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Posts posted by missjane

  1. Aww Remos, we are a pretty big mess together. I hope you feel better, too! Thanks for asking, I'm one month post-op and I am doing very well. To make a long story short, my surgery was done to correct my ribs. They used to sink into my chest and it was so bad that my lungs & my heart were compressed. I would end up with serious heart & lung problems in the future. So I had a bar put under my ribs to push my sternum out. It has to stay in for 2-3 years. I recovered pretty fast and I honestly think it's because I actually wanted the surgery. And I am considered young so my bones were flexible. It was a severe defect- there was only an inch between my spine and my sternum. But it's all good now and I love how much better I look! And, of course, that my heart & my lungs have room =)

    I know that sounds totally gross. I've gotten pretty used to it but people look like they've been slapped in the face when I tell them about it. But looking at me, you can hardly tell the bar is there!

  2. wow, i don't think i can remember the last time i posted! i can see that there has been barely any tracy... and another thing i can't remember is the last time i watched GH!

    my summer has been interesting. i had an operation about a month ago and i have been spending my life just recovering. it was very painful at first but i am doing better now. sitting at home watching tv got so boring, yet it was not boring enough for me to turn on GH. how sad is that?!

    i hope everyone is well... i randomly thought of you guys and decided to check in.

    oh, happy birthday nex!

  3. Just checking in... I hope that everyone is doing well. I am shocked at how much Tracy has been on. What a great year this is! I am slightly nauseated that TG is nominated for yet ANOTHER Emmy. But I am thrilled that KS was nominated and I hope so much that she wins! I am also happy for BA, and what a snub to the leading ladies of GH! Hopefully that and NOT being nominated for best drama will slap some sense into Guza. Okay, enough of that. I am so excited to see that this thread made it to page 1000! With that I'll take off, have a lovely weekend everyone.

  4. I will have last weeks clips up tonight, I downloaded them all last night but it was getting really late and had to go to bed, but they are about 90% edited I just need to make the small edits and transitions and all will be done.
    My dear, you are wonderful. And I hope you don't think I was rushing you!

  5. What a fabulous TQ week! I have always loved TraLu and it's actually beating Lunacy for me right now. And of course my two favorites, Tracy and Spinelli, in the same room together is awesome! Remos, thanks for the recaps. I like to watch the scenes all in a row, thanks to Nex! I can't believe she's been on so much. And of course I'm going away next week, right when it's getting good!

  6. I wanted to share some good news this morning. My son's test EEG test came back perfect! Which indicates that he has outgrown this seizure disorder and we can start weaning him slowly off the epilepsy medication. I can't tell you how happy he was.
    Congrats to you and your son! I have a friend with borderline epilepsy; it's not bad enough to have medication but he still gets small seizures occasionally. It was hard when he was a kid because he could never be left alone. That's great that you don't have to worry about it anymore!
  7. I felt uncomfortable today when Tracy confronted Lucky... I didn't feel like it was her place. On another note, Robin continues to annoy the crap out of me. That little girl is adorable and it broke my heart to see her all alone! (I know, it's a show, but that part was very moving...)

  8. If anyone is so inclined now is a really really good time to call for Tracy/Luke

    Apparently they are looking for anything garnering any kind of positive response now that the ratings have slipped to a 2.0 which ties the lowest ever!

    323-671-4583 (comment line)

    Also put in a plug for LC--apparently she is next on the chopping block. Qfans need to stick together!

    Thanks for the motivation - I just called. I feel so silly talking to myself! Hopefully we can keep LC on :(

  9. From soapdish in case anyone cares...

    MW and RiH are being let go. MW will be first, then followed by Rih by summer. Becky H. is said to be not getting her contract renewed but will be offered recurring...Nancy will not be taking her out this June (my summary of the drop)

    If RiH is Rick Hearst then my mother is going to be absolutely furious! She always swears that she'll stop watching if he leaves. Uh-oh. MW was cute, I don't know why they had to screw with her character so badly. And BH recurring? That's shocking.

  10. Wow I haven't been home all weekend, it feels odd. Friday, after school, I went to my friend's house cause she's moving. Then saturday I went over to my other friend's house and another girl and I spent the night there. We are all getting over a Mamma Mia high (it's quite the addiction). We spent all last night watching it multiple times and since I have the sing-along DVD, we memorized the songs and the dances at the end. I'm shocked I still have a voice! But we had sooo much fun, acting silly and getting Waterloo stuck in our heads. My friends and I are insane.

