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From Fox to the CW to SON...

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Episode 2.06 "Winding Way"

Winding Way Everything is fast paced in LA People are on edge And for some it's life or... ULA: Lauren is talking with the nurses at the front desk. She is relieved that Michael is going easier on her. Suddenly the next patient is rushed in. The hospital staff gasp when they recognize him. Drew is being rolled in. Lauren turns, "Drew? Oh my God." She r



Episode 2.05 "Mission"

Mission The Sun has risen in LA People are beginning their day And everyone has plans at 4616 Melrose Place Apartment 6: Jonah is sleeping on his couch. He begins waking up to the smell of bacon and french toast. He opens his eyes. He can see Violet standing in his kitchen wearing nothing but a T-shirt. She is making breakfast. He stares, "What's this?" She turns, "Oh I'm sorry! Did I wake you? He smiles, "No better way to wake up."



Episode 2.04 "Carmelina"

Carmelina It's the afternoon in LA. Traffic is backed up. The beaches are filled. Courtyard: Drew is out in the courtyard. Lauren is walking out of her apartment. She looks down, "Hey." He looks up at her, "Hi." She walks down the steps, "What's up?" He sighs, "Just waiting for Riley to come home. It's more relaxing to wait out here then inside our apartment." Lauren nods, "I see. So are you having the talk?" Drew laughs, "I think she alr



Episode 2.03 "Hart"

Hart Another sunny morning Warm LA weather Growing tension at 4616 Melrose Place Apartment 4: Chase Matthews walks around his room in his boxer briefs. His room is covered in different outfits. Finally he makes his selection. After doing his hair he walks out to the living room. Ella Simms is pacing. He stares, "El, what's up? I thought you'd be at work by now." She sighs, "I've never been late before. But I'm thinking of a new route to take



Episode 2.02 "Flower"

Flower Early morning in LA. People are waking up and getting out. Ladies are slipping on their Manolo's. The busy day in the work world of LA is beginning. Courtyard: Riley kneels down around the bar. She is attempting to pick up the broken glass. Drew looks at her, "Be careful. I'm gonna go get something." Ella walks out of her apartment and walks over, "Riley? Is it possible that you have gotten even more clumsy then you already are? Impressive."



Episode 2.01 "Sunset"

Sunset It's morning in West Hollywood. The stores are filled. Streets are busy. And spirits seem high at 4616 Melrose Place. Courtyard: Ella Simms lies in her pool chair next to her new roommate Chase floating beside her. Ella sips her drink, "What did people do outside before pools?" Chase sighs, "I don't know and I don't care." Ella lifts up her sunglasses, "Obviously it wasn't to watch roommates hooking up a few feet away." David and Lauren



Character Profiles

Ella Simms: "I don't play the wishing game. If I want something, I go out and get it" The bisexual publicist for WPK, Ella lives her life through her blackberry. She has fears about monogomy and getting her heart broken (recently by her friend Jonah Miller). Ella idolized her mentor Amanda Woodward until Amanda stabbed her in the back. Now Ella has taken down Amanda but as everyone at 4616 Melrose Place knows, no one (especially Amanda Woodward) stays down for long. Lauren Y



Coming This Summer!!!

Melrose Place 2.0 Set in a scandalous apartment complex in West Hollywood, Melrose Place first hit the air in 1992 on Fox. In 2009 it was revived on the CW but was cancelled after one season. Now the writer of FTL brings you a second season. 10 episodes ordered that will be posted over the course of the summer of 2011. The episodes will continue with the new format of being titled after streets in Los Angelas, the first upcoming being "Sunset". Don't miss the stories t



Coming Soon...

SON has taken readers all over the country! Salem, Pasadena, Cody, Springfield, etc... Coming soon! SON will bring back the cities, the address, the building, where drama was pushed, history was made, lies were contagious, sex sold, and scandal was in the air. The most famous address to take place in West Hollywood: 4616 Melrose Place! Coming soon...



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