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As My World Turns

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I'm not writing in here anymore. If you want to read anything, read my LJ http://another-grl.livejournal.com It's mostly Friends Only, so you'll need to have an LJ account and friend me. Some (mostly the boring stuff) is public, so you can read that I guess. Ciao. Rachel

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


where to begin: I have a nasty stomach virus thing...at least I hope it's just a stomach virus. I went to Health Serv. and the nurse said that that's what she thought it was, so I'm going to wait a few more days (b/c it's supposed to take maybe a week and I've had it since Thursday maybe), and if it doesn't get better, then I'll go back to HS and see a doctor. :/ Soooooo...I really don't want it to be bad. It's like taking over my life b/c I can't do anything overly-stressful, and well...Smit

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

effing ghost!

I didn't want that last entry up top...it makes me too upset. This fricking ghost keeping shutting the door! This is the third time today. People say that there is no such things as ghosts...well, they need to spend a day in my room and they'll start believing. The thing isn't even scary...except that night that it turned on the light. It's just annoying!! Since I really can't find interesting enough History classes here, I might take a class at UMass. Here's why: 1. UMass classes are

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I just found out that my old neighbor, Nina, passed away. She was only 19. We used to hang out a lot my freshmen and about half of sophomore year because we were the only two people on the bus stop. I remember the first day she moved in. She had just come back from Attleboro, and would tell me stories about ditching class at AHS and how she flunked out her freshmen English class and had to to repeat it now at SHS. She would always be smoking at the stop, and we'd have to look around to make s

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I'm worried about registering for classes. I just don't know what I'm going to do...I really should talk to my advisors. I'm taking Portuguese next semester definitely b/c someone I know is taking the class, and usually I'm never w/ friends in the FL classes. And it sucks because you can't even speak English in them, so it's 2x harder to talk to people. Plus, I heard really good things about the POR dept. here, and it doesn't hurt that I already speak it...but I'm not telling the prof. it's

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

roooooooooooom selections

Next week...exactly. 3 April 6PM, we have room draw. Well, Steph (that's my roommate, I'm not sure I've specified that yet) got a really good number: 124. (I got 198, which is good, but her's is better, so we're using that). Now, you'd think that would be the first number....but no. There are like 6-8 new sophomores coming in, and two of them have numbers better than 124 (one is 122!!!) So now we're worried about not getting the room we want. Steph insists that we take 215, which I'm fine wit

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

course selections

It's my favourite time of the semester: course selections!!!!! Here's what my schedule will hopefully look like: MW History 217: World War II in East Asia 9-10.20 MWF Spanish 241: Culturas de Espana 11-12.10 or Portuguese 125: Portuguese for Spanish-speaking people 11-12.10 TTh History 266: Age of Civil War 9-10.20 Spanish 230: Latin American and Peninsula Literature- Transatlantic Search for Identity If I get this schedule, it would mean no classes after 12.10 on MWF and 11.

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

no way

Would it be wrong to say that I don't want to go back to school? I don't care anymore about the homework because I can always find a way around it. Sometimes I wonder, though, if I'm doing the right thing. It's almost like I'm not having a normal college experience...you know? It's not so much about partying because I don't think I would do that anywhere I went. It's just that the majority of my days in college is devoted to homework...just homework. Between classes and dinner, then between dinn

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

spring break

I wrote a long entry in my LJ, so I'm just copying and pasting it here...w/ minor changes to make it fit to this blog: Sorry that I haven't updated in a week. Last week was just awful. I'm trying to get over it, but it seems impossible. This week is bound to go by too quickly: I can't believe it's already Tuesday. Anyway, I'm not as depressed as I was last week, but I still am because I'm so worried about my classes. I'm sure that I did awfully on all of the stuff that was due last week. I

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I had a realization last night that I need some kind of help. I guess I was denying that my depression would come back. I thought that once I was out of high school and in college that it would go away, but I think that it just got worse instead. I'm going to schedule an appointment with the counseling services tomorrow, and I'll probably have an appointment after spring break. Then, I'll just ask to see a psychologist so I can get on medication. Honestly, I don't care anymore. I need to overcom

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

ready to die

My weekend was good. Mary came--and is still here. She's leaving at 5, and once it happens I'm terribly screwed. A part of me feels like crawling into my bed and never getting out. This week is going to be awful. I have two papers, a composition, and a mid-term. Also, I'm dropping my Spanish major. The class is just painful. I cried in class today. I know that this might be because of the professor, but I don't care. It makes me feel like an idiot, and I can't subject myself to that anymo

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

it begins

I hate when Fridays don't seem like Fridays. Today, after the usual classes, I have to vacuum the room and steal the mattress from up in the attic. Tonight one of our friends is sleeping in our room because her roommate's boyfriend is coming to town. So I figure that since Mary's coming tomorrow, I'd have to get the room ready anyway. Plus, I'll be bringing back my air mattress from home. But then at 4 I have effing tea duty. Ugh...I hate tea!!!!!! It's this stupid tradition that Smith has

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

quick update

I got my tax returns back...finally. I was officially broke for this past week and it was really crappy. At least now I'll have a little bit more spending money. I'm only using my state tax returns and am saving the federal. If you're wondering about my signature, it's a picture from The Simpsons when Lisa is visited by the Seven Sisters and of course Smith is a butch lesbian. It doesn't mean I'm a lesbian...because I'm not. But that's how my college is stereotyped as being. One of my frien

