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(formerly known as Novi) A traditional soap opera set in Novi, Michigan

Entries in this blog

Monday, March 19th

Monday, March 19th Anna is having coffee with John at the estate. Anna: I know this was quite short notice, but I needed your expertise immediately. John: It's fine, my day was slow today and I always like to help out a friend. Anna: You've probably already heard the news about McGregor. John: That shocked the heck out of me. What's going on? Anna: Apparently, it was some software error. John: But you suspect otherwise. Anna: Cassandra was the first to make the



Monday, March 12th

Monday, March 12th Anna rings the doorbell at Yvette and Chester's, Chester answers. Chester: Anna, this is a surprise. I didn't think you'd be back for a couple of more weeks. Anna: I figured I needed to come back quickly in light of what is happening with the company. It's good to see you, Chester. Chester: You too. I'm guessing you want to speak with Yvette. Anna: Yes, we do have some things to discuss. Chester: She's out on the terrace. Anna: Thank you. Ann



Saturday, June 25

(to allow for more regular episodes, Varied Lives will be posted on weekends mostly) This episode was Co-written by S.T.E.A.M'S ML Cooks Anna and Andrew are at a resort in Italy. Andrew: This is working out better than I thought it would. Anna: Yes, I feel like we are getting back to normal. As normal as is possible after everything that has happened. Andrew: I know I keep apologizing, but I really am sorry for all those years that I wasn't around. Anna: I'm t



Tuesday, May 3rd

Varied Lives picks up one year from where it last left off. Yvette is in the executive office organizing files when Joseph walks in. Joseph: Afternoon. Yvette: Joe, I'm glad you're here. Joseph: Whenever you say that, you really need help. Yvette: This company is headed for trouble if we don't make some cuts. Joseph: Yep. And unlike the federal government, we can't just pretend to do it. Yvette: That's why I want to get your perspective. Where ar



Previews and News

After a very long hiatus, Varied Lives is back and better than before. Head Writer Phillip Connelly had this to say. “The show will be coming from a fresher perspective. I am adhering to a single vision theory and letting the characters drive the story rather than the plot from now on. The progress of the stories will be in real time, meaning that the show's time line will pick up about one year from when the last episode aired. The show is definitely going to be more sleek, but still main



#87 Friday, November 20th

George and Cassandra are still shocked at the site of Andrew. Cassandra: This can't be. Andrew: I can't tell you how many times I've heard that since I've been back. George: This makes no sense. Andrew: It's a very long story and we've got a lot to talk about. Cassandra: I need to sit down. Cassandra sits down. Cassandra: I thought you were gone forever, now you're standing at the door. George: This can't be who I think it is. Cassandra: I'd know your



#86 Friday, November 6th

Tech difficulties with pictures It's a bright morning and at the McGregor Estate, Anna is reading the newspaper in the kitchen. Andrew comes in the door with doughnuts and coffee. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/393px-John_Amos_with_USCG.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Andrew: Good morning. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/Veronica_Redd.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Anna: Morning. Andrew:



Get Ready

After a very long hiatus, Varied Lives will be returning to SON and SONOP. "November is going to be a good month for Varied Lives and the stories are going to make up for the long hiatus." says the head writer. So what can we expect to see? The head writer didn't drop many hints, other than that some characters that have been on the back burner will be moving to the front. "We'll be seeing some new character interactions, new friendships and of course, new rivalries." And same as



Previews and Casting Updates

It's been a long hiatus for Varied Lives, but the Head Writer says that is about to change. "I haven't had a whole lot of spare time to write, but now that I do, there will be more episodes" said Head Writer Phillip Connelly. As for the storylines, Connelly is just dropping hints. "All I can say is there won't be any disappointments for readers. There are some characters that will be moving to the front burner." In casting news, the role of Norm Donahue has been recast. Lamman Ruc



Thanksgiving Part Three

Continued from the previous episode's final scene, everyone at the McGregor table is shocked. Yvette: Dad? Joseph: How is this possible? Andrew: It's hard to explain, but. Lynette gets up from her seat and goes over to Andrew. Lynette: Is it really you? Andrew: It really is. Lynette hugs Andrew. Lynette: I thought you were gone forever, Dad. Andrew: I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. Lynette turns to Anna. Lynette: Mom, how? Anna: Your father sur



Thanksgiving Part Two

It's Thanksgiving and at the Donahue Ranch, Carol is just starting set the table when Cody comes in. Carol: Oh, good, you're here. Cody: It's a bit early, don't the caterers usually serve the dinner later than this? They have in the past. Carol: No caterers this year, this time around, I cooked. Cody: You cooked? Carol: Yes, is that surprising? Cody: I've never seen you cook, we've always had a cook here and the holiday dinners have been catered. Carol: I'm going for a little more



Thanksgiving Part One

#83 Wednesday, November 26th It's the night before Thanksgiving and Anna is baking pies. Yvette comes in. Yvette: Evening. Anna: Hello, Yvette. Yvette: I came over to see if there was anything I could help with for the dinner. Anna: Thanks, but I can handle everything, I do this every year. Besides, I need to stay occupied, I've got a lot on my mind. Yvette: You've seemed really stressed the past few weeks. Anna: I've just been scrambling to finalize the plans for the spring colle



#82 Monday, November 24th (BONUS EPISODE)

#82 Monday, November 24th (BONUS EPISODE) At the hospital, Lynette is sitting in the waiting room resting when her cell phone vibrates. She goes outside to answer it. Lynette: (into phone) Hello? Greg: I just called to see how you were doing this morning. Lynette: Not good at all. Greg: What's wrong? Lynette: Jim had a heart attack. Greg: That's awful, is he going to be all right? Lynette: The doctors say he should be, but he's still not awake yet. Greg: That's good, the param



