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Blog Comments posted by Tamcin

  1. I'm really missing this blog...I hope you'll be back soon...

    I have to say you left us with a compelling cliff hanger....Jean Carrol as Mia is outstanding! I can't wait to see our recast of Betsy. I hope it's not the last girl that portrayed her in 1979-80. She was so miscast.....

  2. This is so awsome! I can't wait for your next episode....I like that you're interfacing Suzanne's conflict (career vs. motherhood) and all the trashy tidbits of Meg's murder. Who's framing Tom? Who gave Meg the documents about Beaver Ridge?

  3. Great episode. Either Tom killed Meg or he's about to be framed and go down for the crime.

    Probably being framed....I think it's too soon for the killer to be revealed. Even though Tom is obviously not the straight arrow that was introduced in the 70's, murder? Nah.....Another suspect would be Andy. He would have a reason to frame Tom and off Meg but that's probably too obvious as well.

  4. Just wondering....in the past, $$ was always an issue for Ben and Meg. I think he initially married Betsy because she had cut him off financially. He felt it was her way of controlling him. I remember her promising to finance the Pro Shop at Beaver Ridge if he went through with the wedding. Meg was supposed to give him the cashiers check before the wedding. Arlene would be waiting outside and they'd take off for parts unknown. Instead, Meg waited until after the ceremony and he had to marry Betsy. I didn't know if this was going to be her one final zing to him. No inheiritance....

    Well, only Cal/Rick, Tom, & the hospital were mentioned inside actual scenes because those are important plot points that will come into play later. Don't feel too badly for Ben, though. Aside from generous trust funds for each of her grandchildren (not without strings, of course, which we'll see later) & some personal & sentimental items left to Van, Ben pretty much got the remainder of Meg's financial assets. If I'd gone over each and every single item in the will, today's episode might have taken forever. :lol:

  5. Tom started out as Mr. Goody Two Shoes in the 70's....he's certainly become more jaded....wed to Meg Hart and an affair with a married woman. That's all we know so far! I'm really looking forward to these episodes!

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