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Friends in Delaware

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Posts posted by Friends in Delaware

  1. On 10/31/2023 at 5:16 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    RIP Tyler Christopher 10-31-23

    50 years young, too young to leave us. We were kinsemen as bipolar creatures. And more than that we were that peculiar subset hard to diagnose so late to treatment. Those & your other demons can't reach you anymore! Be in power & peace! Fly High! Fly High, Tyler!

    May light perpetual shine upon him. May angels & heavenly hosts guide him to his new resting place. May he be met there by long-missed family, friends and of course beloved pets. When they look up from their feasting to see you have arrived, may they scream in delight & fall on your neck, hugging you!

    Agreed.  Too young, too sweet, too soon.

  2. On 2/3/2024 at 9:47 PM, John said:

    if U have proof of said scamming then please report it. That is horrible to do to Tyler's Memory.

    What would be the proof and not sure who to report it to?  Would like suggestions if there is an authority to report this to.  I mean how do you collect thousands of dollars for a funeral and then sue the estate for the entire amount?  Where did the money his fans donated go?

    On 11/10/2023 at 9:36 AM, Liberty City said:

    Screen Shot 2023-11-10 at 12.34.01 PM.png

    Absolutely devastating and disgusting that not a single person can claim him to put him to his final resting place.

    I am sad to say that I was one of the people scammed by his sister.  They raised thousands of dollars for his funeral and now she is suing his estate for the entire cost of his funeral.  Where did the money that all of us fans donated go?  It was only $100 but still.

    On 11/17/2023 at 3:02 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Well, when he had his traumatic brain injury for awhile after that,  she was his conservator & recently he came to believe that she had stolen 40 thou from him during that time. She says she took care of business & helped him stay alive & took no funds personally. I think he had a lawsuit pending against her when he died. Her name is Susan & I believe she is the one who asked for donations & is also the one who decided he'd be buried in Ohio instead of in CA. Also she said he did not want a funeral. Someone else disputes all 3 of those things. 

    She sure scammed me out of $100 for his funeral.  I wanted to believe the best and they seemed to be struggling to pay for his funeral.  Now she is suing his estate for the entire cost of the funeral?  What happened to the thousands of dollars she collected from his fans?  Last time I looked it was over $6000.  

    On 11/10/2023 at 12:29 PM, Liberty City said:

    Given what Tyler came out with about his sister, I'm semi-inclined to believe his IG page... guess we'll find out when we're able to get in contact with the morgue. Overall, it's a damn sad situation overall.

    Also... that obituary for the funeral home has to be one of the most unprofessional things written. I've read more professional, honourable ones for every day Joe's.

    This is just a family of grifters.  After soliciting his fans for donations, yes I fell for it and donated $100, they are now suing his estate for the entire cost of the funeral.  No wonder Tyler said that living on the streets was better than being around his family.


  3. I was scammed by Tyler Christopher's memorial page set up by his sister and am outraged.  She raised thousands of dollars off of that memorial site asking for help for his funeral costs and is now suing his estate for the entire amount of his funeral.  Tyler said she was a thief and now I have my own personal experience. I asked for my money back and she told me to F*ck off and blocked me from the Celebrating Tyler Baker Facebook page.  Hope none of you got scammed too.

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