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Posts posted by Particular

  1. http://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/What-We-Can-Learn-from-Cookie-s-Fierce-Fashion-on-6101306.php#page-2

    I love this article as it totally explains how fashion can broadcast one's personal expression ranging from bold, confident, sexy, powerful. I was known as ultra conservative but made a switch years ago and now I can't believe how much my wardrobe has evolved. Now I've figured out how to enhance a tailored look with color or an accessory that really reflects how I'm feeling at the moment.

  2. I agree Bill Bell would be a fan of Empire. Today's soap execs are too stuck in a past glory to even comprehend. It's a pity. Daytime's format could learn so much from what Empire has accomplished.

    Time for me to watch for the 2nd time. I don't know if I'm alone on this or not but I always watch the show at least twice.

    Always did love the bond between Hakeem and Jamal.

    So glad to see how the show continues to reveal how losing Cookie handicapped her children in so many different ways.

  3. And if that's so, I hope Anika goes horse riding and Cookie is standing by with a rifle a la Alexis Carrington and sends Anika for the dragging of her life...

    Oh no you didn't bring that up. Thing is, between the two characters that is something I can see Anika doing and not Cookie.

    Absolutely! The role someone likes Anika plays is extremely necessary for a soap such as this. I guess the only issue is that they haven't created a character in Anika that viewers can root for nor is she played by an actress that can stand up to Taraji (even though she's been impressive thus far). Cookie is fantastic but she needs someone/a rival to play off of. She can't do it alone. Whatever Krystle and Alexis became later on, initially they were the perfect rivals for one another and both actresses had star power. Here, the balance is off.

    This times a thousand. Taraji is a powerhouse and there's a reason she wanted Terance Howard. She knows how much they compliment each other so she's free to really lose herself in her work. She needs that in her rival/foe and as much as I appreciate Grace Gealey, I see the glaring imbalance. That's why I'm hoping they bring on someone like Tika Sumpter. I think she can play off of Taraji. Or even Carmen Ejogo.
    I can see why some haven't warmed to the character. On the flip side, I actually like Anika but truth be told she's more of a foe in position and representation only. Cookie is Lucious' heart and his past. Their roots go deep and they still work as a formidable duo. Anika is classy, educated, dignified, refined, disciplined and very beautiful. Anika is a representation of his future and the direction his character should go. However, there is part of Lucious who will never fully be himself with Anika. She loves who he is now but where he came from is not something she's down for. That is evident everytime she mocks what Empire was prior to her arrival. And that's an issue because in order for Lucious to successfully transition his business to his successor, he has had to reconnect with his past to firmly entrench his vision for his legacy. I think in essence this is the real reason Anika is threatened by Cookie. Anika clearly feels superior to Cookie so the connection Lucious has to Cookie confounds her and is also something she underestimates as well. Even though Lucious slept with Cookie, she still won't see Cookie as a credible threat. Instead, to her Cookie is just a minor nuisance she will simply eliminate.
    Anika's character was not present in the pivotal scene where Lucious revealed his ALS to the Lyons family. And I get why someone could interpret her character as unnecessary.
  4. I have to believe the wedding will take place (or fail to) during the finale.

    And it must be a 2 hour long season finale. They have too much storyline ground to cover with anything less. Perfect time to reintroduce Veronika Boseman's What is Love.

    Sidenote: Just realized how much of a fashion draw this wedding will be. You have Cookie who is in a category all on her own. And then Anika's wedding gown. Plus the secondary characters like Rhonda and Takeem all dressed to impress.

    What about Cookie & Anika ends up pregnant?

    I'm thinking Anika's got to be the one pregnant. Cookie is presented as his past. Anika having his youngest could be presented as his future and his only hope to survive.

  5. Does Anika know where the money came from? I thought Lucious ushered Cookie out of the dining room and then Anika seemed puzzled. I was left wondering if she believes anything Cookie has to say. LOL she doesn't feel Cookie is on her level.

  6. I've been wondering how Luscious' key man policy will be affected by his hospitalization last week and whether it will play into the IPO and as a roadblock to Cookie and Luscious.

    I'm guessing Anika will have some soapy leverage at her disposal and it could come from any and all of the below:

    1-Bunkie's murder. No way Cookie will forgive Luscious for murdering her favorite cousin

    2-Cookie's hit. We all know Cookie will never want to return to jail but if the wrong person were ever to find out like Portia it could be problematic. The avenue has been set if Portia ever turns on Cookie.

    3-Keyman Policy- Nothing will stand in the way of Luscious' goal to take Empire public. Even Cookie said so during her speech.

