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Blog Comments posted by Matt

  1. Well, only Cal/Rick, Tom, & the hospital were mentioned inside actual scenes because those are important plot points that will come into play later. Don't feel too badly for Ben, though. Aside from generous trust funds for each of her grandchildren (not without strings, of course, which we'll see later) & some personal & sentimental items left to Van, Ben pretty much got the remainder of Meg's financial assets. If I'd gone over each and every single item in the will, today's episode might have taken forever. :lol:

  2. Joy hasn't been on for a couple of days...any spoilers about her background?????

    I don't want to give too much away, but Joy will feature *very* heavily in the setup for a future storyline development. At this point, her purpose is as that prerequiste town newcomer through which readers learn a lot about the history of the characters (thanks to her journalistic connections). However, once her real storyline begins, she will prove to be a catalyst through which several lives receive quite a shake up. I'd love to say more, but I really can't without giving away too much because her true storyline is just setting up. Going into the series, I knew that I wanted 2 storylines to be well underway (Meg's murder and the Beaver Ridge endeavor), while the 3rd major storyline was just launching. Joy will factor heavily in that 3rd storyline. Keep reading. I think you'll be pleased with where it all goes.

  3. Well, the official word from the networks is exactly that --- to ensure viewer accuracy. There once was a variety of different ways to gauge ratings, but with all networks subscribing to the Nelson method, compairisons can be more accurately made.

    In my terms, however, a 10pt. scale is much easier for people to understand than some of those crazy numbers. :lol:

  4. Yep, it's that same batch of faux-soaps. I've just got to dig through all my papers and lug the stuff out (PTK was plotted, month by month, all the way through 1968). If I remember my sequencing correctly, the next two soaps after PTK and TEN were Kelsey Corners (a homespun type family soap) and Brighton Bay (a seaside family drama with mob undertones :lol: ). We'll see how far I get with this. :)

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