plan on balancing the budget?”
Scott again walked around the stage, talking with his hands, “Well Tiffany and the people of Port Charles, cuts may have to be made. I would have to look at the overall budget and see where cuts could be made so that the teachers and workers of Port Charles could have the benefits that they deserve.”
Luke pushed forward and shouted, “Oh that’s bull Baldwin! What do you know about being Mayor? The only thing you know about is running away when the going gets tough!” He looked at Ric, “And you two Lansing! You are only interested in bringing Sonny down.”
“I categorically deny that Mr. Spencer!” Ric shouted back. “I want to represent the people of Port Charles and make them proud that they live here.”
“I categorically deny that, of course you do Lansing, you are a lawyer! I have to tell you, no one in Port Chuckles wants either one of you as Mayor.” Luke said.
“Luke, what are you doing?” Laura pulled on his arm.
Luke looked down at Laura, “Trust me pussycat. You will love this.”
Scott glared down at Luke, “So what do you think we should do Spencer. Elect you? You are nothing but a joke.”
Luke grinned back at him, “Well I am so glad you asked. I think that the fine people of Port Charles should vote for neither of you. Instead, let's have a write in vote for the best candidate around. She has worked for years at the Mary Mae Foundation so she knows how to balance a budget. She ran the PTA for years and has served on the City Council. All in all, she has had more experience than either of you put together.”
Laura gasped, “Luke!”
“That’s right, my wife Laura Spencer. She will be the best mayor since, well me.” Luke spouted off.
Ric scoffed, “Never will happen Spencer. Laura will never win.”
Laura pushed forward, empowered by this show of faith her husband had in her, “I can and will run for mayor! I will win!”
Lulu hugged her mother, “Bring it on Mom!”
Luke looked over at Laura, “Laura, I even have my signs from when I ran for Mayor. We can use those!”
Tiffany looked over at the excited audience, “Well, I guess it is now Lansing vs Baldwin vs Spencer. May the best person win!
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