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A progressive take on a modern classic. Picking up right before MAB was let go, here is my version of this iconic show....

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Dru is too Black, Sharon is a bad mother and Malcolm is a stank ass Bastard!! !!

At the court House. Jack walks off the witness stand after Judge Mathis has called for a brief recess, Billy, Ashley, and Traci follow Jack out side the courtroom. Traci: Jack are you ok? Jack: I’m ok Tracy. A little hard reliving all those memories. I didn’t think I’d choke up like this. Ashley: Jackie it’s ok. Billy: Damn right it is because now finally Victor is going to pay for all his devious crimes against our family. Jack: You go that right. After all these year I finally get to



Dru gets bad News as Jack gets revenge on Victor!!

Judge Mathis Courtroom. Victor roll his eyes at his arch rival Jack Abbott being sworn onto the stand. “Spare me” He says under his breath. As Jack says : It’s my complete pleasure to tell this court the whole truth today.” The Judge looks at Victor. “The most reaction I’ve seen out of you since this trial has started Mr. Newman. Why the reaction for Mr. Abbott?” Victor: Your honor, Jack Abbot is a loser, scum and a bottom feeder. He’s a pip squeak and a punk. Nothing he says matters. He’s



Ashely testifies agaisnt Victor!

Ashley takes the stand. Spencer Walsh stands up and buttons up his button on his blazer. Victor look at Ashley and wonders is she going to testify against him or for him. Spencer: Ms. Abbott you were once married to the Victor Newman correct? Ashley; A few times. Most recently about a few years ago. Spencer: How did the marriage end? Ashley; The last one ended when his son Adam Newman played tricks on everyone in town including me. He made me think I saw the ghost of Victor’s other dece



Kay takes the Stand!

The Courthouse, The Grand Dame of Genoa City is sworn in, she then takes her seat. Spencer gets up and begins his line of questioning. Spencer: State your name for the record. “Katherine Chancellor” Spencer: And how long have you known Mr. Newman? Kay: A good portion of my life. Many many years. Spencer: Are you aware of any of these crimes that Victor is being accused of? Kay: Absolutely not. I come to find Victor a very humble, intelligent and a compassionate man. He gives to chari



Neil learns Sophia is DEAD!!

Court is back in session after TGVN entered a plea of not guilty. Judge: let’s get this trial started. I got to hear the details of all of this. Mr. Walsh your opening statement. Mr.: Walsh: My pleasure your honor.” Spencer stands up and buttons up his coat and approaches the jury. Spencer: This is going to be very easy. A business tycoon who used his money, and power to manipulate things to his liking or benefit. These methods include black mail, kidnapping, tampering with police eviden




Y&R will resume next Tuesday June 12. We pick up with Victor's trial and the after math of Sophia's death.




Writing a show 5 days a week is very tiresome. Being a head writer, a break down writer and a script writer takes its toll on me 5 days a week. I am taking a brief hiatus. Y&R will return next week and pick with up with Victors tiral and the fall out of Spohia's death.



Victor Newman's Trial gets Underway!

Genoa City Courthouse. Spencer Walsh into the courtroom with his briefcase and he takes his seat on the DA side of the room. Then walks in Victor Newman’s defense team, Avery, Rafe and Leslie. They sit at their table and sort through their notes. Avery and Spencer look at each other. Spencer: Counselor. Avery: Good day Mr. Walsh. Spencer: Ever lost a case before? Avery: Can’t say that I have. Spencer; Well there is a first time for everything. Avery; Spencer I’m not here to lose my c



Sheila kidnaps Dru and Sharon/Rafe and Scotty Hook Up/Keemo and Gloria Make Love.(YUP FRIDAY CLIFFHANGER!!)

Dru and Sharon are driving Miss Sheila Carter. Sheila is instructing Sharon on where to go. Dru: Where are we going? I’ve never seen this part of Genoa City before.” Dru then sees a sign that says “Welcome to Verdon Lou. Population, 12,000. Dru: Oh hell nall. We in a hick town. Is we in Alabama. Verdon Lou? Sheila: No. Verdun Lou is a little small village outside of Genoa City. It’s where we are going. Make a left here Sharon.” Sharon makes that left and drives unto a long dirt road whic



The 2nd Mystery Woman Reveals herself as Things Get Worse for Dru and Sharon!!

