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Posts posted by BreakingDownTheWalls

  1. 5 hours ago, Ponds said:

    Sprina might be a cute couple, but they are horrible at kissing!

    Can’t tell their fans that.  They think they’re the greatest couple ever and they need to get married and have plenty of babies.  And everything they do makes them swoon.  These are grown women acting like this.  I’ve avoided Twitter because I don’t want to see the nonsense.  Too bad it’s on other boards that I visit.

  2. On 8/22/2023 at 4:55 PM, Vee said:

    Don't take obvious sockpuppet bait.

    Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a “sockpuppet”.  Whatever, dude.  You are nobody.  

    I am not a “sockpuppet”.  I’ve been here forever.  I just read more than post.

    On 8/21/2023 at 2:45 PM, David_Vickers said:

    Tabyana Ali as Trina is a great recast.  They have great chemistry.  If you think all of the GH couples suck, and some of them absolutely don't, then why watch the show?   Just to troll on here and other places?

    One, she is not a great recast.

    Two, which couples don’t suck?  Because that’s all I see in the various places that I go to.  That all of the couples suck and don’t have any chemistry.  Which is true.

    I don’t watch the show except for some episodes that are worthy.  I read recaps and if the episode is boring and/or full of characters I don’t care for, I delete without watching.  Why do I need to troll this board?  This place is not that important.

  3. 19 hours ago, Darn said:

    Really hate that Zeke's been in all of two episodes, while looking incredible handsome and charismatic despite GH's strenuous exposition laden dry dialogue, and already saddled with charisma vacuum Commissioner Barbie because GH is a black and white checkerboard apparently.

    Jordan couldn't have possibly run into eligible bachelor Caucasian Cody or Derma Filler Finn. No, no Zeke couldn't be in town to romance a returning Lucas or as a spoiler to BLQ and Chase's Sweet Valley Highjinks. 

    Totally agree with this.  I don’t know why people were excited about this Zeke guy coming back.  He was just going to be thrown at Jordan.  That’s such a waste.

  4. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    It's not a waste to them, don't be judgmental, it's their money they can spend it how they want

    It is a waste.  They’re spending their money on stupid stuff.  They’re spending it on a billboard for a (teen, young —whatever) couple on a soap opera.  I know these are grown women and some men who have bills to pay.  Aren’t these the same fools who got the plane, too?  Come on.  

    What is the point of doing such nonsense?  It’s not going to be on the news.  I’m watching David Muir right now.  He didn’t mention it.

  5. On 10/28/2022 at 1:44 AM, David_Vickers said:

    WTF???  Josh Swickard(Chase) and Amanda Setton(Brook Lyn) have awesome chemistry.   Brook Lyn is NOWHERE garbabe, see Austin, Mason, Amy....  Chase isn't pathetic.   Amanda Setton is one of the prettiest women on the show

    Oh?  So, you like that snarl on her face?  Okay.  Whatever floats your boat.

    And Chase is totally pathetic.  He should have “door mat” stamped on his forehead.  Brook Lynn has emasculated him.

  6. Why are they forcing TJ and Blando to be buddies?  That’s just unnecessary.

    19 hours ago, SteelCity said:

    I feel you! Singing on soaps makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

    Same for me.  That’s why there’s no way I’m going to be watching that Singing Chase storyline.  It’s so stupid.  I don’t know who on that show is in love with that man’s singing, but they need help.  It’s not that great.

  7. On 5/29/2022 at 7:57 PM, John said:

    No I saw those tweets he liked as well. MBK Fu--ed up with those tweets.  I told him I hope he is sincere in wanting to be a better person especially for his daughter

    You were still running around Twitter defending his ass.  You bought what he was selling and figured everybody else should, too.

    His mother has problematic tweets and likes, too.  He learned that from her so I’m pretty sure he’s teaching his daughter.  Why?  Because he hasn’t changed.  He’s just sorry he got caught.

    But since he has abs, he probably won’t lose his job.  Even though he should because he is a useless character.

  8. 7 hours ago, John said:

    I DM'D him last night. He responded. I took the responses as sincere I told him today that I hope he is sincere and that he continues to grow in his learning.

    But also said Words so matter in how you use them and context so maybe if your not sure if the tweet your about to send will convey what you want it to, then do not send it.

    Giving him room and benefit of doubt, because I do not believe that tweets from a decade back means he must be that guy today.

    Saying that if new [!@#$%^&*] starts up, that will say to me not that he cant change but choses not to.

    100% agree to all


    On that twitter: It was just started yesterday. Its all MBK's negative tweets. Seems to me that

     That person knows him & has a beef


     Its a sprina fan who hates Rory and went looking for stuff that we would all find problematic in hoping to get Rory off the show. 

    So, that’s why you’re all on Twitter defending him because he actually messaged you back?  And it’s not just a decade ago.  Did you miss the CRT tweets that he liked back in 2020?  He hasn’t changed.  He still thinks the same way.

  9. 2 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Oh I remember when the show was trying to push him as a big stud...never really got it. 

    Right?  He’s nothing special.  Hell, none of these dudes that people drool over are special.

    But still.  Another damn character on this show?!  Watch no one complains about it, though, because people think he’s “hot”.

  10. 21 hours ago, Nicholas Blair said:

    I am Team Beard on the Chase question, though he is still a fine-looking man without it.

    If Alexis and Harmony were a couple, their smash name would be Alimony, one of the best ever.

    In Monday's episode I couldn't believe how much Brando and Sasha seemed like a favorite couple with actual chemistry. The fact that the blue-eyed, nicely bearded Brando was shirtless had nothing to do with it. 

    Smash names are stupid.  I don’t know who came up with them, but they’re just stupid.  It’s not hard to write or type out the whole name.

    That Chase and Brook Lynn montage was also stupid and unnecessarily long.  But that shows they are favorites of the idiot head writers.

    And it seems like you people just care about how the men look shirtless on this show.

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