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Posts posted by 4XCrazy

  1. Hey ladies <and gents?>! Long time no talk! It's nice to see the lovefest is still cracklin' with activity. :D

    I had the urge <at 12:30 no less> to come back to cyber space and visit y'all. So, the Luke and Tracy blog is awesome. I haven't had a chance to read the annals, but I'm sure those are stellar. And thanks for the old school clips halee! I love classic Tracy. Considering I was all of 12 months old when the 90s scene first aired, it's great to watch old story lines.

    Well, I should be asleep. TTFN!

  2. Hey guys! Long--very long time--no talk. :D

    Just figured I'd drop by and wave. My ears must've been burnin' because I just read overMs. Q's job for me.

    It was great to see Tracy on today, especially being a stand for the Spencer clan. I like how Lunacy's relationship has evolved on so many levels. I hope she's on during the summer and they give her a storyline.

    Anyway, it felt great to post here! With graduation and work, I may not be around for a while. With that, I hope you all enjoy your summer!!!

  3. Hey Everybody!!!!

    It's been a long time since I've passed through here. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!! :D

    Sorry I haven't passed through here in a century. When my parents said they would put me on punishment until I turned 18, I thought they were joking. Opps. :o Now that I have my trusty internet and computer back, I can show my Tracy love like I should.

    As for Homelands...uh...writers block=evil. Now that don't have to do all my writing in a notebook or in a tech lab with the whole world looking over my shoulder, I might be able to get something done.

    So, any new fanfic on the scene? I know Alan Quartermaine's memorial is tomorrow so that means Tracy scenes! Any new developments on the LuNacy relationship? Any "I love yous" exchanged? ::crosses fingers::.

    Welp, I gotta get ready for my relatives to shower me with gifts and food. Thanks again for the b-day wishes!!!

  4. 4XCrazy, if you're around and have the time and ability, I'd love to see the clips of SoapTalk. If not, I still ya love ya. I reviewed Homelands at FF.net by the way, and I just love it. Can't wait for more.

    My brother, being the wonderful brother that he's not, didn't tape soap talk. :angry: I guess I should cut him some slack, I mean, his purpose in life isn't to tape my shows. Although, it would be nice to have somebody like that. :P

    I'm really sorry. If they do reruns this weekend, which I hope they do, I'll try to tape it.

    Thanks for the review. I'm really glad you're enjoying it. :) Now all I have to do is figure out what that letter is going to say :P Yeah, FF.net is on crack rocks and it won't let me go to my author's page to send out replies or I would've thanked you a lot sooner. Argh!

    I'm finally caught up on Oh Baby, huzzah! You have to keep on updating! Please continue it into fall since I'm being forced to take another tech class. I really need something fun to do, I mean, who goes to tech class for...tech? Anyway, I love your story and I can't wait for updates!

    Hopes for some good TQ scenes tomorrow

  5. Hey y'all! How goes it? Thanks for the welcome Ms. Q.

    Spumor Talk

    To be honest, I wish Tracy would be "smacked back into motherhood" with one of her own children. Like Ned, whom I miss. I'd like to see them have a mother/son scene. However, I take whatever's coming as long as they do it justice. The spumor, let's hope it's true, give Tracy/Jane more screen time and that makes me happy.

    /Spumor Talk.

    If my brother has half the sense he pretends to have, he taped Soaptalk like I asked him to. If he did, I can try to make clips.

    To my fanfiction writers, how are things going with your stories?a

  6. What's good everybody? :)

    I haven't had time to watch the show due to finals :rolleyes: but I've got Soapnet.

    I'm loving everybody's fiction. I'll review them tomorrow in Tech. I haven't had the time to watch anybody's videos, but I'll download them tomorrow and provide feed back as well.

    Yeah, so while working with samples for my album, I came across a song that reminded me of the Tracy/Luke situation. I know y'all like to make music videos, so I stopped by to share it. It's called "Is It a Crime" and Sade sings it. I'll be using it at some point in my story, but I figured somebody might like it for a video.