    Thanks for the clips nex!

    Love love LOVE that movie! I have it on blu-ray and I watch it alllll the time. It is insanely addictive.

  11. As for fire drills etc.... we don't have ones at the end of the day or before school starts ot anything weird like that. Instead we have kids actually setting the school on fire (throwing cigarettes in the trash still lit) and pulling the alarm. Heathens

    Hahaha our girls bathroom was always up in in flames!

    Nex, that is hilarious. You must have went to a big school.

    Thanks for the recaps Remos :) I liked how heated TQ got today. Very intense.

  12. Our school just had a stupid Fire dill at 8 o'clock in the morning and school doesn't even start till 8:30 grrr

    any way I was sitting on the oval getting biten by green-ants and coming up with new Word

    1. Creat

    2. Mean

    3. Art

    4. Cane


    Some idiot would always pull the fire alarm first period, in the dead of winter. Seriously, 10 degrees out and no coat! This happened like 3 times in one week once! I finally would jump out of the line and run to my locker to get my coat. How stupid can you be?! At least wait until spring!
  13. These are from Dana...

    1. rare

    2. eminate

    3. matter

    pretty good, no? :)

    1) Maine (does that count?)

    2) trait

    3) query

    Sorry, mine are lame. And IMO, that wig was AWFUL! Poor KS, she must have felt so silly. I have seen better ones in Halloween costumes.

    EDIT: Manifest!!!!!

    EDIT 2: HAHA I was going by "Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest" by accident. Scratch that.

  14. stargazercmc- I totally agree that Winifred needs to leave NOW! I love Spinelli, and there is only one of him. BA made the character, the language and the mannerisms. To have a female version is stupid and REALLY annoying. I like him so much better with Maxie. And I replayed that part when he got out of the building multiple times just to see Winifred's shocked face! I also was cringing with the Diane\Max thing. That Max was so stressed out about it was ridiculous. The whole thing was so fake; I felt like I was watching a commercial! That was just really bad. KS & BA pulled off theirs a little bit better, although the scene was shorter and the writing less silly.

    EDIT: I like JE's hair better with the flip, but she looks super cute in that pic!

  15. The girls on the "Tracy Quartermaine Lovest" board are the ones fantasizing about Tony and Jane being a couple in real life. :mrgreen:

    Now they're pretending to "love" the fact that Luke didn't go rescue Tracy and declare his undying love for her.

    But I know how they really feel.

    They haaaaated it!!!

    I don't blame them.

    We have spies stalking our board? HAHAHAHHA that is SO LAME! This is a show! That actually put me in a good mood from laughing so hard- some people just need to get a LIFE! Don't be bothered by it, be happy that we have better and less petty things to do with ourselves!

    While browsing youtube I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TJDQ8fvNP4

    I guess The Bachelor game to GH for an episode on January 29th. I apologize if this has been posted before! They spent a lot of time in the Q living room so I thought it was interesting. And btw, now I know why I don't watch that show. Those girls are so obnoxious!

  16. Thanks! If I added it up right, I think I got a 1698. Ugh. But in each individual section I'm above the requirements for the school I want to go to. But I'm still not happy with my scores.

    1698? Don't the scores go by increments of 10? That's good that they are a fit for the school you like! In the end, that's all that matters. I understand what you are feeling; I hated mine too at first. When I took it a second time my total score went up 70pts, so I am a big advocate of taking it again. :)

  17. Anyone know what a good score on the SATs would be?

    So when is Tracy supposed to bail out the stupid twins? (if it even happens)

    I think around 1700-1800 is considered a good, solid score. And individually, around 600 is considered good. This is for generally decent schools. That's from my experience, at least. Is this your first time taking them? If so, definitely take them again! You are like assured at least one number will go up.

  18. Let's not forget she was also being selfless!! I hope but i'm sure it won't happen, that those who were affected by the toxin have problems with their breathing. There could be so many potential stories if they decide to actually follow-up with this story.
    I KNOW! Selfless Tracy is so nice. I've been waiting for this between her and Lulu. They better be on good terms from now on (though they were doing pretty good before).And yeah, in reality you'd think they would have long-term problems. It would be kind of ridiculous to just brush it off.
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