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Just Paradise #23: Jesse has an important meeting. Paul Ryan has a surprise one.

Written by: Nick M.   At the women’s shelter:   Miss Cho has pulled Ali and Charlotte aside.   CHARLOTTE: Something wrong Miss Cho? MISS CHO: One of the girls you two have gotten close to has decided it is time to leave here. ALI: Really? CHARLOTTE: You are not talking about Jacy are you?   Jacy walks into the room.   JACY: She do be talkin’ bout me. ALI: You are leaving? JACY: It is the right time…   Ali and Charlotte are surprised…   --   Jesse



Just Paradise #22: Can Bo get loose before Stefano's next step?

Written by: Nick M.   At the high school:   Marcino is in class looking miserable.   He has a flashback: Just Paradise #19   Greg has kissed Marcinos who is caught off guard   Marcino starts to get into the kiss…but then abruptly pulls away and stands up!   MARCINO: What are you doing, Greg! GREG: What do you mean what am I doing? Kissing you.   Marcino wipes her mouth   MARCINO: Um…why? GREG: Because the moment was building to that. MARCINO: I have n



Just Paradise #21: Eliza goes to Barbara for help

Written by: Nick M.   At the college:   Miranda and JJ see each other in the hallway.   JJ yawns a tad over dramatically.   MIRANDA: Is that your way of saying you are tired? JJ: I am pretty beat. MIRANDA: I did not mean to keep you up last night. So sorry about my scream. JJ: I thought you were under attack. MIRANDA: I practically was by that rat!   JJ: Did you buy a trap yet? MIRNADA: Haven’t gotten around to it. JJ: You better or it might pop back out at y



Just Paradise #20: JJ hears Miranda scream/Will Greg get away?

Written by Nick M   Cut to Jeremy   He meets with two people, Rina and Gus   Rina is British and Gus American.   GUS: About time you show up. JEREMY: I have been busy working on something. GUS: I can only imagine what you are cookin’ up now. JEREMY: Don’t be annoying. RINA: Yeah, don’t be daft, Gus.   Gus rolls his eyes   JEREMY: I am happy to see you two though. We have much to discuss.   RINA: We do? JEREMY: Oh yeah. GUS: Can we have fun while we d



Just Paradise #19: Paul Ryan needs help/Greg turns to Marcino

Written by: Nick M.   At the hospital:   Terrance is walking out of a room.   NURSE: Did it go well? TERRANCE: Perfect. NURSE: Hope you feel better. TERRANCE: I plan on it.   Terrance walks around the corner of the hallway and there sits Natalia   NATALIA: Hey! TERRANCE: We should probably try and stop running into each other at a hospital of all places. NATALIA: Yeah, that is true. Are you feeling okay? TERRANCE: I am doing fine. And how are you doing with y



Just Paradise #18: Vin has been KO’d/Hope Brady gets help

Written by: Nick M.   Jesse walks into an office.   The office of Police Chief Jones .   CHIEF JONES: Welcome Jesse JESSE: Hello Sir   They shake hands.   CHIEF JONES: What brings you by this evening? JESSE: I have been trying to get this one on one meeting with you for a while. CHIEF JONES: Sorry it has taken so long. I took a much needed vacation. JESSE: Do you feel rested? CHIEF JONES: Ready to take on the city! JESSE: Wonderful then I hope you will like my f



Just Paradise #17: Daniel Jonas is an A-hole

Written by: Nick M.   At BRO:   Paul knocks on Barbaras office.   BARBARA: Come in? PAUL: I can’t do this. BARBARA: What do you mean? What’s wrong, son? PAUL: It has been chaos today. So many shipments of possible materials. BARBARA: Material is important. We need the right ones. PAUL: I know. I know that you want your designs to be perfect in every way. BARBARA: I sure do.   PAUL: I just did not get much sleep at all. BARBARA: Why not? PAUL: Emily. BARBARA:



Just Paradise #16: Bo recalls what went down

Written by: Nick M.   Jesse and Angie are sitting together at their home.   Jesse is feeding Angie a grape.   JESSE: Feeling like a queen yet? ANGIE: You are doing a good job of making me feel like one. JESSE: I am just glad we actually have a day off together! ANGIE: I know. It has not been happening much.   Jesse kisses her on the cheek.   She returns the favor with a kiss on the lips.   JESSE: Juicy. ANGIE: That’s the grapes. JESSE: Nope. Definitely your lips, Angie.   The



Just Paradise #15: Paul and Emily have it out!