At Sharon’s. Dru and Sharon are stunned as the second mystery woman is holding them at gun point. Dru: Stop playing games. Dru came to far and went through to much to let things end like this. MW2 The games have just begun. “ The second mystery person takes her veil off and it’s Sharon begins to scream. At Jabot, Ashley is in her office when she is interrupted when Roxanne walks in. Ashley frowns up as she is confused. Ashley: Roxanne is it? Roxanne: It is Miss Abbott. Ash



Dru is Alive as the 2nd The Second Mystery Woman Makes her Move!!

Sharon faints upon seeing Drucilla Winters back from the dead. Dru: Bitch ain’t no time for this mess.” Dru walks in Sharon’s house and drags Sharon inside. Dru locks the door behind her as the 2nd mystery woman looks inside the window to keep tabs on what is going on. Dru begins slapping Sharon’s face trying to get her to come to. That still doesn’t work. Dru gets a pitcher of cold water and splashes Sharon’s face. Sharon wakes up. She looks at Dru. Sharon: Oh my God. This is a dream. Dru




AT GC Memorial. Ronan, Malcolm and Leslie all look at a teary eyed Nate. Malcolm: What do you mean you are sorry man? Nate: I,.. I did everything I could do. Sophia is dead. She had blunt force trauma to her head. Leslie gasps. Malcolm has tears streaming downs his face. He doesn’t know what to do or what to feel. He feels a rush of energy go through him. He doesn’t want to do anything rash. He takes a seat and just buries his face in his hands as the tears stream down his face. Leslie s



Is Sophia going to DIE!?

On the street by the hospital. Everyone including both Mystery Women, and Phyllis look at Sophia’s car as smoke rises from the engine. Nate comes running down the hill after hearing the car crash. He runs over to Sophia’s car. He opens the door and pulls her out on to the road. He checks to see if she is breathing. She is not and Nate begins performing CPR. Ronan arrives and goes over to a panicking Phyllis. Ronan: What happened? Phyllis: It was her. She was trying to kill me. She told me sh




GC Memorial. Nate is in his office when office phone rings. He answers. Nate: Dr. Hastings here. “Is everything in place for Phyllis to be killed today? Nate: The so called Mystery Woman. Can’t we work something out? MW: You should have thought about that before you tried to be a hero and catch me. Now you have to pay for that. Besides, if you weren’t a double dealing doctor, you would not be in a position to be blackmailed. It is not I that changed paternity results. You did sir. How wo



The Mystery Woman enlists Nate's help in her plan to kill Phyllis!

GC Memorial. Nate is reporting to work by first checking into his office. The door is ajar and he finds it odd. He opens it and sees his office has been ransacked. He looks on the wall and sees “Avery Was Here” . Nate searches through for his files looking for Moses Winters file. He realizes it’s gone. He pounds his fist on the desk. Then his office phone rings. Nate: Dr. Hastings? It’s the Mystery Woman: You wont be a doctor for long if you don’t do as I ask you to do. Don’t make me expose



Episode 78: Bay City Meets Genoa City! (An AW/Y&R Cross over Storyline)

At the Athletic Club. Nikki walks in and sits down at Paul’s table. Nikki: Sorry I’m late Paul. I was at Jack’s. Paul: Jack? Everything ok? Nikki: Yes. Well I’m trying got make things ok. With Jack’s help. Paul: You and Jack have been getting real close huh?” Nikki thinks back on her romantic dance at Jack’s house and their kiss last night. “I guess you could say that. He’s been very supportive of me with this who mess with Kay.” Paul: Yea I bet. Nikki. I just want you to know, tha



Cane and Avery make Love as Daisy Carter Returns!

At the Abbott House. Nikki knocks on the door. Jack opens it and is very pleased to see her. He gives her a hug. Jack: How nice it is to see you. Nikki: Same here Jack. I am just so furious I didn’t know who else to turn too. Jack: You know I am always here for you. What’s going on? Nikki: Jill and the damned press conference she had announcing the new Newman board members. Kay and Jill say they want to take Newman in a different direction but Ashley used to be a Newman herself. I just



Episode 76: Is there a 2nd Mystery Person?

