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Eviction and a House Divided



Boston Rob enters the house and saunters over to the HGs who are sitting in the living room, awaitin gthe eviction ceremony, "Hey everyone, what's goin on."

Will looks at him derisively, "You know half the time I expect you to walk in with hay coming out of your mouth." Everyone laughs and the tension dissipates a little.

Rob is about to come up with a comeback when the TV screen comes on with Amber's face in it. "Rob we are all set."

"All right, Hardy, Rachel you are up for eviction. After Amber states who is evicted you have one minute to leave and then we have the HOH competition. I hope you have your bathing suits on."Everyone nods, "Ok Amber.."

Amber looks into the screen, "By a vote of 5-3, Rachel you are evicted from the Big Brother House. Please gather your things."

Hugs abounded as Rachel left and the HG's gathered outside. In front of them was a large vat of oatmeal. Jack sat over to the side. "Houseguests, for this HOH competition, you will have to fill as much of the oatmeal into the cans. The twist here is that the person with the least amount wins HOH. You have to keep moving or you will be on PB&J for the week. You can't sit this one out. Fill up the HGs that you don't want to see win HOH. If the can spills over and it empties out, well, too bad, so sad. You can't knock your own over. Any questions?"

The HGs lined up by the vat of oatmeal and Rob yelled at them to go. For five minutes, they rushed back and forth to fill up the HG's that they didn't want to win HOH. At first the only one with any real strategy was James, who continually knocked Janelle's over. Janelle quickly caught on, as did Nakomis. Nakomis had AMy knock hers over every time Amy came down. Danielle's was filled, as was Marcelleus and Amy's. Hardy and Will's was half full and no matter how far up Janelle and James got theirs, they always emptied each other's over.

There was ten seconds left when Chiara and Danielle filled Janelle's and James' can up and Amy knocked Nakomis' over. The buzzer rang and Nakomis was the new HOH.

James and Janelle were upset as Jack hugged Nakomis. If either James or Janelle had won, one of them were going home.

After everyone had showered and Nakomis had showed everyone her room, Danielle started talking to a few people to see where they stood. She started with Chiara, "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Well, I didn't exactly want to see you Danielle as you weren't really nice to me in the Diary Room."

Danielle was cutting some vegetables up for dinner, "I was trying to win. Do you really fault me for that?"

Chiara picked up a carrot and started eating it, "I guess not."

"What's the deal with you and that alliance? Is Will really in it?"

"I guess so. He and James get along pretty tight."

Danielle looked at her, "So it's James, Janelle, Will, Hardy and you? You do realize that you are the last one there. The only way you can win is by HOH followed by POV."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was talking to Marvin and he isn't happy with his alliance. What if we create a third alliance and this week help out Nakomis and just take them out? You, me and Marvin can go final three and at that point it's every person for themselves." Danielle whispered after looking around.

Chiara glanced around, "I don't know. You sold me out before. What makes me thing you won't do it again? Plus I have an allegiance to Hardy."

"That boy who barely gives you the time of day? I don't think so. Think about it. Will you let everyone know dinner is ready?"


James, Janelle and Hardy were in the backyard discussing the days events and possible nominations. Hardy spoke up, "I have a feeling it will be you and me James."

Janelle shook her head, "It will be James and me. Or they might nominate me and you in the hopes that one of us wins the POV and backdoors James."

James said, "I heard them saying that they want me out. Why aren't they going after Will though?"

"Because he already won so he doesn't need the money. He is the perfect person to go up against in the final two." Janelle said.

"Is that what you are thinking?" Hardy said.

Janelle smiled mysteriously, "I keep my options open and both of you know it. Maybe we should talk to Marvin and see where he stands.

The doors opened and Marvin, Danielle and Chiara came out and settled into the hot tub. "I guess we know the answer there. Let's get over there right now and see what we can hear." James said, getting up.

Janelle stood up, "We are in trouble now."


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