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The Market

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Episode #1



Shawn Anderson comes bursting into his brother’s, Seth Anderson, room and tells him to getting going or they will be late for their first day of work. Seth lifts his head from his pillow and tells his brother to leave him alone or he will make sure he never makes it to work. Twenty minutes later they both are outside of The Market, the local supermarket. Seth and Shawn walk to the back of the store where the Grocery Department is. They walk through the doors and approach the first guy they see. They ask if he is Mr. Jones. The man tells them that he isn’t and introduces himself as Andrew Recks and tells them that he is the Dairy Manager. Seth and Shawn both introduce themselves. Andrew tells them that Jones is in the office over there. Seth and Shawn walk over to the office and Jones is walking out as the approach. He looks up and sees them and greets them. He tells them that Seth is going to go work in the Dairy department with Jason and he tells Shawn he will be working with Matt in the Grocery Department. Jones goes and pages each of the guys to the backroom. Jones goes on and tells them that the work is going to be tough at first and that they will probably be tired but that it will eventually become easier for them and that even the customers will seem to get better. Jason and Matt coming walking down the backroom. Jones says that they need to answer quicker next time. They both apologize and then tell him that a customer was being a complete ass because they didn’t have the bread they were looking for. Jones tells them to quit giving excuses. Jones tells them that he paged them because he needs them to show Shawn and Seth the ropes. Jones tells Matt that Shawn will be working with him and that Seth will be working with Jason. Matt says that that is cool and then tells Shawn to come with him. Jones tells Shawn to come and see him before he gets off of work. Shawn says he will and then begins to follow Matt. Jason walks away and then calls for Seth to follow. Jason stops and looks at Seth and tells him that the next time he works he may want to wear long sleeves and boots because they will be working in a 30 degree cooler.

Matt and Shawn are walking down and aisle and Matt is explaining to Shawn what he has to do today. Just then a young woman calls out Matt’s name. She comes down the aisle and tells him that there is a woman at the end of the aisle looking for some oil stuff. Matt thanks her and then goes and tries to help the woman. The young woman looks at Shawn and says that she is Maddie and that she hasn’t seen him around before. Shawn tells her that he is knew here and that he is even knew in town. Maddie says that it must be hard to not know anyone around. Shawn tells her that it is and that he feels a little lost. Maddie tells him that he now has a friend in her and that she will help him if she could. Shawn thanks her but then tells her that he needs to get to work. Maddie agrees and remembers that she needs to get back to the Bakery. She tells him to stop by the Bakery on his break. He says maybe he will. Maddie walks down the aisle as Shawn watches her. Matt walks up behind Shawn and tells him that that was Maddie Wilson and that she is pretty cool girl. Shawn tells him that she seemed pretty chill and that she wants him to go and see her when he goes on break. Matt tells him that he should be careful about dating girls you work with. Shawn laughs and then they walk towards the back to get the stuff they need for the shelf.

Seth is shown shivering in the dairy backroom. Jason looks over at him and laughs. Seth asks him if its always this cold in here. Jason tells him that it is but that you get pretty used to it after awhile. Seth asks Jason what he wants him to do right now. Jason tells him to come over to where he is and help him restack the skive, the pallet, that has fallen over. They are restacking when the hear a loud crash. They both run onto the floor and see a young blond on the ground. Seth has to take a double look because he can’t believe what he is seeing. He runs over to her and helps her up. She looks up at her helper and realizes that its her boyfriend that she hadn’t told she came to town and got a job. Seth is looking at her in disbelief. Jason comes over and asks if everything is alright. Seth tells him that this is Amanda Smith and that they have been dating forever back in Orange Mills, the place they lived before moving to Valley Falls. Amanda tells Seth that she was going to surprise him and tell him soon, but then she ran out of money and her parents wouldn’t give her any if she moved out here. Jason tells Amanda and Seth that there little love fest will have to wait until after work because they have stuff to do. Seth tells Amanda that they will talk when he gets out later. She walks away. Jason tells Seth that he has worked here for close to four years and has never seen anything like that.

