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a Fantasy Harmony

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Passions: A New Year Begins: Week One

NOTE: This blog takes place the first week of 2007. -Grace and Sam are enjoying being reunited as a family. They're planning a simple and elegant vow-renewal ceremony for close friends and families. Tensions flare between Kay and Charity as they help Grace prepare. Meanwhile, Grace's curse on her enemies begins to take effect in subtle ways. -Theresa and Ethan have also been reunited as a family with Little Ethan and Jane. Gwen has been exposed, and Ethan knows he's Little Ethan's father.



Week Two

-Julian informs Tabitha that he is not going to lose another child, not after losing both Chad and Little Ethan in one year, and this time he means business. After Tabitha refuses to agree to a custody agreement, she is served with papers! Tabitha renews her curse on the Crane family, but this time she specifically targets Julian! -As Theresa and Ethan vacation at the Crane cabin, they are unaware they are in grave danger. While Ethan goes out to chop wood, Theresa is stalked by an axe-wieldi



Week Three

-From her jail cell, Jessica urges Sam and Grace to forget about her and go on their honeymoon. Relunctantly, they agree, and head off to Niagara Falls. Upon arriving in the Falls, Grace is promptly recognized as "Faith Standish". -Gwen kidnaps an injured Ethan and drags him through the snowy woods to an empty cabin. There, she ties him to a bed and tries to nurse him back to health. Theresa has been left for dead in the snow, but Jared comes to her rescue. Unfortunately, they become snowed i



Week Four

-Before they can make love, Theresa and Jared are surprised when power is restored to the Crane cabin. Theresa contacts Crane Search and Rescue, and they arrive via helicopter to pick up her and Jared. They track down Gwen in the cabin, who is acting like Kathy Bates in "Misery". Theresa and Gwen fight, but Gwen manages to escape before she can be arrested by tobogganing down the side of the mountain. -In Niagara Falls, Grace and Sam meet a curious antique shop owner who thinks Grace is her



Week Five

-Gwen breaks into the Crane mansion and kidnaps Little Ethan and Jane. Armed with one-way plane tickets, she is headed out of Harmony and into China! Theresa finds Gwen trying to take her kids and they battle. Security arrives, as does Ethan. As the police prepare to arrest Gwen for JT's murder and her other crimes, she grabs a cop's gun and shoots Theresa! Gwen escapes and gets on the plane to China. -Frank and Whitney go to Boston and end up at the hospital where Eve gave birth to her son.



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