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Just a place to make comments about some of the soaps I watch...

Entries in this blog

Jan Spears is CRAZY

So since it's been... forever since I've even been here, or posted anything at all, or even looked at this blog for that matter, I figured I would post something just for the heck of it. (On a side note, I'm going to have to go back through and look at this blog, simply because I have totally forgotten what I've even posted in here O__o) So I've seen quite a bit of the Jan Spears saga (as I'll call it) on Youtube. To be quite honest, I think she's insane and she's evil... but that's what m



Kim and Shane in London

So I watched yet another clip on Youtube, involving Shane and Kim, who have become my favorite couple on Days. It was the clip where they were at London, and made love for the first time. They started kissing, and were just starting to get into it, when Kim hesitated and moved away, saying she wasn't sure about it. But then, Shane told her--for the first time--that he loved her, and she told him that she loved him back. So then... they made love. Now, once again... I'm impressed with the port



Anna and Tony

I watched another clip on Youtube the other day, one that involved these two. It was a scene where Anna woke up and discovered Tony gone, and had thought he had run out on her after she had poured out her heart to him, so she almost checked out and left the hotel. Then when Tony returned--apparently having just gone out and made some plans--he found out that Anna was leaving, and thought that she was running out on him. But thankfully, they managed to get that miscommunication straightened out,



Days of Our Lives characters--just a few... first impressions

Well, I watched a few more YouTube clips of Days of Our Lives. And I saw a few new characters. Now, first of all... I must say that I like Shane and Kim very, very much. They are so sweet, and they're like the PERFECT couple, even though they've obviously had their problems in their relationship, just like any other couple. I also saw a little of Belle and... Shawn, was it? And Belle's miscarriage of Shawn's child. That was so emotional, and so sad. Furthermore, I saw Marlena for the fi



Shane and Kim's First Date

So I watched a couple more clips on Youtube from Days of Our Lives. Honestly, these days, YouTube is my main source, whenever I want to look up a TV show or something. Well, I watched Shane and Kim's first date. This is the first time I've really seen the couple, and... I think they're charming. Kim has spunk, I'd say, and she's not afraid to voice her opinion, and when she doesn't like something or doesn't want to do something, she says so, clearly. She also has a heart, and seems like a swe



Question about Days of Our Lives

Okay well... I am taking a break from that original fic series I was working on, partly because I have a bit of writer's block with it, but also because I spent so much time working on it yesterday it gave me a headache, LOL. Plus... I think it's getting a little ridiculous in some ways anyway. *snort* Anyway, the main purpose of this entry is I wanted to ask if anyone had any good recommendations for some good Days of Our Lives episodes. Like... which episodes were your favorite, and why? An



Knights Town, Episode 4: Changes

A/N Okay apparently I'm on a ROLL today, heh... third episode I've put up today O.o Anyway I hope this didn't turn out too bad or anything... it might be a bit sloppy or rushed in a way, but I sorta wanted to summerize what happened over a specific period of time. Anyway, thanks again, Daysfan, for your ideas and for helping! ------ A week had passed, and Melissa was rapidly getting used to a new daily routine, where she would receive an assignment, then go and gather whatever interv



Knights Town, Episode 3: The Secret Room

A/N Thanks again to Daysfan for helping. Enjoy! The Lewis Mansion somehow appeared even larger, and quieter, now that there wasn't a Town Party going on. Plus it seemed that all traces of the party had been cleaned up, or moved. Kitty lead the way as she and Melissa walked through the large Banquet Hall, where the party had taken place three days ago. Their footsteps seemed to echo against the glistening marble floor, as they made their way toward Mr. Lewis's office, located just off to th



Knights Town, Episode 2, Tragedy and Hope

A/N Again I want to thank Daysfan for her encouragement, for being an idea bouncer, and for helping me write this And now, the next chapter of my original fic series (which I am totally enjoying writing) -------------- Melissa sat on the edge of her bed in her room, clasping her hands together, knitting her fingers together. She leaned forward slightly, her elbows on her knees, and rested her chin atop her folded hands. She had just recieved news from the hospital. Her father had su



Knights Town, Episode 1: A New Beginning

Author's note: I owe Daysfan a HUGE debt of gratitude for helping me with this, for helping me come up with character names and for being an idea bouncer. This is an original series Soap Opera of my invention, with a lot of help from Daysfan. So... if you're reading this, I hope you like it. -------------- Melissa Howel, a 19-year-old girl with brown hair, was nervous, and she made no effort to conceal that fact. She swallowed, wiping away a thin bead of sweat that had formed along her for



Jack and Kayla scene

Okay well, I just figured I'd make another blog entry, just for the heck of it. Like I mentioned before, I am intrigued by Days of Our Lives, and from what little I have seen so far, the storylines seem to be wonderfully put together, the characters are well developed, and the actors and actresses do a wonderful job of potraying these characters. However... it will probably still take me a while to learn all the names. Also, I have an even harder time remembering the names of the people who p



First entry--WOOT!

Okay, I am brand new here... and still sorta learning my way around the forum. I came here mostly because of daysfan456, who is a very good friend of mine. Heck she even got me slightly hooked on Days of Our Lives, heh. Well, that is, I have decided I like the show, anyway. So anyway, well... I've never seen Days on TV or anything, but I have watched one episode on YouTube. The Christmas episode of 1987. I thought it was a very, very well-written episode, the actors did well, and the characte



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