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The Market

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Episode #6



Episode 6

Steve Michaels is walking around the store, doing returns when he sees his sister, Keri.

Steve: Hey!

Keri Surprised to see her brother: What are you doing here, and why are you working?

Steve: Oh its nice to see you too.

Keri: Seriously, what’s going on?

Steve: Mom and Dad thought I needed to get a job, so I applied and they hired me.

Keri: Why didn’t you tell me?

Steve: Because I figured this would be more fun!

Keri: Well I don’t want you to work here!

Steve: Listen to me sister, I’m here whether you want me to be or not and you better watch your step because I have no problem letting Mom and Dad know how you’ve been acting lately!

Keri: If you tell dad that I got Jason suspended for harassment, your dead!

Steve: Holy crap, I had no idea you did that, I was just talking about your attitude, but thanks for the ammo!

With that Steve walks away from his sister leaving her dumbfounded.


Seth Anderson is showing his little brother the ropes of the Dairy Department.

Seth: This is where we keep the milk, the eggs are in the back corner and the orange juice is on the opposite wall. Those are the three big things you have to worry about. Over here is all the stuff that is on sale…

A few minutes later, Seth was helping Shawn load the milk.

Shawn: Hey bro, can I ask you a question?

Seth: Yeah I guess. What’s up?

Shawn: You know Cassie Roberts right?

Seth: Yeah she’s the chick that works with Amanda in the Bakery?

Shawn: Yeah, that’s her, well lately I’ve started to like her, but Matt likes her too! And then her friend Maddie Wilson, likes me, but I don’t like her as much as I like Cassie!

Seth: Little brother, I don’t know how you do this, but you have managed, in only three weeks, to get yourself in one very twisted web!

Shawn: I know, I was hoping you could help me.

Seth: I’m not exactly the one to be giving advice on relationships. In case you haven’t noticed Amanda won’t even talk to me.

Shawn: Yeah what happened there?

Seth: She over heard Jason and I talking about my relationship with her and she heard me say I wasn’t sure about it.

Shawn: Ohh, that sucks.

Seth: Yeah and now, she won’t talk to me!

Shawn: I looks like we both suck when it comes to relationships!

Shawn and Seth laugh and continue to work.


Cassie and Maddie are working close to each other. Amanda walks up.

Amanda: Hey see ya later ladies!

Cassie: Your out of here?

Amanda: Finally!

Maddie: Hey so would you be up to the three of us hanging out later, ya know a girls night out?

Amanda: That sounds like it would be fun!

Cassie: Ok see ya later then!

Amanda: Bye guys.

Amanda walks away leaving Maddie and Cassie.

Cassie: Hey Maddie, I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me how you feel about it.

Maddie hesitantly: Ok…

Cassie: Well the other night when I locked myself out of my car, Shawn gave me a ride home.

Maddie becomes uneasy: Yeah what happened between you too?

Cassie: Oh nothing happened, well that’s not true! He told me he had feelings for me!

Maddie is shocked: Wow I don’t know what to say.

Cassie: Here’s the thing I sort of have feelings for him too!

Maddie: He seems to be a popular guy when it comes to people liking him.

Cassie: I know and I wanted to talk to you first, because I have a feeling he is going to ask me out sometime.

Maddie: And you want my blessing? Is that it?

Cassie: Maddie, you’re my best friend and I would never do anything that would hurt you, and I know this is a delicate situation.

Maddie: Cass, I know he doesn’t like me and I can’t make him like me, so if he asks you out, go a head and go out with him!

Cassie: Are you sure?

Maddie: Yes!

Cassie goes over and hugs Maddie. Cassie goes onto the floor to help a customer. Maddie is left looking really upset and disappointed!


Keri hears her name paged over the intercom. She is asked to go up to the managers office! When Keri gets up there Jason is up there as well waiting to go in the office. Ms. Jacobs comes out and asks them both to come in and sit down. Keri sees a TV and a VCR set up in the corner. She gets nervous.

Jacobs: Well I have asked you both to come here today, because I have come to a decision about your situation.

Keri: I thought we already dealt with that?

Jacobs: We had but, it was brought to my attention that someone may have been lying! At the suggestion of an employee I went back and watched the security tapes and this is what I saw.

Ms. Jacobs plays the tape, showing Keri going over to Jason, antagonizing him, trying to bait him into an argument. The tape ends and Ms. Jacobs turns it off. She turns back to Keri and Jason and has a disappointed look on her face.

Jacobs: Now I am beyond angry, I am furious! With you Keri!!

