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Judd is a creep - and he'll ultimately align with the boys - but I love hearing him and Elissa talk with their dueling Southern accents. I like that she can call the other HG by alternate names and he totally knows who she's talking about and starts calling them by the same name, lol.

Her feet never touched the ground. Amazing save:



Rat trying not to get nominated:


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Elissa shouldn't trust Judd. I hope she doesn't. He's her f'in weak spot.

Amanda: Elissa, Judd was trying to get you evicted.

Elissa: So? I love Judd. He's so cute.

Judd is telling the HG he wasn't allowed to talk game with the other jury members unless they were on camera but then he goes on and on about conversations he had to endure with Jessie and Candice. He also told Elissa that Jessie was most mad at her in front of the other HG. No way is that true.

Aaryn is too obsessed with Amanda. Andy was about to leave Team Amanda this afternoon, while Aaryn seemed more juiced than ever about being Amanda's main rat. I think Elissa could get Andy, maybe. She's is trying hard with GM. Big Brother, help the girl out - get her that Nick/Rachel/Brenden picture.

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He is her weak spot. It sucks that there are 4 men in the house after the excruiatingly hard work these ladies did earlier this season to avoid that from happening.

Judd being back sucks. A lot. This week will make or break this season. Nervous :/

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Amanda is trying to brainwash Elissa. Hopefully it doesn't work. (That's why we needed Helen or Jessie or Candice back. Elissa is strong minded but she doesn't have anybody in that house to support her stand). Elissa has answers for all of Amanda's attempts at manipulation so far.

Elissa wants Aaryn gone - or so she tells Amanda - and she's telling Amanda that she'll put McCrae or Amanda up against Aaryn to get it. Hee. So far she's said she definitely will not nominate GM nor Judd. Amanda wants Judd or GM out.

Please, please, please DR don't let Amanda get to set the nominations up for another week.

Amanda: What about Aaryn isn't her real target?

McCrae: No way. It's Aaryn.

Me: Hmm. Probably but she'd be just as happy with (McCrae's) blood or Amanda's.


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Lol at it being the comp I knew it would be and Elissa winning it. Bb is so prkedictable with their favorites.

honestly I won't be surprised to see spencer walk out that door this week. watching her dumb ass try to play this game will be funny tho as it always is. Shed be smartest to put up Amanda/McC from the start tbh.

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This is fun. Elissa is clearly fine with Amanda, Aaryn or McCrae going. She'd prefer Aaryn. Amanda is probably her second choice. Aaryn is a good get, without the strong rats McCranda are nothing. Elissa subtly made it clear to Spencer that her replacement nominee would be Amanda. Spencer didn't tell Amanda this part of the conversation even though he got the message loud and clear. Spencer told Andy who also didn't rat out that fact to Amanda either.


McCrae and Amanda are being shameless. They won't leave Elissa alone to talk to anybody. They realize she's set on nominating one or both of them and they think they can change her mind if they melt into her over the next 12-18 hours. Elissa appears to want to talk to Judd and vice-versa but they're being talk-blocked. I'm surprised McCranda haven't positioned themselves on either side of her in bed, lol. I haven't seen McCrae this active since his first week on the show. He's scrambling and saying actual words in sentences. So awesome to see these two in panic mode. Meanwhile, Andy has apparently jumped off the sinking 3 am alliance ship and is throwing Amanda under the bus. He's also trying to take credit for whom Elissa is not nominating when he had nothing to do with it. Judd blames Amanda for his eviction. She's his target. He told Andy he trusts Elissa, Spencer and GM. Aaryn is letting BB death take her in record time.

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I love seeing Amanda STILL hung up on Judd. Seriously bitch, get over him and worry about yourself. I don't get her anymore. It's funny because I feel like she's trying to hold onto the game she had and refusing to accept it's changing.

I'm glad Judd's back and Elissa won HOH because it means something different happening but at the same time, I don't want to see Spencer, Andy or GM anywhere near the end and IMO, they'll all be there. Especially with Andy and Judd making a deal, them trusting Spencer and McCrae.

Aaryn's pretty much done. Amanda needs to just shut up. I want Elissa to nominate her and tell her it's beause she wouldn't just shut up and let the HOH do what they wanted. Amanda is screwing herself and just doesn't seem to grasp her mouth is why she's in this position. ANd honestly, I think McCrae would drop kick her out the door at this point.

Judd should blame Amanda.

Oh, I'm also tired of Andy but at least, on some level, he's playing. I'm just tired of him trying to 'be good' with everyone. Andy, there are 9 people left. YOU CANNOT SAVE EVERYONE. I love when HGs fail to realize that at somepoint, EVERYONE will be on the block. It's just funny to watch Andy try to save, like say, Spencer because he 'likes him' instead of making moves to further his game (although I guess it's nice he's loyal but I don't see it winning him the money. I hope not. He's getting on my nerves).

And I HATE when players say they wouldn't "waste" an HOH on Spencer or GM. To me, they're just as dangerous as the others. I wouldn't care who went out as long as it wasn't me and someone I was 100% tight with. And even then ... this season is so frustrating as a fan to watch, lol

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