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Follow the lives of the residents of Salem. This blog begins with events following the February 14, 2014 episode of the TV series, taking it on a new course based on events prior to that date.


Please feel free to comment, all feedback is welcome!

Entries in this blog

DAYS #118: EJ gives Gabi some extra protection, Nick tells Sami about the wedding

EPISODE 118 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Gabi walks around the main room of her shared apartment with Sonny and Will, holding Ariana in her arms as she feeds her her bottle. Ari stays peaceful and quiet as Gabi quietly sings to her, as a knock on the door is heard.   Surprised, as it's relatively early in the morning for visitors, Gabi walks cautiously toward the door.   GABI: Seriou



DAYS #117: Theresa has a visitor, Eric and Nicole prepare for their wedding

EPISODE 117 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Billie steps off the elevator at University Hospital. Standing at the nurses' station is Daniel. Billie and Daniel smile at each other as they give each other a peck on the lips as a greeting.   DANIEL: Well, you're out and about awfully early.   Billie chuckles to herself, checking her watch as she responds.   BILLIE: More like up r



DAYS #116: Alex & Noelle take the long way home, Nick reveals the truth to Percy

EPISODE 116 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Percy finishes apply bandages from the First Aid kit in the Titan lab to Nick, as Nick sits on the island counter of the lab, he winces slightly as his tender wounds are touched.   PERCY: There you are, that should cover it. NICK: Ugh, thanks, Percy.   Nick looks over his wounds before jumping down off the counter, walking over toward his lapt



DAYS #115: Percy finds Nick, and Jerome and Sheryl discuss their next move

EPISODE 115 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Sheryl runs frantically around her room at the Salem Inn, packing up the last of her toiletries, as her cell phone goes off.   Picking it up, she checks and sees that a message has appeared from Jerome.   Lakeview Motel, 1937 Highway 50. Booked under Sally Francis, meet u there   Sheryl takes a moment to read the text before putting



DAYS #114: Maggie makes Julie a gracious offer, Nick's blackmail spree continues

EPISODE 114 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson     Maggie, Julie, Alex, and Will step into the main hall of what will soon be the re-opened Penthouse Grille. The building is still very much a work-in-progress, with scaffoldings all around the room, and half-completed painting on the walls. Still, the group is impressed by what will soon come.   MAGGIE: So I just want to thank everyone for co



DAYS #113: Sheryl's on the run, Liam has a surprise for JJ

EPISODE 113 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson     Jennifer and Liam laugh and chatter as they walk into the Horton living room, as JJ sits on the couch, snacking and watching TV.    JENNIFER: JJ! Hey, honey.   JJ turns toward Liam and Jennifer, greeting his mom and her boyfriend unenthusiastically.   JJ: Oh. Hey, guys. JENNIFER: Listen, JJ, honey? Liam and I are just getting



DAYS #112: The Virus

EPISODE 112 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson     Nick and Tyler burst into the MadWorld lab, making a beeline for Nick's laptop, which sits on a conference table at the far side of the room.   TYLER: I'm telling you, this better be the real deal or I'll have your head on the chopping block so fast, Mr. Fallon-- NICK: Don't worry. Once I show you what's going down...you'll be thanking me.



DAYS: Episode 109-111

More DAYS blog entries are up. Thinking of posting back on here with each episode again after this. EPISODE 109 EPISODE 110 EPISODE 111



DAYS: Episodes 103-105

More DAYS: TAT is up on Blogspot! Thanks for continuing to check in! EPISODE 103 EPISODE 104 EPISODE 105



DAYS: Episodes 100-102

After an unusually long break, the next three episodes are up! Feel free to comment and check 'em out! EPISODE 100 EPISODE 101 EPISODE 102



Episodes 97-99

For those who want to check out the latest DAYS episodes (hopefully still more interesting than the Dena dreck): EPISODE 97 EPISODE 98 EPISODE 99   Enjoy! Be sure to leave comments and keep following the blog!  



DAYS: Episodes 93-96

Hopefully this is cool, just wanted to keep those of you who've been following my DAYS up to date with my new entries, which I'm posting externally. EPISODE 93 EPISODE 94 EPISODE 95 EPISODE 96 Gonna lurk around at SON, but again, likely not gonna be posting much. Hope you all follow DAYS: TAT. Thanks for reading  



Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline is moving!