Written by: Nick M. Brittany is at Billy’s place. BILLY: You stopped by on your way to work just to see me? BRITTANY: Yeah. It is starting to feel like if we do not see each other every day that the day doesn’t even feel right. BILLY: Now that you mention it, you are right. BRITTANY: I really do need to get to work though. I cant be late. BILLY: Have a good shift. I’ll just be here…doing my usual. Lounging around. BRITTANY: Are you going to go look for a job yet? BILLY:



Just Paradise #14: Bad news for Ali. Worse news for the Bradys.

Vin is outside of Psychiatrist Jerri's office. He looks inside at the secretary. VIN: I’ll just wait here. This is the one Ali was talking to. The one who probably turned her against me. He looks back in and glares. Vin sees a patient leaving and he charges inside. SECRETARY: Excuse me you cannot go back there! Vin pushes past her and does. JERRI: Excuse me? VIN: You and I need to talk. JERRI: Who are you? VIN: The boyfriend of one of your patient



Just Paradise #13: Bad news spreads through Independence day

At the strip club: Oddball Jeremy walks in… He goes to the bar The bartender, Bob places a napkin where he is sitting. BOB: What can I get for you? JEREMY: Your best beer on tap. BOB: Coming right up. A stripper is on stage. Bob hands Jeremy his beer. Jeremy takes a sip and then stares a hole through the stripper that is on stage… Meanwhile, Derrick walks to the back room at the club. He seems agitated. He makes a phone call.



Just Paradise #12: BRO Opens/Greg and Marcino make a discovery

Cut to Miranda at home. She is listening to her headphones as she is going over some homework. There is a knock at her door but she doesn’t hear it at first with her headphones on. The knocking slightly increases and she hears it and turns off her music. Miranda opens the door to see JJ. JJ: Hi…neighbor. MIRANDA: Hey… JJ: I hope this isn’t awkward. MIRANDA: Why would it be awkward? JJ: You know…the other night. I was doing some bad unneighborly stupidness with some lo



Just Paradise #11: Natalia and Jesse don't see eye to eye

Steve is getting home taking his bags out of his car. He hears a voice say “Long trip?” He turns around to see Roman Brady. STEVE: Roman, what are you doing here? ROMAN: The ISA sent me out to talk to you. STEVE: Is this about the operation to find Bo? ROMAN: I have some good news… Steve is intrigued -- At the hospital, Angie is pushing Natalia around in a wheel chair. NATALIA: I probably could walk you know? ANGIE: Leave that to the physical



Just Paradise #10: Armed Robbery

At the casino: Brittany is bartending. The bar is kind of bare tonight. She becomes much happier when Billy sits at the bar. BRITTANY: Hey you! BILLY: Thought I would stop by tonight. BRITTANY: The usual beer? BILLY: Yes the usual root beer. BRITTANY: I really am glad you showed u. It is kind of dead tonight. BILLY: A dead casino. Sounds depressing to me. BRITTANY: This city relies on its vacationers. Without travelers you get nights like this.