#81 Monday, November 24th

#81 Monday, November 24th Aaron comes back to the clinic where Andrew is at Andrew: I saw the press conference on TV, Anna did a great job. Aaron: Yes, she did. Andrew is packing a suitcase. Aaron: You're really going to leave without telling your family the truth? Andrew: I did what I came here to do, now it's done. Aaron: I know I can't tell you what to do, but I think you know better than this. Andrew: It's the right decision. Aaron: You're afraid to face the truth. An



Thanksgiving Special

Varied Lives (formerly Novi) will be returning from hiatus to gear up for an extended length Thanksgiving episode. "As soaps have traditionally had holiday episodes, I've decided to do one for Varied Lives and really use it to advance some of the storylines further and introduce the next elements. The timeline will be moving forward just a bit to adjust for the hiatus and the lack of episodes I posted, but everything will be in order in terms of continuity and story consistency, all your favo



#80 Monday, September 15th

Jim is rushed into the hospital. Dr. Leslie Claiborne rushes over to check him out as the paramedics wheel him in. Leslie: What have we got? Paramedic: Heart attack. Leslie: Get him to the OR, stat! Lynette runs in as the the paramedics wheel Jim into the ER. Lynette: Dr. Claiborne, is he going to be all right? Leslie: It's too early tell. Leslie goes into the ER. _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________



#79 Wednesday, August 20th

#79 Wednesday, August 20th The next morning, Anna, John and the McGregor board of directors are meeting with an SEC official. Anna: And everything there is solid enough for you. Official: It's clear enough for us and the US attorney seems to be on board. Roberta: After reviewing everything this morning, There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that something fraudulent happened. I haven't seen anything like this in years. John: Then we have a case. Anna: Cassandra, buckle y



#78 Monday, August 18th

#78 Monday, August 18th Sterling is in his hotel room, when there's a knock at the door. He answers it and Cassandra walks in. Sterling: What's wrong? Cassandra: We've got trouble. Sterling: What kind of trouble? Cassandra: I think one of the original discs with the real study on it may have went out with some papers to John Phelps. Sterling: What?! Cassandra: Calm down. Sterling: Calm down? How could you let this happen? Cassandra: I'm saying stay calm because I'm not for sur



#77 Friday, July 18th (delayed episode)

#77 Friday, July 18th Aaron walks up to the front door of the McGregor Estate. He rings the doorbell and Anna answers. Anna: Aaron McGregor, I haven't seen you in I don't know how long. Aaron: You do remember me, I'm glad. Anna: Come on in the house, I was just about to sit down to dinner with a friend. Anna brings Aaron into the dining room. Anna: Aaron, This is my friend John Phelps. John, this is Andrew's nephew, Aaron. Aaron: Pleased to meet you. John: Likewise. Aaron:



#76 Wednesday, July 16th

#76 Wednesday, July 16th Cassandra comes into George's office. George: Mother, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. Cassandra: I may have. George: What are you talking about? Cassandra: You'll just think I'm crazy. George: If it's gotten you this spooked, then I want to hear what it is. Cassandra: I think I saw you're father. George: How can that be, Mother? He died twelve years ago. Cassandra: I was driving down the boulevard and I saw a man in a town car and I co



#75 Monday, July 14th

#75 Monday, July 14th Aaron arrives McGregor Inc., looking for Anna, but Yvette is in her office. Aaron: I'm looking for Mrs. Anna McGregor. Yvette: She had to take care of some business at one of the stores, I'm just holding down things here until she gets back, I'm Yvette McGregor-Browne. You look familiar? Aaron: Aaron McGregor. Yvette: Wait a minute, you're Aaron as in Dad's little brother Aaron? Aaron: I guess you wouldn't recognize me right off, we haven't seen each other s



#74 Wednesday, July 9th

#74 Wednesday, July 9th Lynette walks in her and Jim's bedroom, holding the papers. Jim is sitting on the bed. Lynette: Papers to start divorce proceedings? Jim: It's what you want isn't it? Lynette: I don't know what to say. Jim: There's nothing to say. You're in love with someone else, there was no other choice. Lynette: How on earth did we get here? Jim: I guess we're both to blame, one of us more than the other though. Lynette: I never even thought about this, although I kne



#73 Monday, July 7th

#73 Monday, July 7th At Number 37, John is talking with Sterling. John: Thanks for lending me a few minutes of your time, I'm sure you are very busy. Sterling: I'd like to know what this is about. John: You led the shareholders revolt against the board of M.I. (McGregor Inc.), I'm curious to know why. Sterling: Myself and some other shareholders felt the board was getting dangerously close to mismanagement. John: That's what I don't get, the company has done well the past few qua



#72 Friday, July 4th (delayed episode)

#72 Friday, July 4th Jim is back in Novi, his parents have driven him and the kids home. Jim: You really didn't have to drive us home. <a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/?action=view&current=8_6acc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/8_6acc.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> Eleanor: Just thought we'd help you out as much as possible. After everything that has happened, we thought the last



#71 Wednesday, July 2nd (delayed episode)

#71 Wednesday July 2nd George is coming out of the Athletic Club when he bumps into John Phelps. John: What a good timing, you're the other person I've been needing to talk to. George: I'm afraid I don't know you. John: John Phelps, corporate litigator and investigator. George: Oh, you're the guy that spoke to my mother yesterday. I haven't the time for your idle threats. John: This is more of a request. George: I'm very busy. John: Fine, I'm sure you'd gladly like for the SEC



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