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King's DAYS

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Episode #246 - Monday, November 20th, 2006:


- Megan drags hope to a secret hideway in London and locks her in a room.

- Stefano is devastated over Lexie. Kristen tries to help comfort him. Stefano suddenly asks where the baby is. Kristen confesses that she's given the baby back to John and Marlena!

- Marlena has a touching, emotional reunion with their baby boy!

- Roman finds clothing in Sami's fireplace.

- Melissa decides to go back to Salem and tell Frankie that she wants to be with him - despite his marriage of convenience with Greta.

- Meanwhile, Eric prepares to tell Greta how deep his feelings for her go.

- Bo and Billie have a romantic reunion while Hope lies in a desolate location.

- Jan and Jeremy both remain sitting on the ground at the park where they ran into each other. They begin berating each other for causing the accident.

- Belle decides not to sue Shawn for custody of Claire...yet.

- Abby and Max see each other at the Pub, but they ignore each other. Cassie arrives. Abby leaves in an upset rage and runs into her father, Jack.

- Max and Cassie announce their pregnancy to Frankie, Greta, Kayla, Bo, and Roman. Everyone is shocked. Cassie says that even though she is not a Brady anymore since Tony and Marlena were proved to be her parents like originally thought, she hopes the Brady's will accept her as family. They all decide to visit Caroline at the hospital.

- Will dreams of the night of Alan's murder and blood on his hands. Meanwhile, Sami re-calls burning clothes the night of the murder. Annie tells Sami that they need to walk because Eric has just ended their relationship! Sami tells Annie that they are through and that she has done all she can for her. Sami tells her to go back to Sunset Beach! Annie is devastated.

- Jack comforts Abby over Max. Later, she turns the conversation around on him and asks Jack if he is developing feelings for Billie.

- John wonders how to tell Marlena the price that he paid to get their baby back. He wonders how Marlena will react when she finds out he had to grant Kristen immunity to rescue their baby from her clutches.

- Cassie has a secret!

- Roman realizes he may have to arrest Sami for Alan's murder.

- Jan and Jeremy continue to fight, yell, and scream over each other after their collision. She ends it abruptly telling him she needs to go meet the father of her baby! She continues on to Shawn's hotel room.

- Hope awakens!

- Frankie and Melissa come face to face! As do Eric and Greta and Shawn and Jan!

- Hope comes face to face with her kidnapper, Megan, who tells Hope that she should get used to her isolated and lonely circumstance because it is the fate she is destined for!


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