    Sade - Is It A Crime Lyrics

    This may come, This may come as some surprise

    but I miss you

    I could see through, all of your lies

    But I stll miss you

    He takes her love, but it doesn't feel like mine

    He tastes her kiss, her kisses are not wine, they're not mine

    He takes, but surely she can't give what I'm feeling now

    She takes, but surely she doesn't know how

    Is it a crime

    Is it a crime

    That I still want you

    And I want you to want me too

    My love is wider, wider than vitoria lake

    My love is taller, taller than the empire state

    It dives and it jumps and it ripples like the deepest ocean

    I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back

    Is it a crime

    Is it a crime

    That I still want you

    And I want you to want me too

    My love is wider than vitoria lake

    Taller than the empire state

    It dives and it jumps

    I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back

    Is it a crime

    Is it a crime

    That I still want you

    And I want you to want me too

    It dives and it jumps

    And it ripples like the deepest Ocean

    I can't give you more than that

    Surely you want me back

    Tell me

    Is it a crime?

    Oh, Minerva Fan thanks for reccomending my fic over there on livejournal.

  7. What's good people?

    Great update of Oh Baby, Ms Q, I read and reviewed it over at ff.net.

    Spoiler talk...














    I really hope the writers do the whole Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle of justice. I really want Luke and Tracy to have more adult moments, like the one that had after New Years and when Tracy about to step down from Lila's position at GH. I know this storyline's going to be filled to the brim with sillyness, but I'm crossing my fingers for some serious LuNacy moments.

  8. Bumping...

    A little late, but here are the clips I mentioned: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Clips came from SlkyCaramel from SZ. Not sure of the original poster though.

    And yes, I am quoting myself again, LOL. Snippet can be found here. (About 1:30 into it) Clip is in Real Format. Thanks to coolkid for bringing it over in one of the old SON's. Also...Here is a clip featuring JE's nomination clip from DAYS. Credit to the same person from above.

    *takes deep breath* Whew. I've uploaded the rest of the fanart to MegaUpload (links valid for 1 month) and SendSpace. I had some issues with the quality of the text, but it should be fine now. Let me know if there's a problem. :)

    In no particular order...

    Tracy/Ned: "I love you."

    Tracy/Dillon: "We're supposed to be a team."

    Tracy/Luke/Skye: "I hope it's a big room. I get very athletic."

    Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton on Family Feud

    Luke/Tracy: Happy New Year

    Kick some butt, Tracy Q.

    Tracy Q. Swirl Collage

    Luke/Tracy: Christmas Weave

    Proud to be a Tracy Fan

    Luke/Tracy: Christmas Tree

    "There are certain women..."

    Murder is not supposed to be a game.

    Luke/Tracy: What If?

    Luke/Tracy: Happy Easter

    Luke/Tracy Filmstrip

    Some more stuff... (I found a lot of stuff saved on my old computer. :o)

    1991: Q's near Christmas time Credit to NeverQuiet.

    Includes snippet of Tracy/Larry (it's different than the one in the church) Credit to ?.

    Anna/Robert Wedding #2; you'll see Tracy. Credit to Cheap (?). I used to have the clip of Lucy/Tracy fighting over the bouquet. I've searched and searched and unfortunately, can't find it. :(

    Cast Photos from GL (1982)

    JE photo from the no-longer running The Gate (A Nexis Fansite)

    Ross and Carrie on GL

    JE holding her Emmy

    Small photo of JE on AMC

    Tracy and Paul Scan

    More Tracy/Paul...

    And more Tracy/Paul...

    Tracy/Larry dressed for Alan/Lucy's wedding

    Tracy/Paul marry

    1993ish: JE and WK

    JE headshot

    Another JE headshot (very young)

    JE is SOD's performer of the week for her work during the Lacy wedding.

