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Ocean's Crest Segment 6

Kiara’s heels clicked against the tile granite floor tiles of the kitchen as she walked to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of mineral water. Her long brown hair was in a neat bun at the top of her head and her olive skin was complimented with a cute white lace dress. Her makeup was fresh and her skin looked dewy. “Oh, you’re back,” Ashley says in a sarcastic tone while walking into the living room dressed in a cami and daisy dukes her long hair loose down to her shoulders. “Yes



Ocean's Crest Segment 5

Nikki stands behind the counter checking the time on the register. She couldn’t wait for her lunch break. First real day on the job and she’d already dealt with some bitchy tourists. She hated this town and the people who visited during the summer months. They had put her to work in the Juniors department with and older lady who was busy doing stock while she ran register. The only highlight of this job so far was that it would give her a discount on their clothing. This department had a lot



Ocean's Crest Segment 4

On Another side of the Watermore Estates After the morning huddle, everyone went to work. Servers were delivering meals, housekeeping was cleaning rooms, the front desk was checking people in, and the chefs were running around like crazy preparing food for the day. “Paola!” A young man calls from down the hall where he’s wheeling a cart full of trays. “Leo, I can’t really talk right now. I have a lot to do today,” Paola says pushing her housekeeping cart down the hall. “I



Ocean's Crest Segment 3

Ocean’s Crest The waves were lapping the shores, the gulls were squawking, and the sun was shining. Preparing for another long day at the resort, Jade was wiping down the counters at the Cabana bar. The beach club would be in for another long day of the wealthy and their children lounging by the pool, frolicking on the beach, and ordering drinks and snacks like there was no tomorrow. She could practically already smell the sunscreen. “Today is supposed to be a scorcher,” Adrian infor



Ocean's Crest Segment 2

Ocean’s Crest On another side of town, closer to the beach, the waves were breaking and the early risers were already out for the day. The Watermore Estates Resort & Spa was like a whole other world compared to its surroundings. Modern, elegant. And posh were the first words that came to mind. They had their own private beach, designer boutiques; Dior, Cavalli, Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, YSL, AG, and Burberry. The restaurants boasted names like Wolfgang Puck, Gordon Ramsay, and Em



Ocean’s Crest Segment 1

Ocean’s Crest Another morning has come; the air is salty, the sun is shining and the gulls are squawking away. Sunlight illuminates the room as it shines through the cream colored curtains. A loud ringing comes from a phone on a nightstand. Nikki sits up immediately as she rubs her eyes letting them adjust gradually to the light and pushes a few stray strands of light brown hair off her face. She rises to her feet and stretches before heading to the window. “What a perfect



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