Just Paradise #9: Eliza undresses/Also Stefano is here

JJ Horton is walking up the stairs of his apartment. Carrying his book bag. He gets to his apartment to see Eliza sitting there by his door. ELIZA: I thought you were never going to get home. JJ: Just getting out of a class. How long have you been waiting? ELIZA: Not too long. JJ: I hope not. ELIZA: I haven’t. The beer is still cold. JJ: What? Eliza has a six pack beside her and picks it up as she stands up. JJ: You brought beer again? ELIZA: I am going t



Just Paradise #8: Patch and Terrance in England

IN England: Steve and Terrance are with Greta Von Amberg. GRETA: Please take a seat. TERRANCE: This couch does look comfy. GRETA: It is top of the line….so you said you were friends of Bo Bradys? STEVE: We are. I know we never met while you lived in Salem. I had this pesky presumed dead thing going on, but Bo and I have been good friends for a long time. GRETA: What brings you all out here? STEVE: I was hoping you had some info. GRETA: About Bo? TERRANCE: Yes you



Just Paradise #7: JJ and Miranda bond

Marcino and Greg have met up in a park. GREG: So what wrong man? You needed to get out of the house? MARCINO: Yeah some old friend of my moms has been hanging around her. GREG: Are they together together? MARCINO: I hope not. GREG: You don’t like him? MARCINO: Not really. GREG: He an as*hole or something? MARCINO: I hardly know him. I don’t think she knows him either. They like knew each other in high school or something. GREG: Maybe you should give him a chance first?



Just Paradise #6: Jesse's quest for Paradise

Billy and Brittany are hanging out. Brittany pours Billy some lemonade. BILLY: Thank you. I am parched. BRITTANY: Parched. Who says that? What are you, an old man? BILLY: If I was still in Genoa City, I would feel like one. That places ages you. BRITTANY: Well good thing you came here to Paradise. BILLY: Yes. Paradise. Has this place been your Paradise since you moved here? BRITTANY: It has been okay. I’ve landed on my feet here thanks to the casino. BILLY: I need to land



Just Paradise #5: Emily and Eliza set their sights..

Gang members Vin , Chavo and Greg are in an alley. VIN: The convenience store is nearby. GREG: You are not thinking about doing this today are you? CHAVO: Yeah, I thought your gun was stolen and you haven’t gots your new one yet. VIN: Yeah I will be getting my piece any day now, but I would still like to do this robbery today. GREG: With what weapon? VIN: There are three of us. We don’t need a weapon. We have the man power. CHAVO: This isn’t as full proof as I hoped. VIN: I’



Just Paradise #4: Barbara Ryan Hath Arrived

Miranda Montgomery is out getting coffee. She is waiting in line to order. Katsu Itami is also there. He is sitting down doing something on his computer. He takes a sip of coffee and notices Miranda. He smirks as he stares towards her.. -- Billy arrives at Brittanys house. She lets him in and hugs him. BRITTANY: I’m glad you could make it! BILLY: You forget I’m still new to town. I have absolutely nothing better to do. BRITTANY: Well it jus



Just Paradise #3: The Ryan Family Future

Lucas Roberts is at his house. He takes some papers out of his brief case. He takes a sip of coffee. LUCAS: Might have to be a late night. The doorbell rings. Lucas is thrilled to see his sister Jennifer Horton! LUCAS: Jenn! Come on in. JENNIFER: Hi Lucas LUCAS: So good to see another familiar face. Two in one day. I saw Steve and Kayla earlier. JENNIFER: Oh wow. It’s gonna be a Salem reunion. JJ is going to go to college here. LUCAS: That is fantastic ne



Just Paradise #2: TRAGEDY

At the Paradise Casino Brittany Hodges and Billy Abbott are thrilled to see one another at the Casino bar. Brittany Is one of the bartenders. BILLY: How long has it been Brit? BRITTANY: I don’t know, but certainly too long. BILLY: I guess coming here my first day in town was fate. BRITTANY: I think it was! Brittany hands a beer to a customer. BILLY: Nothing like over priced bar alcohol. BRITTANY: Isn’t that true. Hey, I get off in just a few minutes. We shou



Just Paradise #1

Terrance Smith is shown driving down The highway *SEE TERRANCE FIRST APPEARANCE IN “UNION CREEK #1” He is jamming out to some hip hop. He sees a road sign: Paradise, New Mexico 40 miles. TERRANCE: I hope this place really is.... -- Paradise, New Mexico Cut to Billy Abbott . He is parked outside of the Paradise Casino. BILLY: …Paradise. This place really is. He seems lost in thought.... BILLY: Do I really want to do this though. Go



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