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this is my own version of the ABC cancelled soap opera One Life To Live

Entries in this blog

Episode 14 "Fireworks light the sky Part 2"

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. UNKNOWN ROOM- AFTERNOON Jack is still tied to the chair when the door opens and a young woman walks into the room carrying a tray of food. Girl- I brought you some food. Jack- and how do you expect me to eat it with my hands tied behind my back? Girl- Well I guess I could always feed you. I'm pretty sure my father doesn't want me to untie you. Jack- Zack's your father? Girl- Yeah he is and my names Dara. So how do you

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 13 "Fireworks Light the Sky Part 1"

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. TEA AND VICTOR'S HOUSE-MORNING Tea and Victor are sitting on the couch in their lviing room when they hear a knock on the door. Victor answers the door to see Blair standing there worried. Victor- hey is something wrong? Blair- Did Jack stay here all night? Victor- No why? Blair- he didn't come home last night and I'm afraid of who ever killed Todd might have gotten to him. Tea- Alright come over and have a set and

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 12: Matthew is attacked, Karen's Phone Call

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. CRAMER MANSION- NIGHT Viki- Oh alright I'll help you with the funeral arrangements. Blair- thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me. Alright so I'll see you tomorrow morning then? Viki- yes I'll see you then and Blair! take it easy. Viki walks out of the mansion --- INT. MATTHEW'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Matthew has just gotten out of the shower when he walks into the living room in just a to

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 11: Karen and Nora Argue!

INT. POLICE STATION- AFTERNOON Officer Quinn- Yes! Commissioner Buchanan said that you would be arriving here today. Olivia- Good so is there a case file or anything. Officer Quinn- It's in the Commissioner's office. He said help yourself in. It's right around the corner. Olivia- thank you! Olivia grabs her jacket and heads towards Bo's office. --- INT. UNKNOWN LOCATION- AFTERNOON Jack slowly wakes up to see that he is tied to a chair in a dark room all alone. Jack st

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More Casting News

Josh Kelly is out as Cutter Wentworth, being replaced by Colin Egglesfield Pat Crowley and Ray MacDonell will be debuting very soon More New and Old faces will be appearing back in Llanview very soon

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Epi. 10: Viki comforts Blair, Jack is attacked!

INT. CRAMER MANSION- MORNING Blair is sitting on the couch when Viki walks into the living room Blair- hey Viki! What brings you by? Viki- Oh just came by to see how you and the kids are hanging in? Blair- we're hanging in there the best that we can. Viki- is there anything that you need me to do anything at all? Blair- uh... yeah there is something that I need you to do for me. Viki- you just name it! --- INT. KAREN'S PENTHOUSE- MORNING Karen is sitting on the so

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Casting News Update

Joey and Kelly will be sticking around a lot longer than the original plan was William DeVry will not be joining OLTL Judi Evans is only going to be recurring as Julie Siegel

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Epi. 9: A confession and a death

INT. BALLROOM- NIGHT Everyone is looking around to see who has been shot, when screams are heard from Blair as Todd is lying on the floor covered in blood. Blair- Todd! Please hold on, please stay with me. Todd- I love you Blair I always have and I always will. Blair- I love you too Todd and we have all the time in the world to spend together. Todd- no we don't Blair. Tell my kids that I love them. Todd dies in Blair's arms as she starts to cry --- INT. BALLROOM- NIGHT

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 8: Shots Fired

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. MATTHEW'S APARTMENT- AFTERNOON Noah and Matthew are lying on the bed after having just had sex Matthew- I thought you said you were busy all day today with your mother to come over. Noah- things changed Matthew- Like what? Noah- my dad being in town Matthew- well isn't that a good thing that he's in town? Noah- well considering he hasn't seen or talked to me in three years, no it's not. Matthew- why did somethi

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Tom Degnan who just returned in Episode 7 will be departing back to London very soon Casting Call for Rafe Garretson has been put out

