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King James



James settles into the HOH room with much relief. While he has won many Veto challenges, he has never won HOH. Sarah would be proud of him and he missed her so. He looked at the picture of the two of them that he got as HOH and smiled. All was right in the world.

Outside it was hot. Chiara was flirting with both Nathan and Hardy. Nicole and Rachel were talking quietly about what to make for dinner. They were bonding over their sense of duty. Marvin was working out while Marcelleus, Amy and Will were swimming. Dr. Will was sleeping and Janelle was taking a shower.

It's close to dinnertime and Nicole and Rachel decide to make everyone a big dinner. BB has given them the fixins for a big barbrque and they have recruited Hardy to help them. THe three of them go inside.

Meanwhile in the bathroom....

Janelle is towelling off, "You startled me!" She leans over and give the mystery man a kiss.

"I wish I could have joined you in that shower."

"Oh honey, I wish you could have too. However, we can't risk being found out. You know that. In fact, you have to leave soon."

"We have to be seen together or people will get suspicious. I wish I could have been like James and tell everyone about us."

Janelle smiled."Hopefully we will be in control of this game after a few more weeks. Then it will be like coming out of the closet. I have to convince James not to nominate you though."

"He has the perfect time to bust up alliances. There is a big one forming right now of Marcelleus, Amy, WIll, Nakomis and Jack. I overheard them talking about it. Get him to nominate three of them if possible, or two at least."

"Back away, someone is coming" The man rans into the toilet area and Janelle starts brushing her hair. Jack walks in, "Hello Janelle. You looked very nice tonight. I was looking for Hardy, have you seen him? Nicole and Rachel are cooking a barbeque and he is manning the grill.

Janelle smiled and shook her head.

The next morning

Boston Rob and Amber woke everyone up early for the food competition. Everyone goes outside and there is a giant wire cage, like the lottery. In it were balls with the names of food on it or blank balls. You got one chance to win a food for the week.

James went first and he got Vegetables.

Janelle got nothing

Rachel got Beer and Wine, which made her the most loved HG

Marvin spun and got animal crackers

Dr Will got Meats

Will got nothing

Nakomis spun and got breads

Jack spun and got starches

Marcelleus got poultry

Amy got condiments

Nicole got nothing

Chaira spun and got cookies

Hardy got fruits

Nathan spun and got Dominoes Pizza.

The HGs could only drink water and beer and wine. After the competition, James had Rachel and Janelle comeup to his room. Hardy, Marvin, Nicole and Dr Will also meandered their way up there.

Down in the bedroom, which no one ever bothered to look for the other one because they really didn't care, Nakomis was holding court with Jack, Will, Marcelleus and Amy.

Chiara and Nathan were outside on the hammock, hands entwined, lips touching occasionally.

Later that afternoon

After a lot of thinking, James decided to got against his original plan of taking out the men. He was going to put up Marvin, Hardy and Nathan as they were strong competiors and could beat him in the physical aspects of the game. He joined everyone in the dining room.

James, "All right, you all know the drill. If you see your name, you are safe.

"Rachel you are safe.

Dr WIll, you are safe

Janelle, you are safe.

Hardy, you are safe.

Nicole, you are safe.

Chiara you are safe.

Nathan you are safe.

Marvin you are safe.

Marcelleus you are safe.

Jack you are safe."

"Alliances form in this game. Thats a fact. It's why I nominated you Amy, Nakomis and Will. You are in an alliance. You are all trustworthy people and it will stay strong until the end. I need to break it up. Please, no hard feelings, it's not personal."

Nakomis mutters, "It never is"

Janelle looks across the table and smiles.


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