Maddie is back in the Bakery working on some cookies and making the price tags for them. Cassie Roberts, Maddie’s good friend, asks Maddie why she has such a big smile on her face. Maddie tells Cass about the guy that just started working in Grocery. She tells Cass that he is really hot and that he has a great personality. Cass tells Maddie that that is great, but then asks how she knows this about him if they just met like an hour ago. Maddie tells Cassie that she doesn’t know about his personality exactly but that she can sense he has a great one. Cassie laughs and tells her that maybe he should get to know him a little bit more before she starts to plan the wedding. Maddie tells her to shut up and then walks onto the floors to put the cookies out. Cassie follows but her out there but heads towards he bagel section and is straightening it out. A man walks up to her and asks her if she could help him. She tells him she can try and then she asks him what he needs. He tells her that he needs cigarettes but has no money for them. He asks her if she could give him a few bucks. She tells him that she can’t because smoking is bad for him and because she doesn’t know him. This causes the man to flip out. He pulls out a gun and points it at her. He tells her that he wasn’t asking for a lecture and then tells her that she is going to help him get them. He grabs her and yells for everyone to move out of the way. He then tells her to start walking over to the cigarette counter and tells her to move slowly. Maddie seeing this all runs into the Bakery back room and calls for the Store Manager and the Security. Very quickly the both come and see the situation. The man tells them that if they come any closer to him, he will shoot Cassie. He then tells everyone to leave the Cigarette Counter. They walk over to the counter and he tells The Store Manager to get the cigarettes. As the manager is walking over to the counter, Matt and Shawn are walking down the aisle behind the man that is holding Cassie hostage. Matt tells Shawn that they have to do something. Then without thinking Matt runs down the aisle and tackles the man. His gun goes flying and Cassie is thrown to the side. Security rushes the man and they cuff him. Shawn runs down the aisle and goes over to Cassie and asks her if she is okay. She looks up at him and looks him right in the eyes. She tells him she is fine, but then she asks him Matt is ok. Shawn goes over to Matt and sees that he is alittle shaken up but that he is physically ok. Robbie Mitchells, the Store Manager, comes over to Cassie and Matt and asks them if they are ok. They tell him they are. He then tells Cassie, Maddie, Matt and Shawn to go up to his office and wait for him. They do as they are told.

Keri Michaels is walking towards the back of the store to go and throw away the trash from the Florist Department. She turns at the end of and aisle and sees Jason, her ex. She asks him if he could move so that she could get around him. He tells her that he would never move for her, not after the way she treated him in their relationship. Keri reminds him that he was the one that broke it off. He replies he broke up with her because she was always asking questions, about where he was, what he was doing, who he was with. Keri rolls her eyes and tells him she is sorry she cared about him and then pushes him out of the way. Seth walks up next to Jason and tells him that he was smooth and then asks him what happened. Jason tells Seth about how she was always insecure about their relationship and that he broke up with her because of it. He then tells Seth that she hasn’t gotten over it. Seth tells him that he better watch out then or she will go crazy and swim fan on him. They both laugh and then go back to loading the shelves.

Cassie, Maddie, Matt and Shawn are in Robbie’s office. Robbie comes in and tells them that the man was arrested and taken to jail. He tells them all that he is sorry that this happened and that if they need some time off they can have it. He then tells them that he thinks their department managers will understand if they went home early to deal with everything. Robbie then looks at Matt and tells him that what he did today was very reckless and that he was putting Cassie’s life in a lot of danger when he tackled that man. Cassie tries to but in and tell Robbie that she is grateful for what he did. Robbie tells her to stop because he wasn’t done. He then tells Matt that never before has he seen anyone so willing to risk themselves to help out another person. Matt tells Robbie that he would have done it if he could of. Robbie tells him that he is not so sure. He then tells them all to go and talk to their managers and explain to them that he [Robbie] said it was ok for them to leave early. Twenty minutes later. Shawn is walking out of the Grocery backroom after talking to Jones. He hears his name being called. He looks up and sees Maddie walking towards him. She asks him if he would like to go grab something to eat. He tells him that Matt asked him to go out to eat but that he assumed it would be ok for her to join in. They walk down the aisle and are talking. At the end of the aisle is Matt and Cassie is with him. Matt says that Cassie is going to join them, and Shawn says that Maddie is gonna do the same. The four of them walk out of the store together.

A couple of hours later. Seth and Jason are walking out of the store talking when Amanda calls out Seth’s name. Seth says later to Jason and he goes and talks to Amanda. He tells her that she shouldn’t have come out here to be with her. She tells him that she wants to be with him now and forever. Seth tells her that part of him moving out here was so that he could make sure he felt what he thought he felt for her. Amanda tells him that if he is not sure about his feelings then she will wait until he is. Seth gives her a smile and then asks her if she has a place to stay the night. She tells him that she is living with a relative for now, but that she really wants to find and apartment for herself. He tells her she should come back to his house with him and stay the night anyway. She smiles and they both walk to his car.


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