    4- Good old fashioned pregnancy. In a larger context, I assumed that the appearance of Jamal's potential daughter was a story about Jamal but one thing that was highlighted was Luscious interacting with children. It would be soapy if Anika is pregnant AND that baby is somehow connected to a potential transplant which could prolong Luscious life.

    Either way you slice it, the wedding between Anika and Luscious will take place and will be MUST SEE TV when it does.

  7. I don't think there is anything ghetto about Empire or any of the characters. Are the characters dramatic? Sure. Each of them in their own right. From Courtney Love to Taraji P Henson. It's called characterization and it is awesome to behold.

    Audiences are responding to this show as noted above and it is transforming the industry and making room for diversity. Not because the characters are ghetto but because the characters are allowed to exist and evolve within their respective artistic creations.

    The character named Cookie is being called the Queen of Primetime in major entertainment media outlets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-2zyrqfpYQ. How that can be construed as a source of embarrassment to anyone confuses me.

    I agree that not everyone will connect to every show. I love me some Viola Davis but How To Get Away With Murder does nothing for me. Nothing against her but I just don't understand the storyline. I tuned in to watch Viola Davis for nearly 3 episodes and while it is amazing to see Viola on tv, there needs to be more for me to remain engaged. This is something I think Empire has mastered. I tuned in for Taraji and the character of Cookie and the other characters and the storyline entertains me. I'm having an exhilarating experience.

    At some point black people are going to have to heal and elevate beyond the thinking that we will ever achieve some overall wholesome social nirvana where negative misconceptions will be eradicated within the entertainment format. If the Cosby Show didn't do it, then nothing will.

    I have a family member who criticized the character of Olivia Pope on Scandal for functioning as a modern day Sally Hemmings for a white man. Really? Personally, the beauty of Empire is that they changed the game, and are now making their own rules. Every network executive and every critic has been stumped as they try to figure out how to get a piece of that ratings pie. And that means more opportunities for black actors. Right now, the most highly rated serial shows on major network tv are shows with black leads. I refuse to be ashamed of that fact. Not to mention, Taraji is getting a chance to stretch her wings as an actor. She has the freedom to apply a multi-layered characterization in any way she feels makes sense for her character. Amazing!

    Throw me in with the crowd who knows people named Cookie. It was a very popular name in the 70's used by white and black women.

  8. I would kill for Tika Sumpter to join the show, but I fear Tyler Perry may have her locked down for years working for peanuts in Atlanta.

    You know you could be correct but she seems pretty saavy with making sure she has availability for outside projects. Tasha Smith's presence on Empire does give me hope. She's been locked down with Tyler Perry forever and a day.

  9. I'm okay with Naomi's acting. I just miss me some Tianna!! I crack up when I see Naomi in scenes with Bryshere. She towers over him. She had some serious chemistry with Terrance.

    I was trying to think of a younger actress who could really play opposite of Taraji and I'd love to see Tika Sumpter. I think those two would be soo fun together. She could play one of Lucious side pieces.

    No offense to Grace Gealey at all, it's just a matter of time before someone pops up to give both ladies a little twist. Or even someone for Andre. Rhonda too needs someone else to sink those delicious claws of hers into. Maybe an old college fling or something.

    In the end, I have a feeling Miss Anika is going to find out about Bunky and blackmail Lucious. It's the perfect roadblock to throw in the way of Cookie and Lucious reuniting fully. I wouldn't be surprised if Miss Anika pops out a kid or two for Lucious. It would be the perfect transition towards Cookie and Malcolm which can't happen soon enough.

  10. Little Princess Jamal must stay! I love the soft tenderness she is bringing out of all the characters. It was so sweet when she called Rhonda and Jamal pretty before she retired to bed.

    Where or where is Tianna???

    Cookie flirting with Malcom was just too funny. "You know Malcom, I want to beef up security because I live alone." LOL Lucious could not stand it!

    Hakeem making animal noises in the green room was hilarious! And he's just so little...he really is like Lil Wayne.

    Jamal is the one who is most like Lucious to me while I think Hakeem acts more like Cookie.

    Anika was so busy wreaking havoc with Elle she practically engineered the moment when it all backfired on her and Lucious admired Cookie for her gifts and talents anyway. And the ultimate climax between Cookie and Lucious took place in Anika's bed. So delicously soapy!

    This show is just so fun. It's like a hip hop version of Game of Thrones. Perhaps that's what critics are missing as they seek to dissect the show. Empire is so entertaining because it's fun with a diverse group of colorful characters. It delivers on this every week.

  11. Um....Imma need a second to gather my wits! I can't with this show! OMG did all of this just happen?? Just when I thought I couldn't love this show anymore!!! OMG!

    And....sidenote..we can live tweet up in here?? F.LOVEwub.png

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