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Episode #7



Episode 7

The Show opens up with the outside of a club. We can hear the bass of the music from the inside. The camera panes down from the sign of the club that says, Hypnotic, and shows the girls, Amanda, Cassie and Maddie. They are shown talking.

Maddie: I wish this line was moving faster so we could just get in and dance and forget about the stupid men in our lives!

Amanda: Your preaching to the choir.

Cassie: This is ridiculous. Oh finally the line is moving.

The girls move up and are next in line. They show the bouncer their id’s and he tells them they can get in but they can’t drink. They all say they understand and go in. They walk down the hall and come out into and open area. They see hundreds of dancing bodies everywhere. The three girls look at each other and make a vow to stay together tonight no matter what!


The Guys, Seth, Shawn, Matt and Jason, are shown in the same club as the girls! They are by the bar area and are checking out the women.

Matt points at one: Hey how about that one?

Shawn: Dude she is way out of your league!

Jason laughs: And she looks like she is 30!

Matt: Hey the women here aren’t that hot anyway.

Seth: I don’t care if they’re hot or not, I just want to forget about everything tonight.

Seth turns around and asks the bar tender for a shot of vodka. He shows the bartender an id. He gets his shot and downs it. Shawn is worried about his brother.

Shawn: Are you sure you want to do that?

Seth: Little brother you worry to much. Jason is driving and he already told me he is more than fine with not drinking tonight. So I plan on drinking!

Matt is still checking out the women when he stops dead in his tracks: Hey guys umm…you will never guess who is here!

Jason looks where Matt is looking: Unbelievable!

Seth and Shawn look up and see Amanda, Cassie and Maddie looking back at them!


Ms. Jacobs is in her office finishing up on some paper work when there is a knock on her door. She looks up to see Brody Patrick. He walks in and closes the door.

Ms. Jacobs: I was wondering what was taking you so long!

Brody: I had some stuff to finish up first.

Ms. Jacobs: Well I’ve been waiting all night!

Brody walks over to Ms. Jacobs and starts to kiss her. They become more heated and start to make love. Brody lays her on her desk. He unbuttons her blouse and removes it leaving her only in a bra. She pulls off his uniform shirt and he is left in a beater. She grips his belt and rips that off as well they get off the desk and move to the wall. They start having hot sex against the wall!!


Steve and Keri Michaels are shown standing outside of Club Hypnotic.

Steve: Are you sure this is where they are going tonight?

Keri: Yeah I heard Amanda and Cassie talking about it earlier tonight.

Steve: How do you know the guys will be here too?

Keri: Lets just say that I have a strong believe in fate and it bringing people together!

Keri laughs and Steve wonders if Keri had anything to do with this. After about twenty minutes they make it to the front of the line. They get in the club and immediately begin looking for Jason. Steve spots and also sees that he and the other guys are staring at the girls. He tells Keri that this may work out better than expected!


Jason, Matt, Shawn and Seth are staring at Amanda, Cassie and Maddie who are staring back. The bartender is calling to Seth to get his drink. Seth turns around, downs the shot and walks towards the girls.

Seth: Um…hey what are you doing here?

Amanda: Listen I really don’t feel like talking to you right now, so why don’t you and your little posse stay away from us and everything will be fine!

Seth: Why do you have to be like that?

Amanda responds in a mocking tone: I don’t know, I just don’t know what I should be like!

With that Amanda and the girls walk away. Seth goes back to the guys.

Shawn: What happened?

Seth: Basically they want nothing to do with us tonight. That means we can all go and find a lady to make out with!

With that Seth gets another shot, downs it and goes out and starts dancing with the first girl her sees!


Ms. Jacobs and Brody are getting dressed.

Brody: Well our little affair is benefiting me very well. Lets just say with every time it gets better!

Ms. Jacobs: Shut up Brody! This can’t keep going on. If anyone found out, I could be out of a job!

Brody: I promise no one will find out!

Just then there is a knock on the door. Brody hides underneath the desk.

Ms. Jacobs: Come in.