    JE at GH's 40th Anniversary Party

    JE and Lynn Herring at GH's 40th

    "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

    Another "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

    GH File Folder with autographs

    Tracy and a Baby Dillon

    Eva La Rue and JE photos and autographs

    SID 11/25/03 "Next Issue"

    SID 5/13/03 40th Anniversary Scan

    JE and Amy Van Horne/Carla at Ted King's birthday

    SOW 6/14/03 She's baaaaaack.

    JE black/white photo

    JE on Baby Boom

    SOW Cover 7/30/90: JE/single motherhood

    Anna Lee receives award; JE is pictured.

    And another JE headshot

    And another...

    JE on cover of SOD (Carrie/Ross)

    Carrie and Ross's Wedding Screencap

    Carrie/Ross: "You may kiss the bride..."

    Lucy/Tracy at Alan/Lucy's wedding

    Neil and Anjelica on DAYS get married.

    TG talks about Luke/Tracy's "great combative 'who's on top' sex" (No, I'm not kidding, LOL).

    Edited several times to fix the fanart, to add photos, and to add clips. Enjoy. :D

    Thank you so much for the clips, pics, and fan art. I have things to do during finals. Yah! You are the Multimedia Guru!

  9. What's good y'all?

    Tracyluver I feel you about those AP exams. I made the mistake of taking four AP classes so I had to cram for what felt like decades. Big hugs to you girl!

    Oh and big hugs to everybody that's been showing love for my story. I don't check here as often so I didn't get a chance to thank everybody right after they praise. So much love to all y'all. Oh, Ms. Quartermaine, I got kicked out of tech before I could review your story so I'm going to review it tomorrow.

    About the Holly and Tracy thing. My grandma and I have this same argument only she thinks Holly is prettier in broken English and I think Tracy is beautiful in broken Hungarian. I think Holly is still in that pretty stage while Tracy is a handsome woman. I could be wrong, but isn't Ms. Samms a little younger than Ms. Elliot? I think the age difference kind of plays out. Holly as a character works my one fatal nerve. She uses her sex appeal to get over most of the time and it kind of gets old. My girl Tracy uses logic rather than hormonal game play. Not to say Tracy doesn't have sex appeal, but it's not her only weapon. Holly was cool for a minute, she kinda mixed things up, but I'm not in tears because she's gone.

    Just had to put my nickel in the time, because my nickel makes the dime shiney (just playing)

    School's almost done so I can watch more GH and write more! Huzzah!

    TTFN y'all! Good luck with the fics for those you that are writing! Good luck with those websites. I can't wait to see them!

    ETA: Love the banner Ms. Q

  10. * waves to Minervafan*

    ITA about the minorities, not only on this show, but on soaps in general. There seems to be a complete lackage of minority involvement, save for with one another. I am black and I have TONS of white friends. I just couldn't see myself as being with ONE race all the time, even if it's my own. Tralice???? I dunno about that one. I can't see how that would work ( you actually don't want to know what i see in my mind's eye right about now! :o lol!) I could totally go for a Racy. His accent is so cute! Of course, i haven't been watching long enough to know about character history so i dont know what a pairing like that would do to gh past. I could go for it tho.

    *waves goodbye to minervafan!!!*

    I totally agree about the lack of diversity in soaps. I’m biracial (Black and White) and I’ve got friends and family members of all shades, sexual orientations--the whole nine. I’m also from the San Francisco Bay Area, which is known for it’s diversity.

    I don’t think the writers on GH understand black people enough to write them well. Like when Lainey, a thirty something black woman, said she’d never experienced blatant racism until Frank said what he said. That killed it. I don’t understand how you can be black in American for that long and not experience blatant racism. I’m seventeen and I’ve had my share.

    How can you live in a town like PC and have the only two black people. Why do the two black people have to date? What are they going to do when one leaves? They have Epiphany (who I won’t even touch on, because she works my one nerve), but that’s pretty much it. The other person of color, MUNI, is a rapist and gang member. It’s like damn, I’ve served several detentions behind GH! The least those writers could do is write in a character that pertains to someone like me!

    I don’t know who these writers are, but they need to be beaten over the head with the “common sense and consistency” sticks--twice. Like having Tracy be homophobic. Hello? Is it just me or is she too sophisticated for such narrow minded thinking...