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 7: Gala Disaster part 1

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. KAREN'S PENTHOUSE- MORNING Shows Karen sitting on the couch drinking coffee when she sees her son Noah walking in from the hallway Karen- well good morning. I take it as your flight got in late last night Noah- oh yeah it did Karen- well did you get enough sleep last night? Noah- yeah I got plenty of sleep. Karen- well I'm surprised considering I heard you talking on the phone until like two this morning. So tell m

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 6

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. PARK- NIGHT Tea is walking through the park talking on the phone Tea: Of course I'm pissed. You should have called me earlier today and let me know instead of waiting all day to let me know he was set free. Crying sounds are heard by Tea and she looks around a wall and sees Jack sitting on a bench crying Tea: Jack! Jack are you okay? Tea sits down on the bench next to Jack Jack: Don't touch me. Please just stay away fr

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Episode 5: Jack is Attacked

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning --- INT. HOSPITAL EXAM ROOM #4 - AFTERNOON Cutter has just been wheeled in on a gurney. Natalie is right beside him. The doctor walks in. We see his name tag. The name tag says: Dr. Daniel Wolek. Natalie: Cutter..., its me; Natalie I'm right here with you. Cutter: Nikki? Cutter starts seizing. Nurses and Doctors rush in. Daniel: You need to wait out in the waiting room! Natalie walks out of the

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JM Fanfiction

Epi. 4: Viki Confronts Karen

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning --- INT. BUCHANAN MANSION - MORNING Bo & Nora are sitting on the couch, when the front door opens up. Mathew walks in. Nora: Mathew, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to London for a few days? Mathew: I decided not to go to London, and just stay here, and deal with what I need to deal with. Bo: Which is what exactly? Mathew: Oh, just something that I've been thinking about for a

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JM Fanfiction

One Life To Live Epi. #3: Nothing looks very bright

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning --- INT. WANDA'S PLACE - NIGHT Aubrey and Noah are sitting in a booth when a waitress walks over. Wanda: Wanda Webb at your service. What can I get the two of you? Aubrey: How about a couple of your famous burgers and fries? Wanda: Coming right up! Wanda walks off. Noah: Man, my Dad is taking forever to get here. Aubrey: Well, you know how flying can be. Maybe his flight got canceled or something

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JM Fanfiction

One Life To Live Epi. #2: A Fan Favorite Returns!

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning INT. MATHEW'S APARTMENT - NOON Mathew walks back into the living room having just gotten dressed. Mathew: Noah, if you don't mind me asking, but what are you doing here in town? Noah: Well my parents have come into some job opportunities, and they have taken them. Mathew: So, I guess we won't be able to sneak around anymore once your parents come to town? Noah: Why not? My parents know I'm gay. It's yo

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JM Fanfiction

One Life To Live- Episode #1

Created By: Agnes Nixon Written By: Josh Manning --- INT. LLANFAIR MANSION - MORNING Viki is sitting on the couch talking on the phone Viki: Yes, don't worry. He'll never find out, because I can't have that happening. If Clint knew I was doing this, he would hate me forever. Viki hangs up, just as Natalie walks into the room. Natalie: Did I interrupt something important? Viki: No, just someone from The Banner Natalie: Oh okay. So ummm... look Natalie s

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One Life To Live- Starting Out Cast

CONTRACT- Robert Adamson as Matthew Buchanan Kristen Alderson as Starr Manning Melissa Archer as Natalie Buchanan Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer Roger Howarth as Todd Manning Josh Kelly as Cutter Wentworth Florencia Lozano as Tea Delgado Kelley Missal as Danielle "Dani" Manning Lenny Platt as Nate Salinger Erika Slezak as Victoria "Viki" Lord Hillary B. Smith as Nora Buchanan Trevor St. John as Victor Lord Jr. Andrew Trischitta as Jack Manning Jerry verDorn as Cli

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One Life To Live Casting News

One Life To Live Is Back! Show will start from a new beginning and new storylines. Some great returns to the show will be happening this time and we will some new faces as well. Robert Adamson is the only new contracted role which he has stepped into the role of Matthew Buchanan. Other huge returns from the PP version include Kristen Alderson as Starr Manning and Lenny Platt as Nate Salinger Laura Harrier, Robin Strasser, Shenaz Treasury and Tuc Watkins have all be

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