Secrets & Lies - Ep. 21

Secrets & Lies: Episode 21
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Written by: Ryan Chandler
Produced by: Ryan Chandler
Opening Video
- It’s a busy Thursday morning at ELQ. Unbeknownst the thousands of people who work for the company, the entire future of the company rests on who Edward selects and the CEO of ELQ or if Tracy will be able to maneuver herself into that position. Knowing that the CEO will have to be voted upon by the Board of Directors, Tracy begins her plans to take over the company as CEO. First up, ensuring that the non-Quartermaine board members will give her a vote of confidence.
- Monica greets the residents as she makes her way into GH. She’s been unable to get the incredible night of passion that she and Kevin Collins shared the night before. It would have been a perfect night if she’d been able to be totally honest with Kevin regarding her marriage. Not that it really matters though, it’s not like she has to see his face everyday.
“Good morning Monica,” says a familiar voice.
Monica turns around and is surprised to see Kevin standing with Alan. “Kevin….it’s a, nice to see you again. What are you doing here?”
“Kevin has agreed to come back to GH and head our psychology department. I asked him due to there being an opening.”
Monica flashes back to talking to Kevin (who she didn’t know who he was at the time) online and him mentioning that he was coming into town for a business trip.
“You never told me you were staying Kevin,” Monica says before she can think.
“You’ve already seen Kevin since he’s been back? When?” Alan asks his wife.
Thinking on his toes, Kevin covers for Monica. “I think what she meant to say was ‘you never told me where you were staying’,” Kevin says.
“Right. He’s right. That’s what I meant.”
“Monica, I’m sorry but we’ll have to talk about this later. I have to finish introducing Kevin to those in his department. I’ll see you at home.”
Alan goes in for a kiss on the cheek and Monica accepts, although with an awkward look on her face. When they leave, Monica can’t believe just how complicated things have gotten.
- Nikolas walks into Carly’s place to find her chasing Morgan around the sofa.
“Morgan,” she says, “If you get dressed, I’ll give you some candy.”
“Morgan! Put on this damn sweater!!!”
“No,” Morgan screams once again as he runs around the sofa. “I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!!”
Carly tries to trick Morgan but he catches on and runs to Nikolas instead.
“Help me!”
Nikolas laughs as he picks up Morgan. Nikolas is able to convince Morgan to put on the sweater with no problem. When Carly turns her back, Nikolas gives Morgan a $5 bill, Morgan gives him a high five.
“Cute kid,” remarks Nikolas as he makes his way to the sofa.
“Yeah, he’s great. He's stubborn just like his father.”
"Like his father? Ha, I'm sure he gets it from both sides."
Carly brings some dishes into the kitchen. While she’s gone, Nikolas notices paperwork on the table. Against his better judgment, he curiously opens the folder and notices that Carly has been making steps to purchase a new company under a fake name. She enters into the room and is angry that Nikolas was going through her belongings. Nikolas says the condition for them going into business together was to enhance the revenue for both of their companies. Carly tries to say that doing this is good, but Nikolas says what she’s doing is illegal. Carly denounces Nikolas’ statement and says it’s frowned upon, but it is perfectly legal. People use dummy companies all of the time to make purchases. Nikolas says he wants no part of it, Carly asks him to leave. She says that with or without his approval, she’s going to make this purchase.
- Back at ELQ, Skye notices Luke talking with one of the secretaries when Lorenzo comes up. Skye tries to use Alcazar to make Luke jealous, but Luke doesn’t bite. Skye mentions that the two of them have plans tonight, but Lorenzo says he can’t. Alcazar says that Diego has been exhibiting some disturbing behavior and wants to get him into therapy. So he’s scheduled an appointment with Lainey. Lorenzo turns to go, but Skye pulls him into a kiss. Skye tells him there’s more where that came from and wishes him well. When he leaves, Skye turns to Luke wiping her bottom lip with her index finger. Luke just laughs and walks away. Skye knows what she did is kind of childish, but Luke didn’t even flinch.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies –
- Invitations to the Quartermaine Thanksgiving are sent out
- Lorenzo meets with Lainey and is surprised what she requests
- Liz is surprised when Audrey shows up for her at Jason’s
- Helena sets a date for her latest scheme to begin
- Lucky is angry with Nikolas tries to play peacemaker between he and Liz.
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