After two years, I've had the pleasure of sharing my vision of Days of our Lives with you here at SON. I regretfully will be moving my posts to Blogger, after some lingering formatting issues, and the banning of ML Cooks (aMLCproduction) from the forums (look for his Y&R to appear as well soon), I have decided that it is best for me to move the blog onto another account. All episodes from #93 will be posted at http://daystat.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/days-93-abbys-home-and-kim-finds-roman.html



DAYS #92: Roman is found, while Nick moves forward with the next part of his plan

EPISODE 92 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   The sunlight fights its way through every available crack between Nick's blinds. One beam brightly hits Nick right in the eyes, jolting him from his slumber. The bright sunlight shocks him, causing him to squint. Nick goes to sit up, but is hit almost immediately with a searing headache. It nearly cripples him, but he manages to stumble over to the window of his small studio a



DAYS #91: Roman's condition worsens + Sonny & Adrienne have a huge fight over Will

EPISODE 91 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson The doors to the elevator at University Hospital open, to find the Kiriakis clan step out, by and large upset and a bit panicked, as Maggie in particular moves briskly to the nurses' station to ask Maxine about Victor. MAGGIE: Maxine! Where's Victor's room? Maxine quickly points down the hall to guide Maggie, as she turns herself toward the room. MAXINE: Just over her



DAYS #90: The Kiriakis Family Dinner (Part 6) - A shocking fate, and Eric makes a spontaneous suggestion

EPISODE 90 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson Inside Anita's cabin, the dark night is lit up by the roar of the fire. A late winter snow and wind whips past outside, but inside, the home is warm and comforting. Anita sits inside, curled up on her sofa, engrossed in a book. She stares down at the page through her reading glasses, perched on the tip of her nose, as the sound of footsteps emerge from the guest bedroom. It's Bra



DAYS #89: The Kiriakis Family Dinner (Part 5) - Sonny confronts Adrienne and Justin, Sheryl makes a bold move on Lucas

EPISODE 89 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson Rafe and Hope stand in their office at the Salem PD. Hope looks at Rafe with a concerned look on her face, as Rafe stands stunned at what Hope's just asked her. RAFE: I...I don't even know how to answer that...I mean...I know these cops like they're family to me, Hope. No, I don't think they're racist. HOPE: But what if...what if it's deeper than that. What if we've...(sigh) wha



DAYS #88: The Kiriakis Dinner (Part 4) - Noelle confronts Victor, Adrienne & Justin do battle

EPISODE 88 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson Hope stands in her office at the Salem PD, staring thoughtfully out the window. Rafe slowly opens the door. Observing Hope, he sighs to himself, as he stands in the doorway, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. Never once looking away, barely even blinking, Hope doesn't notice as Rafe walks over to her, and hands her the cup. She jumps a bit, startled by Rafe. She looks down at



DAYS #87: The Kiriakis Family Dinner (Part 3) - Adrienne gets suspicious, Victor's mouth gets him in trouble

EPISODE 87 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Will, stood in the living room of the Kiriakis mansion alongside his fiance Sonny, looks on at Noelle and Alex's cosy togetherness. Stunned, he can barely choke out a response to Alex's introduction of Noelle, his wife. WILL: I...your wife! I...wow! You...I didn't realize. Alex laughs at Will's surprise, as Sonny reaches out to Noelle. SONNY: It's so good to finally meet



DAYS #86: The Kiriakis Family Dinner (Part 2) - Will meets a new (unwelcome?) family member

EPISODE 86 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson Sonny walks up to the door of the Kiriakis Mansion, and rings the doorbell, while Will stands behind him, trying to hide his annoyance at having to be at this family dinner to begin with. Henderson opens the door. SONNY: Hey, Henderson, we're here... Sonny is taken aback, when he looks behind Henderson, to see a face he hasn't seen in years. SONNY: Oh my God....Alex??? ALEX: He



DAYS #85: The Kiriakis Family Dinner (Part 1) - The Guests Have Arrived

EPISODE 85 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson Laura, Marlena and Will walk into Laura's office at University Hospital, laughing as Laura tries to break the tension from her earlier close encounter with Liam. LAURA: So, I was hoping to grab something Ariana was really going to need, but...I kept thinking to myself, "Laura, remember when you just had Jennifer, and all you wanted was a couple glasses of wine to mellow you and Bi



DAYS #84: Eric's HUGE surprise for Nicole

EPISODE 84 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson   Billie sits at Theresa’s bedside, holding her friend’s hand, watching her comatose body rest. Billie looks on, solemnly, and deep in thought. She smiles after a moment.   BILLIE: Theresa. It’s me. Billie. Billie stops a moment as she watches her friend lie in silence. The only sound in the room is the machinery around her bed, the beep of her heart monitor. Billie fights the ur



DAYS #83: "Jerome Grant, you are under arrest!"

EPISODE 83 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson       Eric walks out of the flower shop at Town Square, a huge bouquet of red roses in his arms, as he ponders his next stop. He strolls alongside the shops lining the town square before stopping before The Hourglass. Looking inside, he smiles before opening the door to step in.   ERIC: Perfect.   The door creaks as it shuts behind him.   ---   Jerome makes his way d



DAYS #82: Kate and Laura make big discoveries

EPISODE 82 Written by A. Washington-BeebyStory Consultants: ML Cooks, Nick Monarco & C. Nathaniel Richardson    Will walks down the hallway on the EnerNext floor of Titan towards his office. As he walks, he passes Alex, who’s heading into his own office across the hall from Will. Will looks up, suddenly nervous as Alex locks eyes with Will and smiles. Will holds back a giggle and smiles back awkwardly.   ALEX: Hey Will! How’s the first day going?   Will nearly chokes on his words as



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