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Posts posted by Beachstorm

  1. On 6/7/2024 at 8:02 PM, YRfan23 said:

    Hey everyone, I don't want to be spoiled, but is there a replay link available to watch the Emmys? I can't find it anywhere else. I know that sounds dumb but I didn't realize they don't do replays on YoutubeTV and Paramount Plus unless none are available yet.

    I haven't read this whole thread, so if you have already found the Emmys replay, please disregard. But the entire show is available at CBS dot com, no charge.

  2. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    I do think the "Drew becomes Drew Quartermaine and goes into politics as a gladhanding tycoon" angle was all PM (and I've heard it was, but who knows). It reminds me of some of the classic Ross Marler stories, as I said. And it really suits what Cameron is good at. It's obvious Nina would've become either his scheming First Lady/wife or his secret scandalous lover BTS, or both. I was all for this stuff.

    People were clowning the Drew Q thing because he's been in prison, but exactly how many felons, killers, bombers, etc. on soaps have gone on to high office? IIRC Scott became DA again after he robbed the entire town and left behind a videotape trolling them!

    In any event, Mulcahey allegedly quit instead of being fired and good for him.

    Not political office but can't forget Leisl Obrecht coming back from her Faison/Duke Lavery love, the Creighton clinic days and the Anner mask to once again be COS at GH. Who wrote that era? Those days were gold (for me, not everyone). KGati is such a gem in this role, campy as she always was.

  3. 4 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Someone on Reddit wrote that he likes the idea of a Christine and Nick pairing LOL

    Like how would that even look. I mean JM had created a lot of chemistry with pairings but could he make it work with LB? Even to think about it makes me laugh out loud 


    Laura Lee left on tour with Romalotti today. I'm hoping we don't see her again for a loooong time.

  4. 3 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    OK so Claire, newfound member of the billionaire Newman dynasty ,who has business qualifications, is going to work as aNanny?

    Speaking of Harrison, just a note that Tara is the child's mother and although she went to jail , has she given up/lost parental rights? Summer, ex stepmother, is acting as though the boy is her natural child. Surely responsible parenting would have Harrison aware of Tara in some way, given the fact that at some point she will return to (rightfully) claim him.

    They finally confirmed the other day that Summer got some custodial rights when she divorced Kyle. Kyle approved of it and it is written in their divorce decree. That's why Summer is saying "my son" 50 times per episode (which drives her haters crazy).

    Back when Tara went to prison, I swear there was some dialogue to the effect of her losing her parental rights, or she signed them over to Kyle. I know, but it's a soap. And these points are being hotly debated back and forth. Like when Ashland Locke signed something which allowed Kyle to take the kid to Italy due to that home DNA test that they ran. rme

    For now Tara is off the show and is never mentioned by the Abbotts. The kid never asks about his real mom. They have no plans to bring her back, according to an interview with MM/Kyle. But he did say he would welcome Tara back for that storyline. Recast, please.


  5. On 5/10/2024 at 10:59 AM, Antoyne said:

    This is the worst news possible. I didn’t think I could not care any less about a storyline involving Chelsea and then they went and decided to do this OCD story with Connor. 🤦🏽‍♂️

    I don't know WTF JG is doing with this Connor kid. Trying for another mental health Emmy? The kid has OCD, hates himself, hates everything, and now is going to be punching his legs? Complete WTF.

  6. 1 hour ago, John said:

    I do wonder if they cast Blaze's brother if he will be chem tested with Trina

    Good lord, now she has a brother? I see this whole thing going the way of the Rosales family on YR. Is Eva the kiss of death to Hispanic families on soaps now?

    The Blaze character is insufferable. Make her go away.


  7. 57 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    You're joking with this, right?

    And BTW, Sonny walking around in the park by himself and running into Natalia on that bench is laughable television. I appreciate remote scenes, but  stuff like this is absurd.

    I hate that their only remote scenes are in that one little green corner of the studios at Prospect Ave. and Sanborn Ave.  I can smell it from here. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, John said:

    Well Michael probably wants Willow at home all day so he can come home for nooners. I am being serious here. 

    They will no doubt knock her up again with another spawn of Michael's. After all, they do need to continuously replenish the Qs.

  9. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    Which is insane to me. How is she broke?? Even with Gladys' shenanigans she was the Face of Deception.

    Sasha said she lost all of her money when Gladys fleeced her. And that apartment (that used to be Dr. Kim Nero's) was very expensive and she couldn't afford it without her Deception salary. All lame excuses for where she is now.

  10. For me, Nick was best at being the bartender at the Underground. He could schmooz and flirt anytime he wanted to. Didn't he even sex up someone in the back office? Or was that Noah? 

    Anyway, what was that, 10 or more years ago? So I guess Nick has aged out as a party-boy bartender. But it was still one of my fave roles for him. They'll never use enough sets to make any of these folks interesting again. I can't believe the little boy got his own bedroom set already (even if it's only a small broom closet in the Abbott estate).

  11. On 4/18/2024 at 11:27 AM, ranger1rg said:


    We just never saw enough to believe Summer had that motherly bond with Harrison. I'm not blaming Allison Lanier, but I am blaming the writers and the casting of the original Harrison. That kid showed a connection to no one.