    I guess PC isn’t....well...PC.

    I was thinking, if my family was on a soap opera “Granny” would probably have a heart attack, resurrect herself, and then have a seizure. That actually sounds mildly amusing or maybe it’s my lack of entertainment in tech class. It’s also funny that I’m supposed to be writing my 15 page research paper and I’m writing a mini essay on diversity in television.

    Anyways, any Tracy today? Should I tell my math teacher that my asthma is acting up so I can go home and watch? I kinda wanna see Racy b/c Luke is on my hit list right now. If they have the great chemistry like LuNacy and keep me entertained, I’m all for it. Maybe when Luke sees the two of them, he might gather a life and understand what he’s been missing.

    btw: Great screen caps MinervaFan! Mind if I use ‘em for icons?

  11. Be kind, boys and girls. Here it is--Never Mind, my first mvid. I focused mainly on the important male figures in her life--her father, her sons, and Luke. (Didn't have any Lila clips, so I stayed with her men.) I tried to give it some structure, not just throw clips in willy-nilly, but I'm not sure how successful I was. It was better once I had a handle on using Windows Movie Maker.

    The music is by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff, two filkers extraordinaire who also do magnificent original music (hence, the song). Their website is Mystic Fig Productions, and the album is "Manhattan Sleeps." They are amazing artists and marvelous people. I had the pleasure of working with Jeff and Maya on Nancy Freeman's Blues for Dumuzi (click the link for the title song, and you can hear me sing--I do lead vocals on the second verse), and I am one of their biggest fans.

    Massive thanks to everybody who helped out with clips--I've wanted to try this for a long time, but I never could have done it without you. If you put clips up on here and I didn't mention you in the credits, please forgive me. I was going from memory as to who posted them to this board.

    Just watched the video. I really liked it. The music was great, the lead vocalist has an interesting voice. I really liked that you used a combo of stills and clips. Diversity always gets me. All and all, it was a really good first vid and vid in general

    You should make more so I can watch them in class when my teachers make me want to toss skittles at them. Think of it like this, you'd be keeping me out of detention. Yah! But seriously, I loved-loved this!

    So, what's good with everybody? I haven't checked LJ or FF.net yet, anybody got some fics for me to squee about?

  12. 4XCrazy, I'm not a seasoned viewer, probably being only 1 or 2 when the sl happened, but from what I've read in your post you haven't rewrote history the way the reviewer accused you off. You looked up the history from what I think would be a reliable source and worked it in a way that it could have actually happened. Whoever wrote that was probably a very biased fan and clearly not a fan of Tracy. And was down right rude and has no right or reason to be so malicious. Just forget about that person and continue writing your wonderful story!






    Hmmm.. Tracy left at the altar huh... all I can say is she better know beforehand or watch out GH lol.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. I was checking it out with you guys because some times those summary pages get things kind of twisted and/or leave things out. They actually inspired me to go on a Tracy GOOGLE expedition! Yah! Tracy facts!







    I'm telling you man, if he dogs her out, I'll be making my debut on ABC as the girl that caused the massacre at GH. Hopefully it won't come to that!

  13. *





    About those spoilers:

    If Luke leaves my girl hanging like that, I just might have to jump through the screen and cause him intense bodily harm. He'll be the only man in heaven with a wheelchair. I really hope Tracy's realizes before she gets hurt.

    So, yes, if you're watching and you see a tall yellow girl choking Luke: wave to me! I just be might the newest member of MinervaFan's Bring Back Coleman Camp.

    /end spoiler talk.

  14. I'm totally off topic, but I have a question for all you seasoned viewers. I don't know if this post all right--I'll delete it if it's not--but I've got some old school Tracy questions. Y'all all know that I'm Homelands and y'all know that plot line. So I got this review...

