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Diary Room Entries



Danielle: Well look what the cat dragged in! I get my well deserved second shot at the prize. *snapping fingers* I WILL control this game and start planting seeds of doubt where they belong. They don't call me the best female player who never won for nothing. My first job is getting rid of Janelle. She is way too strong.

Janelle: Ugh. Danielle. Five minutes into this house and she is already sliding up to Jack and whispering in his ear. I want her gone! You are next on my list!

Hardy: I really am happy that Nicole is pregnant but I am sad to see her go as she was my cheif ally. It will be a cold day in Hell before I trust Will again. I haven't really tried to win anything yet, but I am definetly going to have to step it up a notch and try for HOH next week. If and when that happens, it will be time to take Will out.

Nakomis: I am not really getting a good read on Danielle. Can't really say that I trust her very much. During the veto competition she jumped all over James when James won again. Yet she is telling Jack and me that she is our alliance. Something doesn't smell right. Of course James saved himself and now Jack is going to have to nominate someone else.

Amy and Marcelleus: The Bitch is back! We hate her, she is horrid. Amy giggles,"Marcy here wants to slap some brain cells into her"

Will: Well, I scored some points with everyone by showing everyone that I am not just an arrogant !@#$%^&*] doctor. Don't get me wrong, I still am. Discovering that Nicole was pregnant and urging her to get care for her child is so much more important. I listened to everyone expound on the joy of me until it got tiresome. Not for me, but it seemed to tire them out. Then they started talking about Danielle and her impact and I couldn't care less so I left. Saw James and told him not to trust Danielle that she likes to stir [!@#$%^&*] up. Did I mention that I made something up too?

Chiara: Why is it that the people from my season are all the ones that I HATE? Damnit.

Jack: Having Danielle in here certainly changes things up. Whereas she wants to join our alliance, Amy and Marcelleus are threatening to join the other alliance because of it. Which would leave James, Janelle, Rachel, Hardy and Will and Chiara. Although I think Will and Chiara are on the outskirts. It will be interesting. I definetly think Danielle will not last long in the BB house. I have a lot of wheeling and dealing to do.

Marvin: *yawn* I can't believe you woke me up from a perfectly good nap to ask me what I think about Danielle. I don't give a [!@#$%^&*].

Rachel: Having James use the veto on himself sucks. I hope they realize that by voting me out, they will have no cook. Who's going to cook, Amy? If it doesn't have cheese, she can't cook it. This totally sucks. Why did I allow myself to come back here. So now Jack nominated Hardy and I will most likely go home. Thanks a lot.

James: I have Danielle telling me that Will is after me. She is claiming that he came to her and said that between the two of them, they have to get me out as I am the smartest male after Will. I spoke to Janelle about it and she went to Will who of course denied the whole thing. We don't know who to trust anymore. I know in my heart that Will is a cocky bastard that lies like a rug. Just like I do. Yet Will is also claiming that Danielle is telling the other side to target me and Janelle. When there is smoke, there is fire. I can only trust Janelle right now. Everyone else, kiss my ass.


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