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

I don't care about that

Mary's coming on Saturday! Woo-hoo! And it's going to be 60* and sunny (hopefully), so we can have lots of fun. It will be a good distraction from all the work that has to get done before spring break. My Spanish class frustrates me so much. I feel like a failure in that class. Ugh! I really do think I need to take 2 classes next semester, or I'll never get good. I have way too much homework and I have to go to work in 3 minutes. Ciao PS. I never realized how straight-edge I am u

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

calling for the future

In less that two weeks (12 days), I will be home on spring break. I am very excited because I'm definitely getting sick of this place. It's not that I don't like it here, but sometimes you just need to get away in order to appreciate it more. I think this is my problem because I'm in a rut: it's from doing too much homework and not getting enough appreciation for it. Mary might be coming to visit me. Her spring break is next week, and since we won't be able to hang out together at home, I as

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

life can be pretty crazy sometimes

I guess I'm just not in the mood to talk to other people today. Certain individuals have been bothering me, and the only way that I can react is by ignoring them. Sometimes I just don't understand how other people can seem to "have it all" while I have to struggle just to be average. There's this one girl who I guess I'm friends with, but she just makes me feel like I'm worthless. She doesn't do any of her reading for classes and slacks off all weekend, but then she gets amazing grades. To me, t

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

what a relief

Okay, so I didn't get in. And I guess I'm a little upset about it, but I'm pretty much fine with it. I'm not even that disappointed. So I'm really proud of myself because this is the first time that I did something that I kind of knew I wouldn't get into, and I didn't freak out about it. I just read the letter and threw it out. There are plenty of better opportunities out there, like being a HONS or SAA, which requires a more personal connection with new students. Hopefully I'll get a position t

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I think I have an ulcer because I always have a stomachache, and I have been stressing myself out a lot this semester. Plus, last night I took an aspirin, and it really hurt my stomach. So I don't know what I want to do about it because I'm sure that it's not too serious, but if it gets worse, I might have to go to the doctor's. Tomorrow I find out about Gold Key. I'm really nervous...more nervous than I should be. I'm sure that I didn't get in because it was way too competitive, and I'm tryi

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh


I have another cold. Isn't that horrible? I just had a cold two weeks ago, and now I have another one. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. It was weird. Usually I'm a really heavy sleeper, but last night I kept waking up. I did get up at 8.45, which is like the earliest I've gotten up in weeks. I also did a decent amount of homework last night too, so I'm very proud of myself. I finished my problem set for Econ, and I'm rather confident about it. If I get anything lower than an 85, I'll

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

last day of February

I need to start focusing on work more because the next two weeks are going to be quite hectic. I have two papers, one paper proposal, and a mid-term all before spring break--not to mention insane amounts of other homework to complete. I hope I can survive in time for spring break. I'm too sure about that though. Today my History prof had an examination thing in class to get her tenure, so all these old men from the History dept. showed up and observed our class. I found it to be really odd.

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

study break

It is 18* here, not to mention the wind which makes it feel like -40*. I've been really good about my homework. All I have to do tonight is read, read, read, read, read, read. Okay, what I don't understand is like if I say that I have a Spanish essay, isn't it implied that the essay is in Spanish?? I told someone that I was working on my Spanish essay, and then she looked at it, and was like, "Oh, it's in Spanish!" Hello!?!?! Why wouldn't it be in Spanish?? I mean, if it were an Intro. cl

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

discovering new places

I had my interview. I think it was decent, but who knows? A lot of people applied for the position, and even if I did amazingly well, I still might not get it. If I don't, I'll just try again next year, right? I hope that I get it because then I can be cool and show people around our lovely campus and persuade people to apply here. Wouldn't that be great?? I don't find out until the 3rd about whether I got in or not. I picked up a sheet at the Registrar's Office to declare my majors, but I

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

declaring my majors!!

Next week I'm declaring my majors (History/Spanish). I know that I still have another year, but if it's official then I can take the time to calculate what classes to take. And my History professor agreed to be my advisor for that major. Actually, she suggested being my advisor, and who am I to protest?? She's going on sabbatical next year, but since (hopefully) she'll be back for my last two years I don't think it will be a big problem, especially since she'll e-mail me and I do have anothe

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

bad days

So, I was supposed to go for my interview. I got all ready for it. I even blow-dryed my hair, which I never do. I went to the admissions office, and nobody was there!! I was so upset! I messed up the place! I was so disappointed that I cried, and pretty much my whole night was ruined. I couldn't even go to sleep easily because my stomach hurt so much. This week has just been horrible. It got off so BADLY!, and it looks like it's going to end that way. I e-mailed the interview people, thou

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

rally day!!

Today is Rally Day. Don't ask me what it is. It's just another one of the stupid holidays here. Since we're a private college, they don't have to give us federal holidays off (and they DON'T here!!). So in substitution for the federal holidays, we get these weird holidays off. Like instead of Labor Day, we get Mountain Day which is a day where the president of the college wakes up and annouces some random day off. It just has to be nice out and autumn. And instead of Veteran's Day, we get Ot

Ms. Walsh

Ms. Walsh

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