Keri: But…

Jacobs: I’m not finished. You have not only lied to me about something that is very serious, you essentially tortured this young man! I can’t understand why you would do something like this. As of now, you are suspended with termination pending!

Keri begins to cry: But Ms. Jacobs, you don’t understand when Jason broke up with me it tore me apart.

Jason speaking up for the first time: So you go out and ruin my name, saying that I harassed you?

Keri: I had no other way to get back at you!!

Ms. Jacobs: Ms. Michaels, I am going to make a suggestion to you. I think you really need to find yourself a therapist and work out your issues, because if we do not terminate you, there is no way we are taking you back with out you entering therapy! You can go now!

Keri gets up and leaves the office. Jason gets up and shakes Ms. Jacobs’s hand.

Jason: I just wanted to let you know that I am grateful that you did this.

Jacobs: After your friend came up here and told me about the situation and made the suggestion of watching the tapes, I realized that she was lying. I am very sorry that you had to go through all of this.

Jason: I am just happy that it is all behind us!


Jenny Anderson is pulling into her drive way, when she sees someone waiting on the front porch. She cautiously gets out of her car.

Jenny: Hello?

Robbie Mitchells walks out and is happy to see her.

Robbie: Hi!!

Jenny: What are you doing here Rob?

Robbie: I couldn’t wait until next week to see you, so I decided to stop by real quick and say hi!

Jenny: How did you know where I lived?

Robbie: You have to promise not to get mad or think I’m a stalker, but I looked in your sons’ files and got the address there.

Jenny laughing: I have to tell you that is a little creepy!

Robbie blushes and laughs: I know but I wanted to just say hi.

Jenny: Believe me I’m happy to see you!

Robbie: That’s good to hear, but I really have to be going now! It would be a little awkward if one of your sons came home and saw me here.

Jenny: Yes it would be a little strange, but I am excited for next week!

Robbie: Me too!

Robbie leans in and kisses Jenny on the cheek. He then goes to his car and as he is leaving he waves. Jenny watches him leave and thinks to herself that she may have found the perfect man!


Seth and Shawn Anderson, Matt Thompson and Jason Charleston are walking towards the Bakery Department to see if the girls want to hang out when they come across Brody Patrick and Johnny Riggs.

Brody: Well, well, well, look who it is! The Dairy Fairies and the Grocery Queers!

Jason: Wow ya know Brody, every time I come across you, you always are more stupid than the last time I saw you.

Brody turns to Johnny: You better be careful, this one is known for harassing people.

Seth: Maybe you should pass attention ass hole, Jason didn’t harass anyone, Keri was lying.

Brody: I’m sure, what did you do Jason, sleep with Ms. Jacobs to get out of the suspension?

Jason goes to lunge for Brody, but is held back by Shawn and Seth: You better get the hell out of here before I tear you apart.

Matt: Brody, shut the hell up and just walk away.

Brody: Oh great now we have the brave and tough Matt Thompson jumping in. I thought you only sprang into action when someone had a gun!

Shawn: Dude, what’s your problem?

Brody in a mocking tone: Dude, you pieces of crap! Ya know what I’m not gonna waste my time on these punk asses anymore. Lets go Johnny.

Brody and Johnny turn and walk away.

Matt: That kid is such an ass.

Jason: I don’t understand why he hasn’t bee fired yet.

Shawn: Who was the kid he had with him? I’ve never seen him before and he had a Market shirt on.

Seth: Maybe he’s new or something.

Jason: Great someone else they can poison against the Grocery Department.

Shawn: Why is there so many issues between the two departments?

Matt: No one knows but they’re the ones that perpetuate it. We couldn’t give a damn about it, but they are always giving us crap.

Seth: What ever guys, lets just get out of this place!

The four guys walk over to the Bakery Department. The girls are gone, so they say screw it and go out the four of them!


Keri Michaels is sitting outside crying. Her brother comes out and sees her.

Steve: Hey what’s wrong?

Keri: I got suspended for lying about Jason harassing me.

Steve: So what you will be back at work in a few days.

Keri: No I won’t I’m suspended pending termination…

Steve: They’re going to fire you?!

Keri: Yeah, the worst part is, all I wanted was for Jason to feel like crap for one second, but I always end up feeling like this! Its not fair.

Steve: I will tell you what, the two of us will find a way to make that ass hole pay for what he has done!

Keri hugs Steve. Both of them are shown with smirks on their faces!!

On the next episode…

The guy and girls have separate nights out.

Keri and Steve set their plan in motion.

Johnny and Shawn have a conversation.

Seth tries to talk to Amanda.

Matt and Maddie are there for each other when they find out that Shawn asked Cassie out on a date.


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