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Where there is a Will there is a Janelle



All the houseguests are standing on a log with their arm straight up. If their arm falls past a certain area, the water above them will fall on them and they will be eliminated. Their is a twist. If the last two standing happen to be Janelle and Will, they will both be off the block and have to decide between the two of them who is HOH. If this happens, Nakomis, the current HOH will be put on the block and a spin of the wheel will determine who is HOH.

Janelle immediately makes a deal with Will, "If you stay on the whole time, I will keep you safe. I will never vote for you or nominate you. HOH will be yours this week as well."

Will looks over to her, "Why should I do this?"

"You are the only winner in this house and as more times passes the target on your back increases. No secret deal, I am making this in front of the whole house. I know I can stay up here as long as it takes. I will win POV this week. We can do this. If you don't stay up here, or at least try your damndest, I will come after you and get you out." Janelle said, "I am not even tiring and I have muscles you wouldn't even be aware of."

Will thought it over, "I will try my hardest. Deal."

Time passed. The water first splashed down on Marcelles after 38 minutes. Amy after 57 minutes. Danielle lasted One hour and 25 minutes. The water from her bucket splashed Jack in the eye making him lose balance and he was eliminated. Chiara, Nakomis, Will, Janelle, James, Marvin and Hardy were left.

At one hour and thirty minutes, Rob and Amber came out. "Greetings! We have something to tempt you with. If you feel you are safe and want to give up the Veto, the first one to release their water will receive 5 grand right now. Any takers?" Amber was met with silence, "Ok ten grand." Marvin immediately released the water.

Five minutes later, Chiara let go claiming she had to go to the bathroom and couldn't hold it in. The splash from her bucket also knocked Hardy off.

Four were left at the 2 hour mark. Again Rob and Amber tried to tempt them. "Ok, this time instead of money we will let you call who evah you want and talk to them for ten minutes, as long as it isn't about the game. Any takers? I will give you five minutes to think about it."

Nakomis looked weak and Janelle looked at James. "Please James take it and call Sarah. Let us win and you have such a shot at not getting nominated. Let Will and I win so we can both get up." Janelle pleaded. "I will be here all night."

Will looked at her, "I have to pee and I have absoluetly no problem peeing here. I promise you I will not put you up ever."

James looked at them cooly, "I would do it if we could control who goes up, it's too risky for me. Sorry guys."

No one took the phone call and ten minutes later Nakomis' arm gave out leaving Janelle, James and Will. For another hour the three of them stood up there until finally James arm just inched too far down. Water splashed all over him as Will and Janelle were announced the winners.

Rob and Amber walked over, "Ok Nakomis you are automatically nominated. Here is the wheel. Nakomis we will let you spin the wheel." The wheel spun around and finally landed on Marvin's name.

Amber said, "To stir things up a little, we are going to sequester you and begin voting in the diary room. Will, as the HOH you will not vote. After the vote we will have the live ceremony. We will go in alphabetical order so Amy, please go to the diary room. Everyone else, please go to your assigned places and wait for your name to be called. If you communicate with anyone, you will be disqualified from voting and the next HOH competition."


The houseguests were seated in the living room two hours later after voting had ended. They all looked the worse for wear. Rob walked in, "Hello houseguests. Lovely to see you."

Will smirked, "Likewise"

Amber came over the TV, "By a vote of 4-3, Nakomis you are safe. Marvin you have one minute to leave the house."

Marvin looked pissed, "This is a crapshoot, this [!@#$%^&*] sucks."

Rob looked at him, "Hey it's All Stars, its the way it happens. Now go be nice to my Ambah."

When everyone came back to the Living room, Rob announced, "Oh yeah, since we had both Janelle and Will actually win, and it was decided that the HOH would be Will. He is the next HOH. Nominations will be tomorrow so start thinking Will."

Who will Will nominate and will he keep his promise to Janelle? Will he try to take out his long time rival Hardy? Or will he divide and conquer and try to take out some strong players. Tune in next time to see his decisions...


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