    That kid, OG Harrison, was only hired for his cuteness and his hair, I swear. He could not deliver a coherent line of dialogue even if it was two words. This new little Haley Joel O twin can already make me a believer of his kid-acting ability. His baby teeth make him look like he's under 5, but I read that he is 8 1/2.

  12. I wish someone here would tell me what's going on with Sharon Case. She isn't on for weeks, then they bring her back for one day looking all strange and wide-eyed, with what looked like face bronzer that was too shiny, flat dried hair and that stupid little blue leather "jacket". What's going on with SC/Sharon?

    I've had it with the ED crap. The young one jumping up and down, screaming "Ashley" over and over again is giving me a headache. It's not cute anymore.

  13. 15 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    “We had the Q’s, who were a real family, wonderful to write for, either played by old pros like Stuart and Leslie and John, or by terrific young actors like Steve and Amber. Alan's drug addiction was one of my favorite stories. So was the Robin-Jason romance..” - Patrick Mulcahey

    Well, in certain quarters this word is out. I usually do not post rumors but for reasons I can't mention, I think this one is true. Michael Easton is out at GH. If indeed it is true, we'll find that out. 

    Then if this pans out, I want Jason back with Liz for his first go-round since coming back to life. Again.

  14. Kristina and Blaze just reached the stupid level (in record time) with Krissy being mad about Blaze's Deception gig. Blaze explained it, and Krissy has no right to be pissed about not hearing about it prior to walking into that office. That's just dumb. It's a modeling job. It's business for Blaze and it's "none of your business" for Krissy to get pissy about.

    I hope it's the catalyst to break them up. Blaze's character is not Mansi-worthy material. Maybe the new team will write out Blaze and her mother very soon, although I'm loving Eva back on a soap screen. She had five minutes on Y&R and I thought she would have been perfect for Jack Abbott, but then they jettisoned all of the Rosales right off the show.

  15. Lordy, what are they doing to TSJ (more like NOT doing)? Why do soaps get these powerhouse veteran actors, then not write for them to shine? I'm sick of it.

    They had Tucker, once again today, having scenes with Devon and Lily where he is subjected to begging them for a tidbit of info about their lives and his grandson, yet they piss all over him and walk away. End scene.

    The logical conclusion would be for these folks to end their feuds with one another in some small way, and move on from there. It's been long enough in soap time. Tucker hasn't done a damn thing lately that would cause this disdain to continue. How long has TSJ been on this show? Over a year for sure, right? God, please write him something juicier than being hated and proposing to his Blue Velvet lover.

  16. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:


    This Curtis story really is boring.  Can we just get on with it?  It's not like a single person in the viewing audience thinks he's going to be paralyzed forever so let's just wrap it up.



    Once they got Curtis' wiener working a couple of weeks ago, we all knew that his legs would be fully working as well. Get on with it Curtis.

  17. I am also very concerned about Tristan. He looks frail and gaunt. He has mostly been seated in his scenes. Don't need to google his age, but he is up there and doesn't look well. I almost thought he had some eye work done. Probably did. But this look lately is making me very uneasy about his health. I hope he's okay. Always loved me some Robert Scorpio.

    Wonder what's the latest on Mac Scorpio's return (and the actor's health)?

  18. 11 hours ago, Vee said:

    Stafford's Nina was basically an off-brand even nuttier version of the early crazy Phyllis. There was no there there, her first couple years in particular were wildly unpopular and the character should not have continued long-term; even today with the talented Cynthia Watros it struggles to have any purpose. Nina only lasted because the executive regime at GH refused to give up on star names from CBS.


    But when MS left Y&R, I was thrilled to see her turn up at GH. She is soap opera gold, I don't care what they do with her.

    Never cared for Watros, but she certainly owns this ridiculous Nina character now.

  19. I remember when people were fired for not performing to the best of their duties. Happens all the time in sports. Businesses take a different direction to better succeed all the time. What's the problem here? I don't have the inside track that all of you seem to have. People can be fired for not living up to expectations in every day life. 

  20. It's plain to see that MS is enjoying playing this awful version of Phyllis. I mean, why not, she should enjoy it. It's what they are giving her to work with.

    I remember when she left to go to GH for that stint, MS said she was burned out on Phyllis after playing her for 20 years and wanted something new. I loved her finessing the new Nina Reeves character and still wished she played it to this day. She has no choice but to play Phyllis as written, so I say she should have all the fun she can with it. I'm sick of everyone hating on Phyllis instead of just accepting this crap writing.

    But MS at the bar flailing her champagne glass around, claiming to "wipe Danny and the Bug out of her life" was hilarious.

  21. 46 minutes ago, Antoyne said:


    I never saw the original Jagger so I’m fine with any character that hates Sonny.

    Same. I'm fine with this Cates guy. He's dreamy to look at. I hope he's paired in a hot sex scene soon. However, I don't want it to be with Anner in her pencil skirt. Maybe Jordan? They'd be hot. Not sure about Carly or Nina with that guy.

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