At GC Memorial. Nate is looking at the odd looking Nurse he has never seen before. Unbeknownst to the Mystery Woman Nate is walking over to her. And watching all this action take place is another mystery person watching from a safe distance. The Mystery Woman is listening in on Phyllis’ conversation about how she thinks her sister Avery is the one stalking her. The Mystery woman gets an idea. Suddenly she feels an arm grab her. Mystery Woman turns around and sees Nate. Nate: Who are you? The



Friday Cliffhanger: Neil Winters is ARRESTED!

At Lauren’s. Scotty closes his bedroom door and locks it. He logs onto his laptop and hops onto an adult dating website called, MaleHunt. Scotty creates a profile, His screen name is Ted4Ted. He clicks on options for the type of man he is looking for, height, he thinks he wants a man a bit taller than him for sure. He enters 5ft 10inc and above. Weight, he thinks he would like some one who has a nice muscular build. The list goes on. He selects his sexual position, he lists versatile bottom. Hi



Episode 74: Jack Rallies his Troops!

At GC Memorial., In Phyllis’s room Daniel holding Lucy is looking at Avery and his mother. Daniel: I don’t have time for this. Lucy is hungry.” He leaves. Avery: Phyllis this is uncalled for. Phyllis: Oh is it? I’m blind. I can’t see so you think this is the perfect time to make my life living hell don’t you Avery!? Avery: No I came to see how my sister was doing. Phyllis: I don’t want to hear that bull. It’s garbage. Go get Ronan in here. I know it’s you stalking me and trying to



Episode 73: Mystery Woman Strikes Fear in Genoa City!

At GC Memorial. Lauren and Scotty walk into Michael’s room. Michael was nodding off but smiles when he sees the two. Michael: You came. Hello Scotty. It’ good to see you again. Scotty: You too Michael but not under these circumstance.” Scotty’s phone rings. He hits ignore. Lauren rolls her eyes. Lauren: You know Scotty it might be easier just to answer who ever it is who keeps calling you non stop. Scotty: Mom relax. I’ll put it on silent so it can’t bother me. Lauren: Who is calling y



Episode 72: Slapfest 2012: Kay vs Nikki!

At Jabot. Tucker walks into Jacks office and takes a seat as Jack wraps up a call on the phone. Jack: Tuck Tuck. Thanks for stopping by. Tucker: Tuck Tuck? Jack: Just like Jackie. Tucker: You’re in a great mood. Jackie. What’s on you mind? Jack: This alliance to take out Victor Newman and Newman Enterprises. We can’t do this by ourselves. We have to involve more people who will all play active roles in this plan to take Katherine out of Newman and then destroy Newman. Tucker: Good. K



Episode 71: Neil gets some Harmony in his Life!

Phyllis Apartment goes up in flames as Ronan back from his coffee break drives to her apartment for his routine patrol of her place. He can see smoke and flames a half mile from the apartment complex. He radios for back up. He pulls up in front of her apartment and hollers out for Phyllis. He walks into the burning building looking for Phyllis. He finds her and picks her up and carries her outside. He goes back in and drags Michael out of the apartment as the paramedics and firefighters arrive.



Y&R Preemption Notice

Due to a computer crash on Sunday, Y&R will not air today. I have a tech coming out to help me out. Hopefully we can resume with the story tomorrow. We have to find out if Phyllis and Michael will survive the fire and most of all who is the Mystery Woman, Stay tuned for further updates.



Mystery Woman tries to Kill Phyllis! (Friday Cliffhanger)

At Lauren’s apt. Scotty is unpacking his things in the spare bedroom when Lauren walks in. She asks him how long he plans to stay in town. Scotty replies “For a while.” He gets a phone call but ignores it. She asks him if he is ignoring phone calls again. Scotty tells his mom not to worry about it. Lauren tells him to make himself at home. She walks out to tend to Fen. Scotty’s phone rings again. This time he answers. Scotty: What do you want? Why do you keep harassing me like this? Woman: I



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