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Posts posted by bellcurve

  1. God, her entire persona is a damn lie. I think watching that interview with her made me even less endeared to her.

    "I grew up in privilege, but I felt like an outsider. I was bullied and teased for being an artist." BITCH PLEASE!

    I love how they went to her old apartment and the chick inside was like, "Uh, no cameras please. I don't give a hell who you are." :lol:

    It's gonna be a LONG next couple of years. Let's just hope the latest radio sensation gets in there and totally knocks her off her "throne."

  2. As much as I detest Ke$ha for her annoying lyrics, overplayed songs, and fake image, at least she's just doing her own thing instead of comparing herself to Madonna or to anyone else. Ke$ha doesn't take baths, she has chapped lips in all her videos, and she autotunes about drinking while pregnant and back alley abortions before going out to the clubs. She's not trying to pass along some social message to an audience or is even attempting to be "the voice of a generation." She's just gonna be who she is, fake image or otherwise.

    Honestly, I really don't think Lady Gaga has the composure or the humility to accept commercial failure. And as I've mentioned in this thread before, part of Madonna's "success" was always her ability to lick her wounds and try again. That's what made Madonna have staying power. And this was well before the internet, TMZ, Perez, etc. where everything was shoved down your throat via all forms of media. Madonna made her way via great promotion, hard work, and coming to accept that not everything would be as successful as she or Warner wanted it to be.

  3. Except... How many times exactly can you re-record the same songs? Before becoming niche? And then irrelevant?

    I find her whole persona completely insane. Almost wretched. The songs could be fun, but the message makes them problematic. Not the political or social one, the bizarre occult references and things like that. Furthermore, her message to troubled teenagers isn't really all right at all. If you're asocial and troubled, you shouldn't be celebrating that, you should be seeking professional help from a licensed psychiatrist. D'oh.

    But everything celebrates the asocial and troubled. LOL. Glee is a perfect example of that. So is alot of what is behind this ridiculous bullying campaign hyped up by the likes of Ellen, etc. It's not to say that bullying is a "good" thing and I'm not endorsing that, but since when has it ever been a good thing to raise a nation of overly sensitive people that just always accuse someone of bullying them and are never taught to stand up for and defend themselves?


    As far as that goes, what I meant by "recording more songs" like the ones I mentioned is not so much the same sound or the same style, but she needs to realize that she's not some political figure with a message. She's a pop star. And her lyrics need to be fun and fluffy.

  4. And as far as this actual song is concerned? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I don't even really hear shades of "Express Yourself" in it. I feel like Gaga has turned from being a fun, oddball sensation to someone with a political/social message that she needs to cram down our throats through her public image. I want to hear more infectious tunes like "Beautiful Dirty Rich," "The Fame," "Money Honey," and "Boys Boys Boys." Those four tracks from the CD are clearly the best and ones that kind of flow together. And it harbors no secret agendas or political messages. It's about sex, fun, dicks, you know, all the stuff you're vying for when you're at the club or the bar.

  5. I love the lyrics, even if they are a little heavy-handed, but even in their heavy-handedness, they're necessary. I do have to wonder if they knew what they were doing with the words "chola" and "orient." I mean, "Latin" could fit for "chola" and "Asian" for "orient." That way, you run less risk of some obscure civil rights group burning your posters.

    I have a friend who's first generation Asian-American and she HAAAAAAAAAAAATES the term "oriental." She hates it. I mean, I can kind of understand it...it would be as off-putting as saying "colored." It's not "the n word" but it's still not PC.
  6. So who do you see running in 2012 even now?

    From both camps.

    I've given up on Hillary throwing her hat in the ring. Obama/Biden will go unchallenged and it's a race between Pawlenty/Romney or some "fiscally conservative" Republican. I do love the idea of Haley Barbour or Mike Huckabee leading a Republican ticket. I feel, despite whatever shortcomings they seem to have as elected officials, they would make up for with selecting a great cabinet and I feel like they are somewhat more honest politicians(And by honest I mean, not straddling a fence on an issue or playing up some falsehood to the American people). But they are far too polarizing and far too Southern to score the Republican nom. But I wouldn't count either one of them out of running in the primaries and knocking off one of the big favorites or even count them out as VP candidates.
  7. I hate this type of thing. I know someone who isn't going to vote for Obama again because of this. But the whole let's kick the poor type of move will probably get him more votes than it loses.