Johnny Riggs walks in.

Ms Jacobs: What can I do for you Mr. Riggs?

Johnny: I need to punch out but I’m late so I need you to sign off…

Johnny trails off because he sees Brody’s name tag on Ms. Jacobs’ messy desk. Ms. Jacobs picks up on it.

Ms. Jacobs: Johnny, you need what?

Johnny is still staring at the name tag: I need you to sign off on my late punch.

Ms. Jacobs signs the piece of paper and Johnny gives the name tag one last look when he leaves the room. Brody comes out from under the desk.

Brody: That was close!

Ms. Jacobs: You idiot he saw your name tag you left on the desk!

Brody: Don’t worry, he’s a nice kid but he’s not that bright!

Brody grabs his stuff and leaves the office. As he walks down the stairs, Johnny is shown hiding behind a door. He just saw Brody walk out of Ms. Jacobs’ office!


Shawn and Matt are shown standing in a group when Steve comes over and surprised them.

Steve: Hey! What are you guys doing here?

Shawn: Hey! Umm…we could ask you the same thing.

Steve: Oh I’m here with some friends from school.

Matt: Were here with some people from work.

Steve: Yeah I saw the girls before. You haven’t seen Jason around have you?

Shawn: No why?

Steve: I just wanted to apologize to him for my sister.

Matt: If we see him we will let him know.

Steve: Thanks guys!

Steve walks away and says to himself: Oh believe me Jason will know soon enough and he will wish he didn’t!


Seth is shown dancing on the dance floor with a group of girls. They are all rubbing up against his crotch and doing other raunchy actions. Amanda, Cassie and Maddie are shown watching.

Cassie: That is just nasty. As a woman I find what they are doing totally wrong.

Amanda: Yeah tell me about it. All they are doing is making themselves look like sluts!

Maddie: I can honestly tell you I would never dance like that!

Seth and one girl are now dancing really raunchy together. She grabs his face and starts kissing him! He is totally into it.

Cassie: Oh Amanda, don’t watch that!

Amanda: Wow I didn’t realize he wanted to hurt me that much!

Amanda runs away from them. She runs right into Jason.

Jason: Are you alright?

Amanda: No I just want to get out of here!

Jason: Well you shouldn’t be anywhere alone around here. Let me go outside with you?

Amanda: Whatever, just don’t mention that sick bastard on the floor making out with the whore!

Jason: Fine.


Jenny Anderson is sitting at home, looking over some papers from work. There is a knock on her door. She goes over to answer it and sees that no one is there. She looks down and sees that there is a note there. She picks it up and starts to read it.

Note: “I hope you are happy for now, because that happiness won’t last!”

Jenny looks around to see if anyone is out there. She is a little freaked out now, so she goes inside and locks the door. She sits back down and tries to continue working. The camera flashes to a different perspective. We still see Jenny, but we are seeing in her through the window and the blinds, in the eyes of the person that just left the note!


Jason and Amanda are now outside.

Jason: I know you asked me not to talk about Seth, but what’s going on?

Amanda: Like you can’t figure it out. He just broke up with me, less than a week ago and now he is out there making out with some whore he barely knows!

Jason: It looks really bad, but he is hurt by all of this just as much as you are!

Amanda: Yeah well he has a funny way of showing it.

Jason grabs her face: Listen to me! You both are in pain right now and aren’t sure about what you want. You both love each other, but at the same time you need to be apart. I think that eventually you will find your way back to each other but until then, you have to go out and experience other people.

Amanda is staring at Jason who has her face in his hands. Without even thinking she leans in and kisses him! We now see that Keri is watching this.

Keri: Well, well, well, It seems like I didn’t have to do anything! Jason will pay for that and I will make sure of it!

On the Next Episode…

Amanda and Jason fight about their kiss!

Jenny is still unsettled by the note!

Johnny confronts Brody about what he saw!

Seth nurses a hang over and deals with the wrath of the girls!

Maddie and Matt are their for each other when Cassie and Shawn go out on their date!


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