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The Nurse's Ball Part Five



Thank you Dr Scorpio and the young Dr Patrick Drake. He is as good looking as his father. If I was your age...." She fans her face, Lucy is now wearing a jewel toned wrap around dress. She pleads with the audience, "Now, it's almost at the end of the night and we haven't met our goal yet. Please people, give from your hearts. Think of how many people you will be helping with even five dollars more for AIDS research. Edward, come on, I know you want to write a check for this worthy cause. Bobbie! You too. The Barringtons, we need all your help! Every little bit helps and we need it. Please find it in your heart to give just a little more. There are so many people who will benefit by your donations. Every fifteen seconds, someone dies of AIDS related causes. Fifteen seconds. That's not much time."

Alan stands up with his checkbook in hand, "Lucy I will write you a check for ten thousand dollars if you strip."

Monica rolls her eyes, "Alan!"

Ned jumps up, "Lucy I will match it!"

"Ned!" Monica admonishes.

"Hey it's for a good cause, Monica." Ned says. Brenda laughs at him, "I always knew you had a thing for Lucy."

Ned laughs, "Do you blame me?"

From his table, Luke yells, "If you take it off sugar, I will donate a days profits from the club!"

Lucy looked around, "Oh my goodness, gentlemen. Can't you do a little better than that? It takes a little more than that for me to take my clothes off."

Justus stands up, "Five grand as well Lucy!"

The brothers Scorpio lean back and yell, "Five thousand! between the two of us."

Carly looks at Jax, "You better not even think about it."

"It's for a good cause and it's all in good fun Carly," Jax said. "Hey Lucy, count me in for ten grand as well."

Sonny stood up, "Hey Lucy, fifty thousand dollars if you do it."

"Mr Corinthios, thats a lot of money." Lucy said. "Are you sure about this?"

"Well Lucy," Sonny smiled, "We haven't had a Nurse's Ball in a while. It's been that long since I have seen you half naked. I want this check and this dance if you will, to be in the memory of Stone Cates. Who would really appreciate seeing this if he was with us today."

Lucy walks over to the side of the stage and grabs a hat and a chair. Joe Cocker's "You Can Leave Your Hat On" fills the room. Lucy sits down in the chair with the hat on her head and slowly pulls one glove off at a time, using her teeth. She kicks her gold Manolos into the audience and slides around on the chair. She stands up and walks around it, putting one leg on the seat of the chair. Grabbing the hat, she moves it across her body as her hair falls down her back. She then perches it cockeyed on her head. She reaches up her leg and slowly undos her garter that holds her thigh highs in place. Then, she rolls them down and throws them at Edward, winking at him. Lucy walks around the chair and does the same thing with that thigh high, this time throwing it at Justus.

Lucy shimmys to the music as only Lucy can and reaches up to her neck She undos the clasp holding her dress together. She coyly looks at the audience as they cheer her on. She finally takes her dress off, revealing an emerald and black teddy. She moves over to the chair wearing that and the hat and sits down, crossing her legs and proclaims the Nurses Ball over.

On the way out of the Ball, Jax is watching Carly. Her eyes are narrowed as she is watching Sonny approach Brenda across the room. Carly doesn't like it one bit, but it is so crowded and noisy, she can't make out what is going on.

Slyly, Sonny slides up to Brenda who is walking with Ned. "Hey Brenda. Can I bring you home?"

Brenda shakes her head, her hair flying over her shoulders, "Not tonight Sonny. I have had a long flight and I really don't want to get into it with you. Besides, don't you have a date with you?"

"I'm sure Ned wouldn't mind bringing Alexis home." Sonny remarked.

Again Brenda shook her head and started forward. She just didn't want to deal with Sonny tonight. She yawned, "Sonny I am really tired. I am jet lagged. We really don't have anything to talk about."

Sonny pulled Brenda into his arms. He leaned down and kissed her lightly. "Oh Brenda I think we do."

"I think not." Brenda said haughtily and walked away.

Across the room, Carly watches and steams with anger.

The crowd was dispersing when Mac came up to Felicia, "Hey Flea, Robert and I are going to join Luke at the club for an after party drink, just a guys thing. You don't mind do you?"

Felicia smiled, "Of course not. I am kind of tired and I promised Bobbie I would come over to the Brownstone to help her out with some things.I hope you guys have fun." She leaned up and kissed him. "Tonight was fun, Lucy was in rare form."

"That she was. I can't believe that Brenda came back. I wonder what she has in store. Robin will be glad to have her back." Mac replied, putting his arms around her.

"Come on Mac! Get your arse in gear! We don't have all night!" Robert yelled.

Mac glanced back over his shoulder and indicated that he would be right there. Felicia tucked her arm in his, "Well we have a while to find out. Georgie is getting a ride with Dillion. Maxie said she would stop by tomorrow, she said she had something to talk to Georgie about. Even though she lives in Kelly's I am glad that those two are still getting along." she said.

Mac kissed Felicia, "I agree, although at times there is tension."

Felicia shooed him along, "I see your very impatient brother waiting. I will see you when you get home, however I won't stay up. I will leave a light on but I am tired. I will also keep my cell phone on in case you need a ride."

"Felicia, I just call the station and have them come get me. I don't want to bother you. Now go. I love you." Mac watched as Felicia got in the car and started to drive away. He turned and started walking towards his brother but stopped dead in his tracks when the sound of screeching metal and slamming brakes filled the air. He turned, Felicia's car was smashed and the other car was gone.

~Next time...

What will happen to Felicia?


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