    Obama is in a lose/lose situation. He screwed himself by continuing to bail out banks(a trend Bush started) and passing out stimulus aid and funding for bullshit research projects. The fiscal conservatives won't forget this and neither will the liberals who are anti-establishment.

    This move is not out of Obama's heart: it's a carefully planned and calculated move to make him seem centrist so he doesn't get bumped from office in 2012.

  8. World's fastest resignation? Christopher Lee, Congressman from upstate New York, resigns after it was learned that he tried to get a woman on Craiglist (he's married with kids). I guess this is tame by modern standards (I'm sure his wife wouldn't agree!). He has a pretty good body...too bad he didn't put it to better use and just do one of those "not hideously unattractive men of Congress" charity calendars.


    What a complete and total dumbass!

  9. I think you're right - that set does remind me of the Forrester living room. I hadn't noticed until you pointed that out.

    I didn't really notice it until I saw that picture. Strange indeed. And Capitol retained alot of the same production staff when B&B occupied their studio and timeslot. People in hair/makeup, set design(Thomasoff was Capitol's Art Director before moving to B&B ), and even Bill Glenn and Michael Stich(who were both Capitol directors).

    I mean, the changes were extensive, but you can clearly see that alot of the makeup of that LR is in B&B's Forrester Mansion. I wish I knew what that other set was...I honestly think it was the Glegg Mansion because Marj Dusay was doing her usual ham dance.

    Do you watch Capitol very often? I have to admit I haven't as much as I want...I'm still trying to get through 3-4 other soaps on Youtube.

    Capitol clips, I have to admit, bore me to tears. It amazes me that John Conboy and CBS spent a crapload of money on a show that basically went absolutely nowhere, IMO.
  10. Glad I stumbled upon this at work...just gave me an opportunity to read a few things and comment:

    From the 10/12/82 SOD, Network Publishing Co, an article on soap sets. The photo is of Myrna's "inner sanctum", Sloane's living room, and the Clegg dining room. I will type up the sections of the article which refer to Capitol.


    Thanks both of you for filling me in more on the sets. The living room does look like a Bell set -- I guess that's through Conboy.

    That's because I think alot of those B&B sets are indeed reworkings of sets from Capitol. Yes, Sy Thomasoff and co. matched the doors of the exteriors to their real life counterparts(i.e. Bell Mansion/Forrester LR), but if you look carefully at #3 in the picture, that looks ALOT like the Forrester mansion. Only difference is that the staircase is alot lower(and the foyer leading to the main door isn't elevated), the fireplace is a different color, and the glass window and wall are there instead of the open glass doors. But even the tile on the floor in picture three is the same as the tile in the Forrester mansion.

    Another thing to note is that I swear the tile/floor pattern and the basic structure of Ridge's Bel-Air home looks eerily similar to a set that I saw when viewing Capitol clips on WoST or YouTube a few years back. Even the entrance to the home is the same.

    And I had to laugh at that George Beckett quote. I love his work, but he's always worked on soaps that were or that were seen by critics as being style over substance. Capitol was no exception.

  11. He and DeMint really make me ashamed to be from South Carolina.

    Unlike some in this thread, I typically have no very little issue(s) with Republicans or their beliefs(I consider myself more moderate and open-minded), but people like Lindsey Graham have absolutely no charm, zero sense of humor, and no room whatsoever for compromise. It's always just "Bitch, bitch, bitch. Obama's awful. Bitch, bitch, bitch." :rolleyes:

  12. What concerns me most about the repeal of DADT is that the military already has a litany of issues that go unchecked by our federal government without adding our gay/lesbian soldiers to the list. War crimes, male to female sexual harassment/discrimination, etc. Alot of this is still being unreported by the mainstream media and more importantly, unreported by the victims of such crimes. Do we need to add our gay soldiers being violently beaten to death to the list by angry, homophobic mobs of people?

    While I think it's unfair that gays can't serve openly in the military, I think it's better(at least for now) that they don't. Do I think a soldier who comes out should be fired or lose his benefits for doing so? Absolutely not. But I think, as homophobic as it is, I think it's really for everyone's protection that DADT not be repealed. The only way I see that ever happening is when there's a draft(not if, but when) and they don't have enough men serving in the military. And that would be a total nightmare. I can't imagine myself, out and proud, being forced to serve in the military with just such rude, bigoted assholes.

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