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Episode #5



Episode 5

Cassie is stunned to hear that Shawn likes her not Maddie.

Cassie: What?!
Shawn: I like you Cassie!
Cassie: Wow, I had a feeling you didn’t like Maddie, but I never thought the reason was because you liked me.
Shawn: I hope you don’t feel awkward or anything.
Cassie: Its not awkward, I’m just really surprised, really really surprised!
Shawn: Ok…
Cassie: No! Don’t take it that way! I was just really surprised!
Shawn begins to laugh: Yeah you said that already.
Cassie laughs as well. They continue to drive with Cassie giving him directions to her house. When they pull into the drive way, Cassie goes to get out but Shawn stops her.
Shawn: Cassie, wait a minute!
Cassie: What’s up?
Shawn: I want you to know that I told you I liked you because I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. I don’t want you thinking I expect something from you, ok?
Cassie: Thanks for saying that Shawn, you really are a great guy.
Cassie leans in and kisses him on the cheek.
Cassie: Thanks for the ride!
She gets out of the car and goes up to her front door, she looks back and waves goodnight. Shawn waves back


Jason is at home, he’s shooting some hops in his driveway when Seth drives up.

Seth: Hey man what’s going on?
Jason: Well nothing at all seeing how I’m stuck at home.
Seth: Yeah the boss told us that you go suspended for harassing Keri Michaels
Jason: I didn’t harass her.
Seth: I know you didn’t. I remember all the times that she has walked by us, she’s the one that makes the comments.
Jason: Yeah I know, I wish someone would tell Ms. Jacobs that.
Seth: Well I’m on my way to work now and I’m gonna go and tell her the truth.
Jason: Your really gonna go out on a line for me?
Seth: Dude, your like my best friend around here, of course I would do anything I could to help you.
Jason: Thanks man. Hey how are things with you and Amanda?
Seth: Man I was so harsh the other day. When I told her that I wasn’t sure I wanted to be with her, she was so upset.
Jason: I’m sure, but you can’t pretend to be in love with her if your not.
Seth: Yeah I know I just don’t want her to be hurt.
Jason: She seems like a strong girl, I think she will get over it.
Seth: I hope so, but hey I’m gonna be late if I don’t get going. You still game for hanging out later?
Jason: Yeah sure, let me know when you get out.
Seth: Will do, later man.

Seth gets in his car and leaves.


Amanda is working in the Bake Shop. Cassie walks in and sees that Amanda is a little upset. She goes over and starts helping Amanda.

Cassie: Hey are you alright?
Amanda: I’ve been better.
Cassie: You mind if I ask you what’s wrong?
Amanda: You know Seth Anderson right?
Cassie: Yeah he’s Shawn’s older brother right?
Amanda: Yeah. Well back home him and I were dating. I thought we were in love, but the other day I heard him talking with Jason Charleston and he was telling him that he wasn’t sure about our relationship anymore.
Cassie: Oh that’s horrible, I’m so sorry!
Amanda: Yeah well I don’t know what to do anymore. I mean I uprooted my life to be with him and now he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I can’t go back home because my parents told me if I left I wasn’t welcome at home. I lost everything for him and now he doesn’t want me!
Cassie: You were following your heart.
Amanda: Yeah try telling my parents that.
Cassie: What are you going to do?
Amanda: The only thing I can do. I guess I’m gonna stay in the motel down the road and work here until I can save up some money.
Cassie: That sucks. I’m so sorry.
Amanda: Thanks for the concern.

Cassie looks up and sees Matt walking by. She has a sad look on her face. Amanda takes notice.

Amanda: What’s with the look?
Cassie: Well the other night I found out that Shawn likes me.
Amanda: So that’s good isn’t it?
Cassie: Not really because Maddie likes Shawn, and I kinda like Matt, the other kid in Grocery, and I think he likes me too.
Amanda: Wow that’s one messed up love square!
Cassie: Your telling me. I like Matt, but every time I’m around Shawn I feel something.
Amanda: Well if you feel something for him, why don’t you go on a date with him and see how things go?
Cassie: That’s a good idea, but what about Matt?
Amanda: Has he told you he likes you?
Cassie: No.
Amanda: Then claim you didn’t know.
Cassie: That’s not a bad idea. Thanks for the advice.