    “I'm sorry, but I can't get behind any story that shows Tracy as the poor victim. That little psycho (in tv canon) did in fact kidnap Dillon and went on the run for his complete childhood to keep him away from Paul because she was so spiteful. She blackmailed him into marriage and then did try to kill Jenny. It was NO accident. To re-write history to make

    her a victim with Jenny as the bad guy is offensive and I'm truly sorry I bothered to read this. Don't worry, it's not a mistake I'll make again.”

    Here's my response:

    While I appreciate your critique and am truly sorry that you found it “offensive”, I also find in interesting that you choose to be disrespectful instead of offering constructive criticism. For one, I just turned 17 not too long ago. When the whole Jenny/Paul/Tracy Triangle aired I was barley three years old. So I had to do some research. The “history” I did dig up was from this web site http://www.soapcentral.com/gh/whoswho/tracy.php, which in fact is a appears to be pretty objective. The writers wrote, “In 1993, Tracy accidentally hit Jenny with her car! Tracy thought that Jenny was dead and fled the scene after phoning the police with a hit and run. Jenny didn't die though and told the police that she didn't know who hit her. Jenny secretly knew though and told Tracy to leave Paul alone and give him a divorce or else she would tell the police. Edward learned the truth of Tracy's hit and run and kicked her out of the house! Tracy divorced Paul and left Port Charles with baby Dillon in tow. “ Summaries are the only available sources I have to go on.

    And, yes, I sure did re-write “history” to fit my plot. I needed a plausible way to introduce Shannon into the story. I added one notch to Jenny’s terms when she black mailed Tracy. Also if Dillon was “kidnapped”, why didn’t Paul come after him? Why didn’t he alert the authorities? Also Tracy didn’t blackmail Paul into marriage according to my source this it what happened, “In 1991, the Quartermaine boat, the SS Tracy, exploded in the harbor while carrying unsafe chemicals. Harlan Barrett came to town to salvage the sunken chemicals and became very taken with Tracy, who had just ended her relationship with Scotty. Harlan though loved Tracy's money more than Tracy herself. With the help of Leopold Taub, Cesar Faison and Larry Ashton, the 4 formed a cartel bent on controlling global business using a chemical called carbon disulfide. To achieve their goal however, the cartel needed to take control of ELQ, the Quartermaine business. The cartel ordered Paul Hornsby to get control of Tracy's stock by marrying her. Paul had also recently become CEO of ELQ and would cause its downfall with Tracy's stock. Paul however didn't love Tracy, he loved Jenny Eckert. The cartel threatened the life of his daughter Susan so Paul complied and married Tracy.”

    Rather or not you choose to read my story is a personal choice, which I completely respect. I want to acknowledge you because you have now prompted me to ask those older or seasoned viewers for their take on the story line.

    Thank you again for your response.

    My source could be totally off and maybe the reviewer is totally in the know. I was into cartoons and fruity cereal when this aired, so I can only go on what others tell me. So, if I have no idea what I'm talking about, feel free to set me straight.

    Thanks in advance guys :)

    btw: why does this post feel like a super essay?

  15. Howdy... Just stopping by during my TA period. For once I don't have to duck and cover to use the CPU.

    Any Tracy today? I get out early today so I can watch it! Huzzah!

    Yeah, does anybody know a place where I can snag some free web hosting. I'm trying to start an eFiction site for LuNacy and all other GH fan fiction. It's pretty much like fan fiction.net but it would give LuNacy and GH fiction a home. So, yeah, let me know if you know anything about free hosting. Also, if anybody wants to hop on this project with me...I could use some help!

  16. Okay...4XCrazy, for you (if you haven't yet acquired it elsewhere somehow...), the clip of Tracy comforting Alan before AJ's funeral.

    Warning: This comes from www.amodernfairytale.com. They don't like or really allow people to distribute their clips to others not on the messageboards...so you didn't get it from me. (Or, you know, you could sign up...whatever...mum's the word, you don't know me, etc)

    And now that I've gotten clip access back, bring on the Tracy!!!!

    Thanks smirks for the clip! Now I can finally start my video. I've been searching, begging, and the whole nine for that one clip. My search ends now! Yee!

    Oh, I'll be sure to keep my source on the DL B)

  17. Hey guys!

    I've just been lurking around here and seeing what y'all have going down. I can't wait to see what Mr. Spencer has in store for our girl's birthday!

    I don't know if it's all right post clip requests here (neverquiet.net is being extremly evil), but I was wondering if anybody has any clips from the scene during AJ's funeral where Tracy comforted Alan. I need it for a video I'm hooking up.

    How are people's fics going? I was gonna write something for the ficathon, but I need to figure out which spoiler I'm gonna do...

    Keep up the Tracy love folks.

  18. Hey everybody!

    I haven’t posted anything here in a long time. Over the weekend, I did a workshop that went for three days and lasted 12 hours. That left no time for anything besides sleeping and the workshop lol. In fact, I have no clue why the hell I’m still awake. :unsure:

    Yeah, so, I missed Friday’s show. How was it? My brother says that there was a struggle between Skye and Tracy and Skye ended up falling down the stairs. He thinks they both were at fault, but what do you guys think? Was it a mutual struggle, did Skye just lose her balance, or did my girl Tracy actually intend to push her?

    Thanks, Ms. Q, for the link to the fan fiction. :) I haven’t read MinveraFan’s just yet because I wanna really read it and not just scan it. I did read Oh Baby during one of the breaks at my workshop and I gotta say: I love it. I really like your characterization of Luke and Tracy’s relationship. You keep it serious, but I really like how you always leave room for humor. Oh and I downloaded the Family Feud clip and I'm gonna watch it tomorrow @ school

    So tomorrow, my brother’s recording GH and I’m gonna try to sneak here during Tech and see what’s shaking.

    Night! :D

  19. Squee, babay, squee!

    I loved today's show. Tracy and that napkin had me on the floor dying. I damn near had asthma attack all in my living room. I noticed that Tracy's pants were pulled up kinda high, but much love to her for getting her Steve Urkle on.

    They cuddled today, they cuddled in public.... :D




    s-q-double eazy fah sheezy.

  20. Thanks for the love Coolkid. :D I'm loving The Half That Hasn't Been Told. I like the whole thing Paul/Tracy have going on. I was two going on three during that whole storyline, so it's nice to see people's take on it.

    Oh Ms. Q thanks again for those Old School Tracy clips. I watched them over and over. I'm trying to make a video with them. I'll see how that turns out, lol, I'm not a video person.

    Lucky for me I didn't get caught. I closed the window and acted like I was searching for something on Google. B) I think she knew what I was doing, but she didn't say a word. Thanks for wishing me luck.

    Oh yeah, I started a C2 on ff.net. You can view it here.

    It's got every Tracy/Luke story I could find. It also has plain Tracy fics. If y'all know of any others, let me know, and I'll stick 'em in there.

    I have boxing class tomorrow, so I'm going to hit the sack. Much love!

  21. Thanks Ms. Q and ILoveTracyQ for the "real" complements. I'm trying to make it as plausible as possible. As for the plane scene, that's gonna be one of the hardest chapters for me to write lol.

    Crap, my teacher's coming over and she looks like she about to have a cow. One more warning and I go to OCS. Wish me luck! :D

  22. Hi guys!! I can't stay long (i'm on my teachers computer right now) but WOW!!!!!!!!!!What about that kiss!1 Dude i had no voice the next day from screaming so loud! My mom thinks im crazy now but i don't care.

    Oh, and anyone would be a fool to deny you ILoveTracyQ!! :)

    It's funny you should say that you're on your teacher's CPU b/c I'm in the lab and I'm not supposed to be on this site lol. I've already gotten two detentions behind GH, but oh well.

    I've been checking this place out for awhile and I justed wanted to give a "hello". So: HI! It's always good to meet other TQ fans :D

    Oh, yeah, anybody see today's show? Any Luke and Tracy?

    AND! Many thanks for showing love for my fic over there on ff.net (I'm La Red over there). It made my day :D

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