Cassie and Amanda continue working.


Keri Michaels is working in the Florist department when Seth Anderson walks up to her.

Keri: What do you want?
Seth: I thought you would want to know that I’m going to Ms. Jacobs and I’m going to vouch for Jason and tell her that you’re the one that says stuff to him.
Keri: You go and do that because who do you think she is going to believe, the one that claims to being harassed or a guy that is a friend of the guy that’s been harassing me.
Jason: Well we will find out won’t we!

With that, Seth walks away. Miranda James walks over

Miranda: Oh Keri you didn’t get Jason suspended did you?
Keri: I had to, he kept saying stuff to me.
Miranda: Keri I know you and I know how you are.
Keri: What does that mean, you don’t believe me?
Miranda: I’m sorry Keri but I’ve seen you around Jason and I know your not always the nicest to him either.
Keri: I thought you were my friend Miranda!
Miranda: I am but your playing with fire, and your going to get burned if your not careful.
Keri: Some friend you are.

Keri storms off leaving Miranda hurt.


Ms. Jacobs is in her office, when Seth knocks on her door. She beckons him in.

Ms. Jacobs: How can I help you Seth?
Seth: Well I’m here about Keri and Jason.
Jacobs: I’m sorry but I can’t talk about that with you.
Seth: No I’m here to tell you that Keri is lying.
Jacobs: That’s a serious charge.
Seth: I’ve seen her first hand, baiting Jason, trying to make him say nasty things to her.
Jacobs: That may be true, but when it comes down to it, you’re his friend and how am I suppose to believe that your not trying to just get him unsuspended?
Seth: Because I’m known for being honest. I have never lied to anyone here. Listen if you check the security tapes you will see that Keri was constantly baiting Jason.
Jacobs: I will tell you what, I will check it out and make a decision.
Seth: Thank you.

Seth gets up and leaves the office. Ms. Jacobs is left trying to figure out what she should do about this situation.


Jenny Anderson is in her office at work, when her phone rings. She picks it up to here that Robbie Mitchells is on the line.

Jenny: Well hello.
Robbie: How are you?
Jenny: I’m good, how about yourself?
Robbie: Not to bad.
Jenny: Is that all you were calling for?
Robbie: No actually, I was wondering if you would like to go out again sometime?
Jenny: I would love to. When?
Robbie: Well as soon as possible!
Jenny: How about tomorrow night?
Robbie: Its perfect! I will see you then?
Jenny: Definitely! Take care.
Robbie: You too!

Jenny hangs up her phone and lets out a sigh. Her assistant comes in and asks her if she is alright. Jenny tells her she is just fine, actually she is better than fine!


Maddie Wilson is putting some product out in the Bakery Department, when a guy walks up to her.

Maddie: Hi!
Guy: Hi can you help me?
Maddie: Sure.
Guy: I’m looking for who ever is in charge of the front end.
Maddie: Yeah they will be over there at that podium.
Guy: Oh thanks, I’m just starting today so I don’t know to much about this place.
Maddie: Well then, I am Maddie Wilson!
Guy: I’m Steve Michaels, you may not my sister, Keri.
Maddie: Wait your Keri’s brother?
Steve: Yeah.
Maddie: Oh ok, well have a good first day!
Steve: Thanks.

Steve walks away. Maddie goes to the Bakery Backroom and goes over to Amanda and Cassie.

Maddie: Guess what?
Amanda: What?
Maddie: I just met Keri Michael’s brother, Steve!
Cassie: What was he like? I bet he’s just as crazy as his sister!
Maddie: He seems normal, he was actually kind of cute.
Amanda: There she goes, going after another new guy!
Maddie: I am not!
Amanda: I’m just joking Maddie!
Maddie: Oh ok, I just hope he’s nothing like his sister!

On the next episode…

The verdict is in whether Jason comes back or not
Steve learns about his sister’s antics.
Cassie, Shawn, Maddie and Matt all face each other.
Amanda and Seth talk about them.
Jenny and Robbie go out on a date.
The Produce Department interacts with the Grocery Department.


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